Bread Recipes


I really enjoyed filming this, since it is so different from my normal content. It felt so nice when I realized my channel doesn’t just have to be about beauty and makeup. There are so many other things in life that I enjoy doing and I am so excited to share them even if they are this simple. I hope you enjoy!

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#bakewithme #bananabread

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Video Transcription

hello everybody welcome back to mychannel so today I’m going to be doing avery different video last video I postedwas my pack with me organized declutterit was a whole bunch of different thingsso yeah this one’s gonna be definitelydifferent I’ve never done any type ofcooking or food video on my channel andI thought this would kind of be fun todo I’m going to be following Madelineburners chocolate chip banana breadrecipe I have made this once before andI actually doubled Darcey recipe becauseI had a lot of bananas to use and Ithink for the first time any making itwas not a good idea because it turnedout really good but I think because Idoubled it it was just too much in mypan I did use a bigger pan than like alittle pan but still but it was stilljust a lot to fit into the pan so Idon’t think it baked very well all theway through um he’s being very mayberight now he thinks he needs food eventhough there’s food down there for himso yeah that’s what we’re gonna be doingtoday really quickly I am going to showyou guys everything you’ll need for thisrecipe this is one that’s in her ebookwholesome eats wholesome eats the bookthat she has I do have both of hers thewholesome needs andone I haven’t made too many recipes Ithink just this one is all I made so farfrom it and I think that it turned outreally good like I said the first timeme doubling recipe so I think would bedoing it the right amount for everythingthis time it’s gonna turn out we’rereally goodso let me or through what we need sothis is a vegan recipe I believeeverything I have here is out if you aregoing for the vegan aspect of thisrecipe so you’re going to need flour herrecipe calls for a wholemeal flour orgluten-free if you want to make thisgluten-free I don’t know if the wheatflour is technically little mill flourthis is just what we have in our pantryso it’s what I’m using Paris calls forrolled oats all I haven’t here it’squick hopefully that doesn’t affect itso I have quick oats some walnuts theseare optional these are just let go youmix in with the chocolate chips purposesI have a semi-sweet chocolate chips herealmond flour milk brown sugar chia seedsso you can make your Chia egg sugarI think powder vanilla cinnamon and saltand of course your bananas um the restin this video I think I’m gonna do it asa voice over video just to make it go alittle bit smoother so I’m going to getthe cat’s off the counter hopefully calmthem down and then we are going to jumpright into itso I know I said I was going to do avoice over and if I decide to do oneI’ll just edit cut all this I’ll justmeet it out my voice and knew it as avoice over but right now I do feel liketalking so I gotmy recipe right here on my iPad um andwe are going to jump in so first thing Ineed to do is I need to make my Chia eggso it’ll sit and so for a Chia egg I’veactually never used chia seeds before Ibought her cookbooks I always use likeblack flaxseed meal for my egg because Ihave made vegan baking recipes beforebut I’m gonna use chia because I don’thave flax seed meal and let me tell yougrandma with some flax seedssuper hard so one good thing I likeabout her cookbooks is she does havelike other pantry staples I thinkthey’re not pantry staples staplessection at the beginning of her book soit gives you all your measurements thatyou need for basic vegan cooking orbaking like your ratios for your is usefor Chia and flax eggs and how to makedressings and stuff like that it’s veryinterestingso for GI eggs you use one tablespoon ofchia seeds there’s a lot of backgroundnoise because we have a lot of they areeverywhere Ohone tablespoon of chia seeds two threetablespoons of water so I have my chiamixture here I am just going to mix thisup and set it aside because this willkind of get like a gelatinous type oftexture to it this happens if you usechia or if you use flaxthis just adds as your binding agentwhere I have normally would and I dohave my oven preheating to 350 while I’mdoing this so I’m going to start byadding bananasI’m going to mash them up before I startadding other things and I do I do try tobreak them up as I throw them in therejust to make smashing them a little biteasier I don’t like bananas normallylike I won’t eat bananasthree and a half teaspoons of bakingpowder[Music][Music]and then teaspoons of cinnamon and thenhalf a teaspoon of salt which I’m usingthis corner salt that we have becauseour other salt is the ground pinkHimalayan sea