Bread Recipes

DETAILED: How I bake bread in a standing cooker gas oven

I have explained in details how use my gas oven to bake bread. This video might help those who don’t have an oven thermometer or their gas oven doesn’t have a temperature regulator. I hope this video helps.

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had already lit the my oven the top partand the bottom part and they were all atlow that is why using the oventemperature has risen two hundreddegrees Fahrenheitso at three minutes the temperature theopen temperature had risen to over 160degrees centigrade both the top and thebottom flames are still on and at lowafter 10 minutes the oven temperaturehad risen to 190 degrees and it wasterrorizing and the flames are still onminimum have not increased as you cansee from the video that is where I’veset my flames from the beginning as Iwas preheating this oven the temperatureis still rising when the temperaturesreached 200 degree centigradeI placed my bread inside the oven andthe temperature started decreasingbecause of that opening of their orwindow and I had also switched off theupper flame before I placed the breadinside and also decreased the lowerflames to complete minima that is whenthe temperatures are decreasing so Irealized the temperatures weredecreasing and not increasing and I hadto beg my bread at at around 200 to 250degree centigrade so I decided to setthe temperature the bottom temperatureto 8 was when I was preheating the ovenafter increasing the the bottom flamesto way it was when I was preheating thetemperature started to rise startedraising and that is what I wantedbecause I had to bake this bread at 4:35for 35 minutes that if I- 14 minutes they had already even setthe timer at 200 degrees – 200 200 – 250degrees Celsius so that is a pointerthat you should not when baking bread soas you can see the temperatures arestill increasingI have not increased the flame I havenot increased nor decreased the bottomflame the flames are still on the samethe same point I had placed it so if youhad to know today I had placed the knoband you don’t have an oven thermometeryou can set your temperatures at thatpoint while baking and and you might getthe best results from there I hope Ihope because these are whatever I’mdoing is just trial and errorso a thought came into my mind and Iwondered what will happen if I decreasedthey lower flame now that door has notbeen open for quite some time so Idecided to decrease the bottom flame tocomplete minimum and the temperaturestarted to decrease the temperaturesdecreased and stopped at 160 degreesCelsius and was not decreasing anymoreso this is my conclusion that when youwhen you decrease the lower flame alonewithout the upper flame to completeminimum the temperatures the temperatureis at 160 degrees centigrade so no ifyou are big not at large low you arebaking at 160 degree centigrade and thismight take long if the recipe requiresfor higher temperaturesyounow that I had done my experiment I saidI did set the temperatures at where itwas when I was preheating the oven asyou can see that is where I had placedmy temperatures so that the temperatureswould rise to the right bakingtemperature for baking bread so as youcan see yes I just increased a littlethat is where I’m baking from and I findthat to be the best temperature for mebecause it increases to 200 degreecentigrade Celsius or centigradewhateveryouso if I didn’t have an oven thermometerbased on my findingsI will preheat my oven at for 10 minutesat the temperature I had shown you atthe beginning of the video where I hadplaced my knobs so after 10 minutes Iwill place whatever I’m baking insidethe oven and switch off the upper flameand set the lower flame at weight is nowso my bread has been baking for 40minutes in the oven and I am pretty sureit’s ready so here is my bread nicelybaked everywhere the bottom and that thebottom and the top thought this somepart is a pattern of the bread thatlooked band and this is because my ovendoesn’t have a fan to regulate thetemperature as in to spread thetemperatures all over the the oven sothe the far-endhas a lot of heat than the rest of theoven but so far the bread is good eventhe inside is well cooked if this videohas been helpful do comment down belowshare subscribe if you have not thankyou for watching

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