Today we are making Belgian Waffles!! With step by step guild.
Prep Time: 15 minutes /Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes /Servings: 8
▶️2 1/4 Cups All Purpose Flour
▶️1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
▶️3 Tablespoons Sugar
▶️1/2 Teaspoon Salt
▶️1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
▶️2 Large Eggs Separated
▶️1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
▶️2 Cups Milk
▶️1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1️⃣ In a large bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, and cinnamon.
2️⃣ In a medium bowl beat the egg whites with a hand mixer or whisk until stiff peaks form. Set aside.
3️⃣ In a separate medium bowl mix together the egg yolks, vegetable oil, milk, and vanilla extract.
4️⃣ Add the egg yolk mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well.
5️⃣ Fold in the egg whites.
6️⃣ Pour the batter onto your hot waffle iron and cook according to manufacturer’s directions**
7️⃣ Serve immediately with butter, syrup, powdered sugar or any other favorite toppings.
8️⃣ ENJOY!!!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys and welcome to hands-oncooking my name is Chris today we’remaking Belgian waffles yes we’re goingto use all of these ingredients here tomake thiswith the ingredients list for ourBelgian waffles so the first thing thatwe need we’re going to need two and aquarter cup of all-purpose flourwe made one tablespoon of baking powderwe made 3 tablespoon of sugar 1/2teaspoon of salt we need 1/2 cup ofvegetable oil 2 cups of milkI’m gonna need a teaspoon of cinnamonextract lastly two large eggs so thefirst step in our recipe would be to mixthe flour baking powder sugar salt andcinnamon together so we’re gonna startwith I’m a baking powder there are threetablespoons of sugar saltand our cinnamon so we’re gonna use awhisk I’m gonna mix this together nowthat we have this mix we’re gonna setthis to the side for now our next stepwould be to break the egg and separatethe egg whites from the yolk and thenwe’re gonna mix the egg white until it’sstiff we get a white foamfinished with mixing the egg whitesuntil it’s nice and foamy here we’regonna set this aside for now so in ournext step we’re going to add our eggyolks to oil or milk and lastly thevanilla extract now that we have thismix in I like this put that video andwe’re gonna get our dry ingredients backadd our mixture to our dry ingredientsand then of course we’re gonna mix thistoo so there’s one last thing I’m goingto add to it this will be our egg whitesand we’re just gonna mix this in as welland it’ll be ready to go everythingmixed in here I’m gonna get the waffleiron going alright so we’re gonna startwith our first waffleI’ll let it go for a minute and a halfand I’m gonna take a lookI said been a minute and a half we’lltake a look over and there you have itjust going to take this out we’re goingto continue the process we’re gonna addour batterthere’s gonna even misspell it acrossthe waffle ironand we’ll start it for a minute and ahalf all right so it’s been a minute anda half we’ll take this one out all rightso we have our waffles ready now we’regoing to plate all right guys this isour Belgian waffle for today please letme know what you think about the recipealso please like and subscribe to thechannel for weekly recipes my name isChris and lastly enjoy