Trying my hands on cheese garlic bread 🙂
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everyone its mission ski andbehind the camera Jeb papaso we are going to be making kinda rightso they immediately invited me usingforgot it for this baking powder bakingsoda sugar 1 cup milk 1 cup all-purposeflour some garlic some Italian herbsMozilla cheese risk measuring spoonsa pinch of salt half these were makingpowder and half a spoon of baking sodaI’ve mixed it now I’m going to add someItalian herbs one and a half a spoon ofoilone day balloon up and 1cup me I madethe door I’m gonna set it aside for oneeye so that it can become self so I hadrolled out the dough and made it into acircle then I applied the garlic pasteand mix butter and some crushed garlicinto it and I’m the Italian Hobbs andthen I spread it and on the dough andthen I I applied some I applied somemozzarella cheese I put it some corn cuzit’s a cheesy garlic bread so I appliedmore cheese to it and then with water onthe sides i i i folded it and here iswhat it looks like nowand that gardening is readylet’s hear from Alex for topology verytasty and delicious[Applause]