Interested in learning how to make Buttermilk Pancakes & Waffles? Watch & see how EASY it is to make these breakfast or brunch meals! You won’t need to buy box pancake or waffle mix anymore!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
oh hi welcome to bitch hello everyonewelcome to vision kitchen chronicleswhat’s cooking welcome to Episode threewhere we’re going to be making somefabulous fabulous buttermilk pancakesfrom scratch you guys from scratch Icannot wait to dive into this[Music]before we get started let’s go over somerules for successful cooking number fourprep work before you shop foringredients for a recipe do a quickinventory of your pantry number five doone job at a time cooking requiresconcentration especially as you arelearningnumber six clean as you gothis is very very important guys putaway ingredients or tools when you arefinished with them and clean up spillsright away so let’s get to it all rightso for buttermilk pancakes it takesabout ten minutes to prep in ten minutesjust to let the batter sell and then godive right into the right in the skilletor in a waffle maker which oscillatesshow you guys laterwhat we’re going to do is we’re going toblend all of our dry ingredientstogether first okay so we’re gonna takeone and a half cup of flour all-purposeflour of course then we’re gonna taketwo tablespoons of sugar and then we’regoing to do two teaspoons of bakingpowder and we’re going to do a halfteaspoon of baking soda just a touch ofsalt and I just we’re going to justteach not so much don’t let yourpancakes of these sauces we’re not donetodayjust whisk so we can blend a little dryingredients up together then we’re gonnaswitch balls herewe’re going to blend all of our wetingredients in a smaller bowl which isone large it you know we have one and ahalf cups of buttermilkwe have one and a half tablespoons ofmelted butter take the list and blendthose wet ingredients together good sonow what we’re gonna doit’s right back in our dry ingredientsand we’re actually going to pour our wetingredients into the bowl of the dryerguys you have all the ingredients mixedin together I’m gonna go get it whiskall together and there is the batteryyou’re a pancake batter but from scratchso what we’re gonna do is let the battersit for ten minutes and then we’ll beback and we’re gonna get started on ourwonderful buttermilk pancakesso buttermilk waffles as well we’ll beback in two minutesalright welcome back we are back and weare ready to go ahead and put ourpancakes right into the skillet and thewaffle maker it has been two minutes ofthe batter case so it’s nice fresh readyto go before we get started I just wannalet you know I’m using an ice creamscoop because I want to make sure thatmy batter is put into the skillet and awaffle maker evenly okay so that’s whyI’m using ice cream see before we getstarted we’ll put they’re not matter andinstill it in the waffle maker I don’tknow Hennings quickly spray is the listokay so you’re gonna go it is suit ourpattern right it’s goodyeah I move over here to the wafflemaker I’m gonna write this down miniwaffles cook there let’s do this niceBrown Golden Delicious a little bitbutter on there with some syrup this isgonna be greatso let’s check the box yum yummy niceand brown delicious syrup I’ll drizzleit on there you’re ready to eat this isbeautiful I know you guys love thisyou’re gonna love it watching like thehouse dressing yum yum yumokay this is bonus for you guys I’mgiving you an honest tip so what we’regoing to do is good opportunity to dopancakes and waffles but I havesomething extra for the end result letme so delicious[Music]I’ll let lid down on it and all thatthese babies cook all right here is thebow miss you guyswaffles with cinnamon building buildingyour officeyou have beautiful cinnamon roll wafflesoh my god and there me this is yourcinnamon roll waffles with chicken skinadd this for breakfast brunch or youhave it for dinnerbut we got a guy right on you don’t gettensedwe can definitely taste that cinnamonroll flavor so just think about if youdon’t like Sam well villain you can justuse regular buttermilk pancakes andwaffles or if you want your fancy goahead and send them all touch to itit’s delicious hot probably she won’t bedisappointed in the egg chicken in herefor your protein nice little drumettesyou’ll be definitely feel for breakfastbrunch or dinner thank you guys forjoining me todayit was great showing you this wonderfulbreakfast brunch idea we’ll see you nexttime ciao for now