salt and it does not blindvery well soso and then the 3/4 cup of plants meltlook I’m using unsweetened unsweetenedoriginalsmells amazing and I’m going to make therest of the ingredients and then it’sawesome[Music]and then this is also where you add yourhow this was to add this to that angle Ivery well so let me add this in thereand mix in here everything is alreadymeasured out right and then we will addour walnuts andI forgot to add in my now I’m going toadd in my walnut or the chocolate chipsthat we bought beginning they have nopeand then so exclude the chocolate chipsby dairy-free ones and then it’s itsorryI’m feeling way too aggressive this isgently fold these in and I’m being superaggressive thisshe tops her into the slice of bananaI’m not going to do that I’m just gonnakind of and then we are going to putthis in the oven fullerit’s just 45 minutes to an hour until itpasses the toothpick test last time Istruggled really hard with this becauseI think it’s just cuz I doubled myrecipe that it took a little over anhour to bake and I think it’s stillneeded more time in the center but if Ileft it in no matter I did put foil ontop it was going to burn so until ittasted good but so hopefully this oneturn out just a little bit better solet’s pop it in the up alright so I putthat in the oven for 45 minutes and thenafter the 45 minutes I’m going to checkit don’t have too thick so I’m justgonna use a knife to put it in thecentre and if it comes out clean I’llleave it obviously if not I’ll leave outI usually try to put it back in in10-minute increments cuz I don’t want tooverdo it so if it still needs a littlebit more time I’ll do 5 to 10 minutesand just check it periodically so Idon’t overcook it or let it burn oranything like that so 45 minutes andI’ll check back[Music][Music]the 45 minutes smells amazing browningon the side I don’t have toothpicks sooh it’s really like crunchy on the topwhoaI think that is pretty good I am gonnago in just this side I think that’spretty goodokay yeah I think that’s pretty good soI’m actually not gonna put this back inI’m going to let it cool and then we’lldig into it so I think if you’re makingthe normal size like just someoneserving as a place for it before I tryto do the double batch all at once inone bigger panI haven’t give you to do the one thingnot double the recipe it’s gonna be goodit’s gonna do 45 minutes so I realizethat I didn’t really fill in anythinglike after I took it out of the oven soI’m gonna go in there and show you whatit looks like even though it looks likebanana bread and it was really good Ihad some my sister had some and it wasgood I definitely think it turned outbetter this time than it did last timelike I said if you double the recipesplit it up in the pan don’t double therecipe and try to put it all in one panand bake it all this is a really big panand it has the room to really cookthrough even though I still wouldn’trecommend it but I think it turned outreally good this time let me go show youwhat it looks likewe’re all kind of settling down for thenight so we got cats everywhere why isthis all focusing turn on the lightthere we gookay so first the banana bread this ishow I keep it with foil it’s so good Ithink it’s more done on the inside thenmy last batch wasexcuse me mister I don’t know why therewe go it’s having our time focusing sirI think it hooked way better it’s a lotlike it’s crispy around the edges itcomes out cleaner from the pan I thinkit cooks very very well so I’m veryhappy with it I just kind of wanted tothrow that in there because I know Ireally didn’t say anything after I tookabout the oven it was just kind of likeby umso yeah I just wanted to kind of throwthis thing here so I really hope youguys enjoyed this video and it was verydifferent for my channel opposed to thenormal Beauty content that I post andthis is actually the second time I’vedone the makeup this week since I’vebeen home and yeah I’m really liking itlet me get some better lightingum very yellow I used the AdelineAdeline Warren pad pellet from Tartemixed with the hooter neon orangeobsessions and some from the dominiquecosmetics all-day palette use a bunchhighlight is from the Adeline morinpalette with a little bit of a NicoleGuerrero highlight on top from the globekit um yes I’m really liking it verysimple very fresh and very nice um butlike I said hope you guys enjoyed thisvideo I’m gonna finish cleaning up nowso I can cook dinner um be sure to givethis video a thumbs up if you want tosee more content like this for me I dowant to start doing clean with Me’s andstuff I filmed one but I’m not reallyloving it so I don’t think I’m gonnapost it um so yes give this video athumbs up if this is some more stuffyou’d like to see from me and be sure tosubscribe to my channel before you leaveand I hope you guys have a great dayI’ll see you guys next time bye

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