It’s not National Pizza party Day unless you build a Pompeii Pizza oven in your backyard and bake your favorite pizza pie crust while you do it! Join the schmoes as they celebrate Pizza Party by using their very own Italian style brick oven. Learn how it’s made and take careful notes!
Locals to Denver, get your supplies here –
List of exact materials coming soon.
Shout out to our camera man Jason Natzke.
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#happyeveryday #PizzaPartyDay
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Video Transcription
we’re on a mission to make the bestpizza you’ve ever tastedit smells like chucky cheese that’s notgoodbut we may have gone a little overboardoh I’d love to help you out today wewill find out if all of this effort willbe worth it there’s a really coolproject for you all right we’re twounqualified schmoes it’s our mission tocelebrate every national holiday eventhe weird ones if we can do it so canyou are you ready to make some crustlet’s get crusty happy national pizzaparty day sure what are we doing tocelebrate pizza party day we’re gonnamake some pizza dough and then with thatdough make pizzas and then hopefullyhave a pizza party it’s gonna be alittle different I think with quarantineand everything so maybe we can makepizzas and hand them out to neighborsfriends that’s gonna be like a pizzaparty drive-through there are so manyways to make pizza crust we can do adigital like menu here point to whereyou want on the screen we’ll make ithappenwarm water flour salt sugar yeast oliveoil it’d be nice to have a mixer youdon’t need oneyou could use your hands so we’re gonnastart with warm water so we can activatethis yeast so that’s a half cup of warmwater and salt actually kills your yeastso you don’t want to pour it in andyou’re sure that that’s the sugar andthat’s the salt give it a little give ita test yeah it’s all gonna get cookedthis is salt Oh a good thing you tastedit and we need four tablespoons of oliveoil yeah so we’re just letting the yeastbloom it is spring it’s a time to bloomwe’ve already measured out our flourwhich is eight cups of flour and howmuch is that gonna make it we’re gonnamake eight pizza crusts this is two andthree quarters of water and youcarefully put that into the bowl this isnot a professional cooking show knowwhat that’s gonna do but yeah portal andthat’s definitely screwed up the recipeoil yep added in apron on cooking showsright you do need some flair Pam I wouldsay add the flour now I always getafraid to add the salt before the flouroh yeah that thing’s a beast cool andthen we can have the salt this is adough hook it’s not like a wisp or apaddle the hook is good for dough I’m anexpert listen to me the next step onthis is critical okay I need you tolisten very carefullybut let’s get the tempo up when you’remaking pizza crust or any kind of breadif you feel like it’s dry then you canpour in water usually a tablespoon at atime but if it’s if it’s really wet andinside a bowl I was like 1/4 tablespoonit’s not my fault these things arebroken so we’re gonna let it rise inhere for an hour and we’re gonna comeback cut it up into eight pieces andthen we’ll let that rise for an hour andall that’s when we can start tossingpizza are we like the worst people to betelling people how to do stuffyeah that’s why this channel is greathere take one end take here taken in I’mgonna have nightmares about this youhave no idea how much this just stressyeah no this one’s ruined that’s good isthat maybe there we go I think I justdiscovered something oh yeah oh my goshcan we just make the video about thisthis is how you do it two people how arewe gonna cook these things we shouldbuild like a wood fire pizza oven Icould probably help ya and take like acouple hours let’s go do it okay oohit’s this way hey friends welcome to thehappy everyday wood fire pizza ovenbuild my Foreman and I were discussingthis and one of the things we’re gonnahave to do to make room first in thatslab is take out a chunk of the sidedriveway there’s actually a nasty crackthat we’re gonna get rid of so I’m kindof happy to be cutting that outalright let’s cook I mean cut this Mattwe’re gonna cut this Matt I’ll be usingmy grinder with a stone disc and asledgehammer and hopefully that’ll dothe job it’s hammer time[Music]this is really hard harder than Ithought it would be I might ask my wifethis under for me[Music]John how’s the pizza oven going goodwe’re working on leveling we can haveour frame built for pouring our slabwe’ll start putting rebar together andsince you just showed up you can help mewith some rebar you want to get startedon the back oh oh you want to do thisone yes sirdon’t think just cut[Music]we lay rebar in kind of like atic-tac-toe pattern and what that doesis strengthens the cement the wholepizza oven this much work actually thisprobably be one of the easiest things wedo because after this we start mixingcement and pouring it in so it’s gonnabe a lot of shoveling and moving thereeighty pound bags of cement so it’sgonna be a lot of work all right man