How to make SUPER simple chocolate chip cookies recipe!
First MIX:
230 g (1 + 2/3 cups) of flour,
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt in a bowl.
-Next use your mixer/whisk and get a CREAMY consistency using:
120 gr (8 tablespoons) butter,
50 g (1/4 cup) brown sugar
100 g (1/2 cup) powdered sugar(depends on how sweet you want it to be)
AFTER that…
Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and whisk again.
Add 1 egg and whisk until JUST mixed and stop immediately
add the DRY ingredients to the WET ingredients and whisk, stop as soon as it becomes dough.
– Add 175 g (1 cup) of crushed chocolate chips (I used milk chocolate)
-Set it on the trays with very little space between them (do not press the top of the dough with your hands)
Don’t forget to set the oven to 180°C..
then put the remaining chocolate on the rolled dough and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
Do not cook any more, even though it might still feel like dough, it will harden as it cools on the tray.
Ps. If you make this tag me on insta: serra_mesin 😙✌🏻
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi in this video I’m going to makechocolate chip cookiesI will also be inserting the ingredientsin the description so you can check themfirst off get one big bowl after thatput one cup and two thirds cups of flourput half a teaspoon of salt and half ateaspoon of baking soda after that youcould mix it and put it aside this isthe time you take out your mixer youcould mix by hand but it would be hardyou take another bowl get 180 grams ofbutter or eight tablespoons I don’t havepowdered brown sugar so I’m gonna smashthis one with a hammer after I did thatI put one in fourth cups or 50 grams ofbrown sugar into our Bowl[Music]my brown sugar was extremely sweet so Iput 1/4 cups of normal sugar but you canactually do 1/2 a cup normal sugar ifyou don’t have a really sweet brownsugar after you have added all of thoseingredients it’s time for mixing[Music]there is no approximate time for mixingbut you can keep mixing until get thiscreamy texture after that add oneteaspoon of vanilla I don’t have theliquid one so I use the powdered oneafter that get one egg and crack it intoour mixture[Music]don’t mix it so much mix it until youcan’t see the egg anymore[Music]it’s time to mix the wet and dryingredients together put half of the dryingredients into the wet ingredientsfirst[Music]add the rest in and mix it thoroughly[Music]we are done with our make sure now it’stime for the toppings we need 1 cup ofchocolate I am cutting it into smallpieces first[Music]I’ll see chocolate there to card and putit into the mixture[Music]at this point you don’t need to use aspoon you could just go into it withyour hands[Music]set your parchment paper on your bakingtray after you have set your parchmentpaper set your oven to 180 degree for itto heat up after you have set yourparchment paper roll your cookie dough’sinto small pieces and put it ontoparchment paper it really depends on youon how big or how small you want to makeyour cookies[Music]after you have rolled all your cookiedough we can move on to puttingchocolate on top of the dough’s[Music]once you’re done you can wash your handsand put the tray into the oven[Music]set your timer to ten minutes and waitwhile waiting I usually wash your dishesto spend time you can take your cookiesout of the oven it would feel a bit softbut do not cook anymore don’t worry itwould get harder over time[Music]okay can’t be only that thinks that isdeliciousso my cookies are finished right now I’mgonna be doing the testing I’m gonna tryit I haven’t tried it yet I got thishalf piece which broke in the process oftaking it out from the parchment paperso have you tried itno okay so I’ll give you this onechocolatey one okaylet’s try it togetherwhoa you chocolate melts in your mouthit is so good what do you think colorwhat and out of thank you deliciousdelicious link in description if any ofyou want to try this it is simple therecipe is in the description and thanksfor watching[Music]