Pancakes Recipes

How not to make banana pancakes/ sister gets attacked by demon cat.

Hello everyone I thought it would be fun to try to cook a healthy alternative to pancakes and it was but mine tasted awful. Like and sub and please go follow my Instagram
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all right what’s up everyone my name iskate lyons and today i’m going to showyou how to makebanana pancakes now it’s very simple youreally only need about three ingredientsand thevery first most important thing isa banana without the banana it won’tworkyou’re gonna need not one but two eggshuevos and a little bit of baking powdera little bit of baking powder a littlebit of baking powder so the first thingyou want to dois take the skin off the bananaand you want to chop it up into decentsized chunksnow you can do this with any type ofbanana you know how sometimes bananasare like mushy and stuffsimply throw them in to some bananapancakesand make use of them instead of throwingthem away because nobody likes mushybananasso just chop it up not too fine but somedecent-sized chunksso here’s what here’s how mine look umput them into a bowllike so and then uhnext you’ll need to crack your eggsso expert at egg tracking i’ve beendoing this for yearsoh i cracked this one wrong like anidiotthat’s oh and i dropped it in that’s thefirst thing you don’t want to doyou don’t want to drop your eggs into uhyour mixture because that’s disgustingthat’sthat’s a rookie move right there okaynext you get like a fork or somethingjust that mixing and mashmix as well as i’d like it tobut it still tastes deliciousactually it’s mixing very well so mixthatyou don’t want to forget your bakingpowderbaking soda just sprinkle a little bitin thereit doesn’t really matter how much youget in that doesn’t really matter howmuch you get in there doesn’t reallymatter how much you get in therejust don’t want to overdo it so that’sall you taste but you definitely want tomixenough in there see not much is comingout right nowthen you just mix it around i don’tthink i got enoughoh that’s perfect so you mix it up inthere i don’t knowoh that’s perfect enough oh that’sperfectoh that’s perfect so that’s all youtastebut you definitely want to mix enough inthere see not much is coming out rightnowthen you just mix it around you guys notjust see the sevenpounds of baking soda that i just dumpedinto thatand i thought that that wasn’t enoughand then i just sprinkled likeanother freaking chunk of baking powderand i’m like oh that’s perfect look at ii act like i know what i was doing but ihad no cluei don’t think i got enough oh that’sperfectsomething that you want to keep in mindwith this is that it’s not pancakes thisis literally a three ingredient recipewithout flour it’s bananas baking powderand eggsso the way it flips and how it holdstogether is going to be morefrail and fragile compared to what apancakeall right while my second pancake iscooking i just like to take a moment andtalk about what’s coming soon for thechannelum i plan to do uh anabolic french toastalmost like a greg ducette becausethat’s where i learned it from so i’mgonna show you guys how to make someanabolic french toast umprotein brownies and anything else thati learned in the meantimelet’s see if we can get a better flipfor the second one andcome on get off the spatulaall right don’t get discouraged bywatching thisso if you’re like me and you lovepancakes butyou don’t love the unnecessary carbs andweight that it comes with pancakes umi would definitely recommend trying thisout like i said it’s not gonnait’s not gonna taste the same but it’slike the same concept souh try it out if you like pancakes likeeven if you’re not on a diet try it outi definitely recommend thisum if you like it share to some friendsi’m sure they’ll enjoyall right we’re on the third pancakewe’re gonna try to flip it overi don’t know if it’s ready but we justgotta ohno that’s not ready at all this is afailall right third pancake completenow if you look at this you’ll notice acommon trend of allall of them looking like complete assbut i promise you they don’t tasteas bad as they look now most people saydon’t rush perfectionbut uh i say nobody’s got time for thatsothere we go this one’s looking a bitbetter i don’t know how we’re gonna flipthis oneokay so i’m here eating my pancakes thati madeand i put way too much baking powderget your demon cat under control geneso if you’re gonna make this please putlike a half a teaspoon ofbaking powder or less becausethis tastes disgusting and it’s becausei put so much baking powderum yeahi suck at cooking all right everyone sothat is the end of my videoum all i gotta say is i don’t know howto make pancakesbanana pancakes in particular but uhthanks for watching if youenjoyed me failing at lifeplease like and subscribe and share witha friend thanks for watching everyone

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