yougo it was funall right cool thanks for stopping byand saying hey this is a really coolproject for you all right I’ll see youin a couple monthsalright see ya later for the base lab weuse 20 80 pound bags of high-strengthconcrete mix and it really helps to havesomeone on the other end of the 2×4 tohelp you level out a slab this sizewe did our cement slab took our frameoff and now we’re ready to do ourcinderblock walls I have some preblended mortar mix we’re gonna mix thatup then we’re gonna try building somecinderblock walls I’ve never done itbefore so we’ll see how it comes out[Music][Music]I used four foot pieces of angle iron tobridge the gap at the front of our boxto support the top row of cinder blockswe finished our cinder block walls thelast thing we have to do for these isbuild them in with cement we might justdo every other space because it might beexcessive to do the whole thing we’regonna be building a cement tabletopwe’re gonna use rebar and wire mesh toreinforce that and really make surethat’s strong so it’ll hold our pizza ofit I can like taste the pizzas we’re soclose[Music][Music]this is our insulation layer or thebottom floor of the ovenwe’ve made our mold out of scrap plywoodI had lying around we’re gonna mix paralight and Portland cement at a five toone ratio we used a five gallon bucketand did 2.5 buckets of the para lightand a half bucket of the Portland cementnow we’re gonna mix that up and addwater put it in our mold and that’sgonna make our insulating layer for thebottom of our pizza oven so I could callit a para light but it’s perlite perlite[Music]once the perlite has dried level it offwith sand this was provide a flatsurface for our oven floor of bricksfirst brick being put down[Music]all right last brick going into thefloornow we start working on our entrancearchway so that’ll be a lot of fun to dowhen our refractory mortar in betweenour bricks we’ve got a lot in betweenhere because we’re starting to curve forour arch it’s pretty okay to work withit’s weird it feels really sloppy andwet but it actually does hold prettydecent as we’re starting to come up onthis arch we are the last brick of theentire oven oh wait now we’ve got like amillion more to go this is how you makea mess[Music]that was the last fret tomorrow we’llstart actually building our dome[Music]whoa hey how’s it going man that isreally impressive can you smell thepizza I’d love to help you out yeah youwant to try it is this where the chimneygoes yes that’s gonna be the opening forthe chimney but we’ll probably just getthe dome done first this is cool – whatis this for that is to make sure thedome is too much even yeah symmetricalso it’s just a caster wheel that I tookthe wheel off so when you put your brickyou got this L bracket and that kind oftells you where it needs to be and thenyou want it flat against this yeah sothat’s how you know how much mortar youwant in there as you go up you know andaround and make sure that your circle isperfect and that your dome is goodnice work yeah thanks I just saw it on aYouTube video this is a fire brickyou’ll notice they’re not red brickslike you’d find in like a brick wallthese are especially made and rated fora high temperature along with the mortarso everything should be safe and keepeverything insulated but you don’t wantthat heat escaping try and blob on someon the back but you want to kind ofgradually bring it down blob to gradyeah that’s pretty goodand I just kind of use that as a guideas I set it down and you’re basicallygonna want the front of your brick totouch the other ones you can take thisaway now that you kind of placed it andthen I like to use this mallet keep ahand on it and then tap the front downlooks good yep any time you need tobring this thing in now when I look atthis you can kind of see that there’s agap in the front so that to me thatmeans the back needs to come down thetiger Oh Nick you just dropped a bigblob this is at least six dollars a blobhere the cool thing is is what so oncethe dome is done we’re actually going towe’ll do like cure fires because we’lldo all that like once we get the brickdone and after that we’re gonna do a twoinch and that’s gonna be kind of yourfinishing coat batting that’s more oflike a visual type thing all right youwon’t put this one on[Music]when I started getting towards the topof the dome and the bricks were almostvertical they wouldn’t stay supported onmortar alone so I cut strips of plywoodto hold them up until they dried enoughto support themselves[Music]last piece not exactly a perfect circlekind of have this piece ma just blobbedit with a bunch of mortar and we’re justgonna stick it in there finally we’redone with the dome not with the oven thenext thing we’re gonna do is put achimney in right here we’re just gonnacut out some of these bricks here I leftthem a little long because I wanted thisboard at the time when nothing was driedonce the chimney is done we’re gonna useour leftover refractory mortar to do anentire skim coat it’s important to run aseries of purifiers in your oven beforeyou cook in