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Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hey guys one of the things I love to dois cook blueberry pancakes if you’re inmy AP bio class we cook blueberrypancakes as an actual lab we talk aboutkitchen biochemistry this morning I justwanted to share with you how I cookblueberry pancakes and go through theprocess with you and I hope that maybeyou can cook these at your at your placeand and I hope you enjoy them okayhere’s your dry ingredients you’re righthere I put in four cups of all-purposeflour that can be white lily brand KingArthur I’ve just recently been usingwhite lily brand and it’s pretty good inthese pancakes four cupsyou’ve got your sugar here so this isfour tablespoons easy to remember justgoing to go ahead and put that in therethis is four teaspoons of baking powderwhich I’ve got over there I went aheadand added 3/4 of a teaspoon of bakingsoda into this ramekin as well as 3/4 ofteaspoon of salt and so I just put themall in this ramekin here and one thingthat I’ve suggest that you do if youhaven’t worked a lot with baking sodabaking powder they can they can tend toclump up on you in in the jar so what Ilike to do is smush all the littleclumps with my finger to ensure evendistribution and so we’re gonna put thatall in there and we are gonna take ourwhisk and just whisk that around and setit aside and we’ll do the wetingredients nextokay so full the wet ingredient part youare gonna simply need two eggs somebuttermilkuh-huhyeah what are we gonna do with thatbutter we are going to knit the wholestick of butter my quiz okay for about35 seconds we’ll check on that and thenwe’ll melt it again just want to getthat melted Vivian how much buttermilkdo we need for our wet ingredients fourcups okay let’s go ahead and add fourcups of buttermilk make sure we’ve gotfour in there slowly yeah go ahead andpour it you’re almost thereboom no all right good excellent okay sowhat we’re gonna do Ella is gonna heatup the butter we want to melt the butterfirst and there’s a certain order thatthis needs to happen we want to melt thebutter first and pour it in here hot andlet it cool a little bit in this bowlbefore we start to add our otheringredients and the reason for that iswe’re gonna add our eggs next and wedon’t want to cook our eggs with hotbutter we want this to be sort of warmthso that it doesn’t cook the eggs andthen finally we’re gonna whisk in thefour cups of buttermilk and that’s goingto be our wet ingredients will mix thosewould be dry and let’s go ahead and dookay girls the next step and the butterhas cooled we’ve let the butter cool forjust about a three minutes just so thatit’s warm what we’re gonna do now is addthe egg so let’s go ahead crack thoseeggs and put in you’re gonna show us howto crack an eggI’m so bad the rest of the egg and makesure it gets knowing the same Iunderstand I’m going to whisk thistogether okay so this these are our eggsand our butter we’re gonna whisk thistogether really vigorously get it wellmixed we want this to be really wellmixed took four we actually addbuttermilk and and so we can take ourbuttermilk and slowly whisk in thebuttermilk get this all mixed okay sothis is all of our wet ingredients andthe next thing to do to make ourveterans we just want to combine thiswith our dry ingredients okay let’s pickthat make sure it’s fully whisks andI’ll just use the whisk for this somepeople might not like to do that becausethe batter tends to maybe clump upinside there but I’ve done this enoughto where it’s not gonna be a big dealjust mix that in there[Music]okay and combine the dry ingredientsokay next what I’ll do now be sure whenyou’re doing this there’s a good chanceyou’re gonna lose some you’re gonna havesome dry stuff hiding it hiding themdown the bottom so you want to make surethat you get down to that bottom scoopbe real thorough with your mixing andyou don’t want to over mix it but youdon’t want to leave in a huge clumps ofdry batter or dry flour okay so we’vegot our frozen blueberries I like to useprobably about a pound of frozenblueberries I get the Private Selectionones at Kroger that are really nice Iput them in there frozen and let themthaw a little bit I’ve got my griddleokay I’ve got my grill set at 375degreesI’ve already heated that up this wellhot right now and so next step is I’mjust gonna grease this good old woodbutter and this is salted butter I liketo cover liberal application of butterthe whole thing get that whole suckercovered in butter next step is you’regoing to get a ladle and take your yourbatter and this part you know there’s alittle art to it you know you want totry to get depending on the size of yourgriddle give a little dollops therethose are going to get pretty big andthey’re probably gonna run into theirneighbors and that’s okay but err on theside of staying small when you dollopthese out even though I’ve alreadyviolated that all rightjust get your hmm I like to do a so thisis a standard accusing art griddle I doeight at a time and then Ella and Vivianare gonna show you in this next clipwhat we’re gonna do how I like to putthe blueberries in there which isactually pretty important for thecooking process okay so as the girls arebeing very careful not to touch the hotskillet and they’ve done this enoughtimes where I want to emphasize this ishow I like to do the blueberries putthem in there and just give them aslight little push into the batter asthey’re cooking as quickly as you canand probably about five six or sevenblueberries now what Ella learned lasttime is that we don’t want to pack themtoo close together because it affectsthe cooking of the pancake what’sactually important that here as youevenly distribute the blueberries in thebatter is our cooking so we just want toplop plop plop and I’d say you know sixor seven blueberries but we don’t wantthem to you don’t want to stack them allon top of each other you just want toget all right so once we continue thisthese will be all going and as soon as Ifinish putting the blueberries on thereif I’ve done it quickly I do fourminutes per side but so the rule herefor cooking 375 mm-hmm I’ll go ahead andset the timer on the stove for fourminutes and I will flip it after fourminutes with a spatula and see that anice layered reaction on the other sideof the brownie a beautiful brown goldenbrowning that we see on the other sideokay all right so these has gone forfour minutessometimes these stick together so youwant to beget that nice golden oh yeah nice goldenbrown these cooks pretty well again theystick together you just want to separatethem before you flip cuz then they’llhave a mess he’s actually gotokay so I’m going to let that go forfour minutes on the other side set mytimer and the best part eating thepancakes how are the girls