Bread Recipes

Bake with me Banana Bread and Old Fashioned Peach Cobbler

Hey Ya’ll! Let’s get to baking 🙂
Peach Cobbler-
melt 1/2 stick butter in a 9×9 baking dish
mix 1 C flour, 1 C sugar, and 1C milk until smooth
pour over melted butter
top with canned peaches- do not stir
bake at 350 for 45 minutes

Banana Pudding-
1 stick unsalted butter
1C sugar
2 large eggs
1/4 C milk
1tsp vanilla
3 very ripe bananas
2C all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
preheat oven to 350- spray loaf pan
melt butter, combine with sugar and add remaining ingredients. pour into loaf pan and bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes (oven times may vary). cool for 10 minutes. remove from pan and cool 10 additional minutes before slicing.
#bakewithme #peachcobbler #bananabread
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Video Transcription

so today is my day off of work and Ihave a beautiful husky mess to clean upbut before I start doing my weekly humblessing and doing all on my schoolworkthat needs done I thought today would bea great day to do some baking so I’mgoing to make a super super simpleold-fashioned peach cobbler and I havesome bananas that have gotten way tooripe and so today would be a great dayto make more banana bread so when I was17 my boyfriend’s stepmom taught me thisreally great recipe for a peach cobblerand well let’s just say it’s been quitea few years since I was 17 and I stillhave it pretty down pat so my oven ispreheated to 350 350 degrees and I’mjust gonna take to start out a half astick of this butter put it in thesecond dish then I’m just gonna stick itin there to melt the butter while I makeup the cobbler the the actual cobblerokay so I just took of my butter in theoven to be melting and I’m gonna mix upthe three ingredients of the cobbler andthat is a cup of sugar just regularwhite sugar I need a cup of flour andI’m using my self rising flour that’sthe flour then I’ve always used for thisrecipe and if it ain’t broke don’t fixit right[Music]so a cup of flour a cup of sugar and acup of milkseriously how simple is that a drop bowlinto the milkthere is that’s it that’s all that goesin the actual cobbler and then we willput the pitches on top when the buttergets melted I’m just gonna stir this upa little[Music]okay so while the cobbler is baking I amgoing to get started on the banana breadand for that I broke out my little standmixer now this isn’t a big fancyexpensive KitchenAid it’s just a cutesimple little stand mixer that Henry gotme last year for Christmas and sinceit’s just he and I are in our house thisis plenty for us and so I’m going to beworking on this first thing I’m going todo though my love pan so you just usethis is gonna make one loaf so you’rejust gonna do one pan and I use thebaking spray you can get thick the nameBrianne I think it’s Pam baking spray orPillsbury whatever can they have but Ijust preferred this format like mybreads and cakes and stuff so I’m justgonna[Music]so pan it’s been thrown we coded and I’mgonna get started on this but this isreally noisy so I’m not even going totry to talk over it I’m just going tojust in cute music over it or somethingbut I will this is the recipe that I useright here and I will get this started[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]okay so now we have our batter all mixedup and the only change I made from therecipe is that my recipe calls forall-purpose flour with baking soda andsalt I did substitute with all-purposeor substituted the all-purpose flour forself rising flour so I am itted thebaking soda and salt because I am usingself rising flour and not all-purposeflour but now we’ll go ahead and get itput into our already greased loaf pan[Music]that’s good I think I might’ve probablywhat my bananas get a little overripewhat normally I just mix I’m sweeter andthey definitely smell much more thanmini so now we will go ahead and stickthis in the oven to cook right alongsideof our cobblerthat’s up here we go and there is thecobbler in there kind of doing its thingI’ll leave it over just a little andthen they room for the banana bread togo inso there we have lots of deliciousgoodies going on inside the oven okay soI just had to show you I got the cobblerout of the oven and oh my goodness itlooks delicious I’ll still have a littletime on the banana bread but look at itin there oh it’s looking so goodand between the peaches and the bananasy’all this house is smelling soincredible right now I cannot wait toenjoy some of this delicious bananabread and then tonight after dinner haveme a big ol plate full of goodold-fashioned peach cobblerokay y’all so I just got the bananabread out of the oven it is still allpopping hot and it smells better than itlooks but it even looks a delicious solook at that like that is looking goodright there I cannot wait I’m actuallyfixed to put this on a cutting board andslice it up oh what a good good day thisis Ben okay so first thing I do is sitit on this little cooling rack to let itcool off cause it’s still just a littletoo hot to try to slice right now butlook at that would you just look at thatoh it smells amazing and I put away thestand mixer and my dishes are in thedishwasher you may actually hear thatgoing in the background so I haveeverything cleaned up behind me andpeach cobbler homemade old-fashionedpeach cobbler and homemade banana breadto enjoy for the rest of this day allrightit is the time we’ve been waiting forit’s time to spice up the banana breadand I just want to show you real quickwe have some ice cream goodness to gowith the peach cobbler tonightfor after dinner so delicious ice creamand peach cobbler after dinner and thenthe banana bread will probably be forbreakfast in the morning so I’m justgoing to go ahead and slice this[Music]okay I’ll sliced up and then I’m justgoing to store it in this little plasticcontainer here and one fill up usuallyfits pretty good inside here[Music]we’re gonna have to put a little[Music]actually[Music]the slots may be a little too there nowI have my entire if a bread tuckedneatly in this little plastic containerlid on it keep it fresh and now we canhave a delicious slice of banana breadanytime we want it so I’m just gonnastick it right there and then I’m goingto wash my cutting board

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