#BreadPizza #PizzaRecipe #HomemadePizza
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello we’ll come back a for in an ovenat Laguna mckeavy identical but the knobbread v under recipe i don”t now littleJohnny if it occur at the wall of ouresteem blonde isn’t a commodity opinionand economy no cocky poachingharden the nagamma kappa the commentatorlove fielding her adopted okok a partyno and later pancha dhaka money toachieve a true Diane Lake Accord sheolive oil is authoritative when in ourniche or third common retopo another ageit can honoree they’ve all assured Irepeat target logic error Eden and Toddare Nam allegory who put other workers[Music]sorry atria boneless chicken I don’t ina pattern and a kook I cut Ohand in the lake or a tablespoon gingergarlic paste to add a the reckoner upthe Maluku an angle a magnet a nurse Imade the nurse ginger garlic paste -Adam you need a volley on short Abdullahdoamra chicken again alone on coke I canOllie a day over Jerry died a new HR ormedium title luckily uninsured anotheratom burrito Thornton alone amidst adurka[Music]Julio canal ona why India one day inearly any delay Kuchar thought under thecaps Taconic Nanoharecap secon Deepika the initial thoughtthat logic sure the altmer each othersadhana Asuma ritual thornton alone ofIT cuca smirkoland cap sequent Arabic ortalk or coach a coyote subsequent apagoda a or the roofenya needle a coup or a tsp soya sauceof Modi added or condenses finish it inof Kombucha turtle on a mixed a toastinitiation lambda flame Ophelia me dePolan interpreter to achieve them Ethanhoney in ten Duyck indicate Picasso’s ona course she catch upon other alcohol tofunction a thousand pinnacle a fullchilli plus two pinafore chicusuri madein gu Richards out the turning each apizza mm basket up pin conducts eaterynomicon de combate an apipa sothoroughly I know in other number Ipretend mal er doughnuts rotator cuffand he’s in the melee at enamel alreadyagain chuckling no wind Amelia to achoker[Music]any delay Konami mozarella cheeseidealogy error need to talkyou need a already Pam Chula comedy toexit and a silikal Shabbat Tramel turkeyTurkey todaynothing them earlier today OLAPobservable Chewbaccainitiation are the chichi low flameIllawarra coca Yama detail Shirokov anollie is heat okayMelton Derek okay the Talmud Yahoo[Music]I’m gonna unhuman type number cheese orcan alone a melt I any dynamical ordertake place lay come on down I’m gonnaargue TP thorough di are the water in abar kill aluminum up with a wallet adaruka[Music][Music]I’m gonna numb the umbrella Brad Pitterotica you in the work of an angling acorner do below a legless choir battleover a table in a container cup appleAruna Raja yoga Holly in the TV Jewishdying like in your Sharia subcribe aAuthority subscribers is a papaya windowwhere oh do we do my ear in every roomtake a bye bye[Music]