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Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
this recipe you’re going to need fourcups of flour sugar or honey salt yeastinstant yeast is best olive oil ornonstick spray two cups of water someparchment paper and any kind of pan thatlooks like this all right so I’vemeasured out 512 grams or four cups offlour I’m going to add in two teaspoonsof sugarthe salt my favorite two teaspoons ofsaltall right so now you’re gonna add in twoteaspoons and 1/4 teaspoon of yeast ifyou don’t have 1/4 teaspoon you can justsplash a little bit more in there no bigdeal and if you want instructions on howto use a sourdough starter I can alsoemail that to you all right so you’rejust going to use your spatula orwhatever spoon to mix gently mix it makesure it’s all kind of mixed up togetherno big deal okay now we’re gonna add in2 cups of about a hundred temp waterdon’t mind that weird blob no no that’sjust some leftover my sourdough starterthat I throw in with my bread all thetime to get 100 degree water all you todo is microwave the cup of water forabout a minute it shouldn’t be too hotto touch but it should definitely bewarm with you touch it alright so as mydaughter says you’re just gonna mix amix of mixer you want it to be a shaggydamp little ball in the middle of thebowl you know don’t over mix it butevery the flour should be incorporatedinto it and you really can’t mess thisstuff up I promise you it seems likeslightly dry you could add a splash ofwater but it should probably be fine aslong as you’re using AP flour ap isall-purpose flour all right here’s whatwe’re looking for just a wet shaggylittle ball in the middle okay whatyou’re gonna do is get a damp towel andcover up your little ball and leave itin a warm spot for an hour and a half totwo hours oh look at all those bubbleslook it’s risen and doubled in size andwe are ready to deflate so just check inagain we’re going from here to herealright deflating is just like this yougo around the bowl and a couple turnsyou’re pulling the bottom to the topkind of giving your little dough ball alittle bit of shape all this does isgive the yeast another opportunity torise it spread about the spread as itcan be baked to several different waysincluding in an 18 by 12 inch pan or a15 by 10 inch this is gonna be more of afocacciaif you’re going into a nine inch roundyou’re going to need to use butter togrease not parchment paper or oil youcould also use two 9 by five inch pansthis will be more like a loaf slicingbread but you’re also going to needbutter to grease that pan hey butterwhat’s up all right for today’s purposesI’m going to use one of the flatterlarger jelly roll pans I’m going to putsome parchment paper on it make sureit’s nice and flattened out next step isto put some olive oil on there I wouldsay this is about like 1/4 cup or alittle bit more it really just depends Iuse olive oil but you can use butter ornonstick spray on your parchment paperif you are making a flatter focacciaflatbread type of bread today with mealright here’s that deflated dough thatwe had from earlier all you do is justturn it out onto the parchment paperdon’t worry about it if it gets messyit’s just the nature of the dough thisis a really wet dough but it’s gonna befine I promise you okay so I’ve got mybread turned out I’m gonna put a littleolive oil on top because it’s time forits second rest you’re just gonna let itsit on this parchment paper for about ahalf hour to an hour and you know youcould use nonstick spray you can coverit with plastic wrap I use olive oilbecause we’re at a quarantine and breadis delicious and olive oil is deliciousalright this is a great time to pre-heatyour oven because it’ll give your breada nice warm spot to rise okay it’s readyto be shaped a bit alright get someolive oil on your fingers and get readyto poke alright so I’m poking and I’mstretching see how I’m using my pokingand stretching motion I am aprofessionalso yeah just kind of pull the dough outto the edges of your pan you want totouch the bottom of that pan when you’repoking the holes through its gonna giveyour bread like a really delicious cruston the bottom and on the top but yeahit’s it’s fun it’s good you shouldn’t begetting any dough in your hands cuz yourhands should have plenty of olive oil onthem well it’s almost ready for that 425degree oven I’m gonna put some coarsesalt on top and you should be ready nowto put it in your 425 degree oven for 15minutesyou’re going to bake at 425 for 15minutes and then 375 for 20there she is you did it delicious