Today we are going to learn how to make my personal FAVORITE cookie! Soft and chewy with a gentle spice, these cookies are sure to delight!
Biscoff and White Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup Biscoff Cookie butter
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups cake flour, sifted
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup white chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 F/175 C
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Fursuit created by Stuffed Panda Studios
Bake Me Up Buttercup logo created by Golden Druid and Buttered Bee
End Screen Artwork by Quaggy Art
1950s TV Show Theme
Stock Media provided by DrTimWaters / Pond5
Cute Avalanche
Happy Mistake
Mr. Sunny Face
Original of the video here
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music]well hello my dears today I would liketo share a very special recipe with youall I have been working on my personaldream cookie recipe and have finallyperfected it but first I want to share alittle bit of history about why Iconsider to be my ideal cookie one of myfavorite packaged cookies are Misgavcookies these are delightful crunchycookies with a rich brown sugar andspice flavor just delicious however Ihave always been partial myself to awonderfully soft and chewy cookie so Istarted experimenting with how I couldcombine that delicious flavor I lovewith my preferred cookie texture andthus bits coffe and white chocolate chipcookies were born let’s not wasteanother minute it’s time to make theperfect cookie we will start bycombining our butters and sugars firstoff is our special ingredients misgavcookie butter that’s right these tastycookies come in a spreadable form whichwe will be taking advantage of to makeour cookies depending on where you areshopping this may also be calledspeculoos cookie butter so keep that inmindwe’re going to it out in 1/2 cup of thecookie butter to our mixing bowl nextyou will need one stick or 1/2 cup ofsoftened butteradd in 1/4 cup of granulated sugar and1/2 cup of brown sugarwe will cream these together by mixingat medium to high speed until themixture becomes very fluffy and pale incolor once this step is complete add inone egg and 1 teaspoon of vanilla andmix until combined in a separate bowl weare going to combine our dry ingredientsand here is my other secret with softerfluffier cookie cake flour cake flourhas a lower protein content thanall-purpose flour which leads to a moredelicate texture in your final productnow if you don’t have access to cakeflour you can create a substitute byusing all-purpose flour and cornstarchfor every cup of flour replace 2tablespoons with cornstarch instead andnow back to our cookies measure out 1and 1/2 cups of cake flour and make sureit’s simply too this we will add 1/2teaspoon of baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ofbaking powder and 1/2 teaspoon of salt Ialso like to add in 1/2 teaspoon ofcinnamon for a little extra spicespicy cost you now will whisk thesetogether gently now we will add our dryingredients to our wet ingredients intwo separate editions mix until justcombined between each additionand for a finishing touch we will add inone cup of white chocolate chips againmixing until just combined our cookiedough is finished but it’s not quiteready for the oven yet to reduce theamount your cookie spread and createbetter texture and flavor you will needto chill your dough for at least an hourbut preferably overnight I know it canbe so hard to wait but trust me it willall be worth it for the end result onceyour dough is chilled drop heapingtablespoon of side scoops onto anungreased baking sheet bake at 350degrees Fahrenheit or 175 degreesCelsius for 10 to 12 minutes allow tocool for a few minutes on the bakingsheet before transferring to a wire rackto finish cooling and the perfect cookieis born well if you askme validus thetexture is wonderfully soft and tenderwith a gentle spiced flavor that is justso satisfying I just can’t help having alittle taste myselfdon’t worry white chocolate is far lessdangerous to doggies than regularchocolate so I should survive[Music]mmm yep take heart delicious wasn’t thata fun recipe I hope you give it a tryand let me know what you think if youenjoy my baking videos don’t forget toLike and subscribe and considersupporting me on patreon for even morebaking content until next time[Music]