Mr. Waffles and his partner Mr. French Toast
make a smoothie
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
your life and my guests towards gonna beFrench does what he what he posed to dois he’s gonna pass me all the foods andthen I’m gonna Dunkleman and he’s gonnaput it on high and I’m gonna do the restso we’re gonna start by now so this ishow we’re gonna do it start off withtendon real okay so so I’m at one gookay so these are frozen berries and ofcourse we’re gonna put them here okaythen what I just put it in there andthen lastly get milk put it in thereokay so now we’re gonna start it real soso my brother is gonna pass me those twookay so so I’m gonna start off with thisokay so now I’m gonna dump these in okayiceokay now when that’s all finishedtake this oh yeah we forgot the vanillaokay okay now that’s done now we’regonna put on the lids there’s the pieceof piece now we’re going to take theplastic piece and closer put it on high[Music][Music][Music]okay so now that’s over take off the lidokay so now that off now take this ofcourse you have this so now we have thisand now water let’s take this and thenwe’re gonna pour it in[Music]okay so now we’re gonna both try italready cliff are you ready okay okaynow the last pork okay now the last partto drink I would say my house frozenmilk the icy flavor I wish you guyscould taste this it tastes so goodokay I want you my don’t Matthew thatlike button and comment down below whatshould I do nextbye guys