Back home in Ghana, when someone visits, you first give them water and if he or she stays longer, you offer them pastries with juice or a drink. One of such pastries is PIE. Pie in Ghana is an all-time favourite. The Ghanaian community is very hospitable so we our food together.
So come on an amazing journey with me as we unleash some secrets of the Ghanaian culture.
This recipe has been infused with an Asian spice- turmeric. As I have told you, this channel is all about fusion of cultures through food. The turmeric makes the dough really soft and also gives it a rich flavour and colour.
Ingredients For The Filling
2 tablespoons (tbs) rapeseed oil
1 small red onion, diced
1 small white onion, diced
1 large shallot, diced
3 stalks of spring, diced
1 large carrot, diced
50g frozen/ fresh garden peas
3 cubes of AnneBetty’s wet spice mix
200g plum/cherry tomatoes, chopped
200g chunky beef cut into baby bite sizes
1 tablespoon (tbs) soy sauce
1 tbs AnneBetty’s dry spice mix
1 tsp salt to taste
2 teaspoons (tsp) corn flour, mixed with 2 tbs alkaline water
AnneBetty’s Pie Dough
1 large egg
Tools / Equipment needed
A medium skillet/ wok
Wooden ladle
2 pastry brushes or you can use one if that is all you’ve got and use them interchangeably
Rolling pin/ large bottle if you don’t have a rolling pin
Pastry cutter/ cover for your blender/ use a knife if you don’t have a pastry cutter
Alphabet cookie cutter (C&B)
Self-raising flour/ all-purpose flour/plain flour for dusting your working surface
Baking tray
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
Oh youtubers welcome to anybodysketching so on today’s menu is bestever beef pie recipe so we are going tohave chunky beef pie back home in Ghanawhen someone visits normally you givethe person water then if the personstays longer you give them a juice or adrink with pastries and normally theysay hi to change different types ofpastries so today I’m taking you on ajourney to a typical Guardian home whereyou’ve gone on a visit so come let’scook so go about two tablespoons ofrapeseed oil I’m going to saute myonions I love onions onions in piefilling it makes the peninsula nice shelooksI’ve already only on white onion andspring onions baby saute all these oncewe saute you remember this time it isspice mix if you haven’t watched that gowatch the jollof rice recipe about howyou can make these onions have beensauteing for about five minutes now ingoes a spice mixwhy snakes as well he makes the winteronions and those are chopped tomatoes Ilove to use the plum tomatoes he’s gotthe sweet led a sweetie lovely so anglesare to measure the angles are vegetablesI have some courage and peace mine thatcrunch in my vegetable so it wasn’tstupid oh then Engels – crisis so I’vegot mishapsI’ve got paprika not to make let this tofor about five minutes we tasteokay it needs a bit of salt correct itwith our salt give it another test tosee the soldiers okay about 2 teaspoonsof compliments reporter this packageit’s and gives it the sweet corn flouris really good for sauces and that’s ita sauce is ready so now I’m going toscoop a bit then I’ll add my big boyangles of beef I like my beef chunkythen you get a bite when you eat it sowe’re going to leave a big to still tellthe serpent’s don’t add a bit of moresauce to it we’re going to do this justto the beef is ready so I’m going to add[Music]vegetable mix then we pick up I had abit of the vegetable mix I did I’m alldoing the stealing of the beef so thatit still has some crunch to it dented sothis is a door I previously remember Isaid your door should if you watch therecipe for the pie dough you remember Isaid your doors should rest at least foran hour but best if it’s overnight sothis is the rest in overnight and nowI’m going to put on separates the eggyolk and the egg white[Music][Music]your working surface so that when youroll the dough it doesn’t stick and Iprefer this roller it works back andforth so you don’t have to apply so muchfor force on it pastry cutter to cutinto the desired shape you want I’mmaking mine right you can make themsquare if you don’t have this you canmake them as well I’ll show you how tomake it the square if you don’t have thepastry cutter and if you don’t have themreally pin you can always improvise youuse a bottle to roll it I’m going toroll this over then I’ll show you how tomake it a square of the pastry cutteryou can just use your knife to cut outyour shape any shape you want you canmake a triangle you can make a spoilerbe creative food is about creativity andhow I differentiate my time so sometimesI make fish pie I make believe I’m achicken so how I differentiate today’sparallel is beef it’s chunky so I’ve gotthese car tests it’s risky and alphabetcutters for pastry so they do I’m goingto use to differentiate my pies you knowlittle bit thinner than your main timeyou mean see the thickness of this sobecause I’m using chunky beef I use Band C so I need four of theseso cb4 chunky be so I’ll come I see andI’ll go mighty so you have to egg washthem so then when you finish and closeit up it doesn’t open I like my tidefilling I like to fill it up so thateach but you get a feeling in eachcourse if decreased about pi is thefillingonce you get your door well and openingis good you are good to go seal it upand I just use my fingers to press themyou use the fork to make incisions in itthis helps the steam come out otherwiseyour party will scoot you don’t want anyexplosion in your oven you use the eggyolk to egg wash and this gives it alovely rich color love goes so much theytrust you muchbecause it’s chunky beef we have C andthat’s it so in it goes in the oven yourchunky beef I try it and let me know howit goes so for more videos like thissubscribe to our Channelhits the subscribe button and thenotification button so you knowfirsthand whenever a new video isuploaded thank you for watching