Final video for the Challah bread as we create a nice egg wash for the final loaf. This is the one I made after the first two pissed me off. No final product video as I was super hungover and still drunk! All 3 turned out OK and in the end the taste matters most. Enjoy!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
and we’re back we’ve gone through somany phases of drunknesspassed out woke back up but I may not beposting other videos the challah breadturned out to be let me just grab theone loss it’s not bad not decent this iswhat it looks like it’s not baddefinitely be a little self-conscious wecaught the other one which looked like compared to this one and was tastyso I have a feeling regardless they’regonna taste well there was no way I waspresenting that tamale and column so asI think I mentioned one video I hadstarted fresh and sort of new this oneturned out so far beautiful that wasperfectthere’s easier work live and it braidedup nice and tight so once we once that’sall braided up get an egg just whisk itup pinch of salt and we’re gonna coverthis bad boy a nice and generous allover nice egg wash here no water bagginga pinch of salt make sure to get thesidesand you want to cover it loosely andleave out for 45 minutes in a warm placelet it do its final rise and I’m gonnabake that bad boy at 375 for 30 minutesall not patoot