it this ensures that therefractory mortar sets properly andwon’t crack bring the oven up to around200 degrees for your first cure firewhile the cure fire was going weinstalled 2-inch ceramic fiberinsulation wrap chicken wire around theinsulation to give the stucco somethingto stick oh – oh sorry about that that’sthe second curing fire it went outNick’s stick the stucco to the chickenwire you’ll do two coats of this basestucco use a wet sponge to knock downany high spots that you can’t smooth outwith the trowelonce the vase stucco is dry apply aneven finish coat just like the base coatsmooth it out with a wet sponge justmake sure you wear gloves now we’reactually close to finish in the oventhis has been a very challenging projectbut I couldn’t have done it without thebest crew in the world[Applause][Music]building a pizza oven is exhausting Ican’t believe we finished it already weyeah yeah can’t believe we built it inthe time it took this notarized yeahlet’s take it off oh it’s a littlesticky just the way I like itthat wasn’t a sexual thing sure kind ofspread some yeah yeah so the next stepis we’re gonna cut this into eightseparate pieces with our dough cutterand let them go stick it up that wasn’tsmooth at all I made you take two wellthat was really smooth this time I meanfor the first time look at that thingyeah you want to cut it in half that wayis there a professional way of doing ityes there is then you’re not doingbecause I’m not a professional I’m justa Schmo qualified smooth all right sonow we we toss it right yeah that comessoon we’re actually we want to makeeight so it let’s put these in the Habstoo now we toss it oh damn it what do Ido when this happens bro you ruined itwe gotta start over right wait wait waitwait ah saved it feel that slap I likethatah hey like what I kind of do kind ofnicenow we just know he hasn’t yet we wantthese to rise you’ll probably want togive him an hour to rice good stuff wellwe got to get a fire going in the pizzaoven so yeah let’s get that ready let’sdo it we have the fire going that’s beengoing for about an hour we want thefloor temp to be not as hot as possiblebetween like seven eight hundred degreesthat’s where these pizzas really cookfast right now we’re about 500 I’m gonnaflip the fire to the back of the pizzaoven then every 20 minutes we’re gonnamove it from like side to side just tomake sure the oven is heating evenly youbro all rightmmm that like tripled in size but theyrise to perfect amount for us to tosssome pie it’s gonna flower your bet yourworkspace herepick your favorite oh I think this oneyou want to be able to move your fingersthrough it and stuff so just get it allfloured up and sprinkle a little bit onon top and just kind of spread it aroundyou want to make your crust first sojust spin it in a circle make your crustwith your fingers see look well we’reall done it’s a pizza and then afterstep they just keep going around andspread it out see how I’m using myfingers to spread it try to look up alsoat the camera because sometimes we lookdown too much I’m just stretching it outwith my the the back of my handif your does not spread out the nextstep will will allow it to is this oftenyeah tossing oh no you’re doing a greatjobthanks let me just show you real quickreally easy there you go this is amoment for you to really spread youryour crop wings oh crust look at youthis is awesome I mean we’re making10-inch pizzas right I mean this alreadyjust hit myself in the face this will bemy pizza since some of it went in mymouthless is montage this[Music]you gotta put the marinara sauce on thepie i’m saucin here here we go firstpizza first pizza for happy everydayI just cut in half it’s the cooking yeahI think I put it in too far this one Ithink is just gonna be a practice one Ikind of ripped the pizza in halfit smells like Chucky Cheese good knowChucky Cheese is the best what cheersCheershappy keeps party day mmm you make areally good pizza you – it’s your doughCheersso I think the cameraman needed fivehamburgerthat looks so good right Wow[Music]ah it burns this is our third pizza andI feel like we’ve we’re getting theregot it down looks like a professionalpizza this is definitely the best oneyetNick what are you doing you’re Amishbeard is gonna get like in the doughwell I mean you that you have a beardyeah but this is like well-maintainedyeah I’ll get you something you kind oflook like Moe’s so I think this is athis is better yeah happy pizza partyday happy pizza party oh yeah happypizza party dae-jung party day get homefast I’m still hot ready for pizzaI am so ready Oh enjoy it hurry it’scooling down there up here hey Bret howyou doing good perfect delivery hold itlike thisand then when you throw it up flip itlike this just throw it up in the airnot bad how high can you throw thatlet’s see make it lay on John’s headpizza party day that was a success I’dsay so man I mean it started I’ll admitmy first pizza it was a little rough butwe you know that was our snack but ittasted so good man well we justcelebrated pizza party day so can you[Music]you