Bread Recipes

How I Make Scratch White Bread + Scratch Pizza Dough

How I Make Scratch White Bread + Scratch Pizza Dough

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somebody is loving new puppies it’s like
they have new babies or something they
are sleeping and having crazy dreams
today we’re going to make some homemade
pizza crusts and if we have time we will
make or if we have enough flour that is
we will make homemade white bread as
well so with the kapitsa cross we need 7
cups of flour look at my note cards here
7 cups of flour 7 grams of yeast which
is one of those little active yeast
packets two and a half cups of water of
one teaspoon of sugar 1/2 teaspoon of
salt and 6 tablespoons of olive oil the
white bread is very similar but it’s 8
cups of flour one yeast packet two and a
half cups of water 1 teaspoon of sugar
and one and a half teaspoon of salt
let’s go alright so I am over here I’ve
got white bread but I’m gonna make and
my old son Robbie he’s gonna make things
across so he’s got 7 cups of flour here
I’ve got 8 for the white bread and the
first thing we’re gonna do is take our
two and a half cups of water and we are
going to mix in our yeast and our sugar
into that water I need one teaspoon of
sugar in my water I get 1/2 teaspoon
measuring cup here so two of those
you say that you are and I believe
that’s just to help the yeast get going
so they yeah we’re just using some
active dry yeast from the store and I
think the sugar just helps that dry
yeast get going so after it for the sin
I’m going to stir it in let it sit five
minutes until bubbly
all right so just stir mine in there’s
my yeast packet and my sugar and my turn
out of cups water getting nice and
broken down here I would hang on that to
get bubbly focus here I so am i and I
have salt that I need to add to my flour
so we’re going right here we’re mixing
right here on the table and we were
going to add I’m gonna have one and a
half teaspoons of salt right again this
is for the white bread for the pizza
crust he’s gonna add one and a half
teaspoons of salt and also the oil which
you have six tablespoons of olive oil
he’s got it out there so go ahead three
scoops of salt to make a well and then
make it well how about oh my god so we
take our hand straighten like this and
then do a little circle with it there’s
your well yeah three scoops of salt yep
Charlie’s Guinea flour and salt
all right so let’s one and a half
teaspoons of salt and then he’s going to
add seven or six sorry six tablespoons
of olive oil into as well as well so our
mix is starting to look a little bubbly
here we are going to start to pour it
into our well right here on the table
and begin to mix it in
after you got yourself a nice palatable
dough ball which you’ve worked up then
you’re gonna want to take a pan that’s
oiled up three stuff right place your
dough ball inside cover it with some
saran wrap and you’re gonna let it stand
for two hours
all right so our initial two hours have
passed I’m going to take our bread bowl
and our pizza crust fall open it up here
this is already I can tell you it’s been
stickier than what we’re used to
don’t let this stage it’s pretty dry I
don’t know if it’s the humidity in this
house or what I’m not used to be in this
thing yeah it’s a sticky so we’re going
to we’re going to get it over here and
do a little bit more kneading
so what I need I just push out pull and
fold over to create a little air pocket
and push it down again but I just keep
doing it push it out pulling it over to
create inner pocket
push it out here from here with the
this makes two loaves so you’re going to
want to try to look at about equal size
and we’re going to cut it in half so we
have two equal parts
with the bread loaves after you
separated them and needed them again you
don’t try to get all your creases on the
bottom try to get the smooth of your
blow so with that I just want to take
your hands and kind of come down and
push push the dough fold underneath so
you’ve got a smooth looking a layer on
top and your folds can all be underneath
so fold side down pop it into your pan
these are two grease pans out here
with this you take a damp towel you’re
going to cover it for another hour we’re
having bigger issues with pizza dough
normally we’ll roll this into a ball at
this point but I don’t you can see it’s
still very sticky so I’m having the rest
of the flour that we have left could use
some more I think but since this is all
we have we’re just you know but I guess
his piece is looking pretty good these
came from the same batch but I can’t get
mine to stop sticking to my fingers
anyway the next step for this is the
same as the bread except you’re gonna
make dough balls which make a dough ball
again it’s putting the tuck side down
underneath and set them down
and then you take your moist towel and
you’re going to also cover these for an
hour after the hour you’ll be ready to
spread them out and add your toppings I
think I forgot to mention me to cut the
pizza dough into four equal parts and
two of those are put over the freezer
bags I’m only making three pizzas
tonight all right so while we’re waiting
for the bread to rise one last time if
you are making the pizza crust you’ll
want to pre-heat your oven preferably
with a baking stone in there I don’t
have a baking stone so what we do is we
take a pan and we flip it upside down
and put it in the oven rack gonna
preheat it to 500 degrees if you’re
making the bread first you want to
preheat that to 400 degrees the bread
takes about 30 to 35 minutes so fully
cooked you’re gonna want that in the
center rack the pizza is a fast cook
it’ll cook for about 10 minutes at that
500 degrees on that makeshift pizza
stone or real beats it’s not if you have
that so when this hours up we’ll put
some toppings in that pizza and get it
in the oven so we can have dinner
snagging on some chips tips and
cucumbers while we’re waiting for the
pizza dough to rise alright so you can
hope is that these things aren’t super
sticky anymore well the crust still are
just too sticky but we’re not giving up
I’m going with the rolling pin
bread look sighs don’t be good
okay here’s my last tip – and then
really I’m saying tonight when the bread
comes out don’t cut it right away I made
a mistake the first time you gotta let
it cool down for a few hours before you
cut into it otherwise it just crumbles
as you’re cutting it but if you let it
cool cuz really well

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