Pies Recipes

BAKING WITH DAWN DEROW ~ Easy pumpkin pie

Today is about dessert! I know its not pumpkin season – BUT – this pie is good any time of year and its super easy to make. Enjoy!

1 Can of Pumpkin
12-14 oz of Sweetened condensed milk (or regular)
1/4 cup of Great Lakes Collagen Protein Powder
1 TBL Maple Syrup
1 TBL of Vanilla extract
1 & 1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon
1 teaspoon of Nutmeg
1 teaspoon of ground cloves
Dash of Salt

Pinch your pie shell edges
Poke the center with a fork and then
Bake pie shell for 8-10 mins at 375° (This is necessary for Gluten Free Crusts so they don’t get soggy on you once you add pumpkin)
Then pour your your pie Ingredients into the shell ~
Bake for 15 min at 375°
Then drop temperature to 350° set a timer for 25-30 mins
(I pulled my pie out at 23mins)

If you missed last months video, check out COOKING WITH DAWN DEROW:
Meatballs video:

Collagen protein:

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi everybodywelcome back to my youtube channel todayi’m going to show you how to bakea pumpkin pie this is the easiestpumpkin pie recipe in the worldwe are not going to chop up a realpumpkinand put it in the oven and do all thatwe’re not going to roll out doughyou’re going to have this prepped andready for the oven in maybe less than 15minutesit’s so easy you guys you’re gonna loveit and maybe who knows your best friendloves pumpkin pieso you’re gonna show up at theirbirthday party with a pumpkin pie for[Music]them[Music]always make sure to have a beverage incase youget a little parched while making thispotget a can of organic pumpkin it doesn’teven have to say pumpkin pie it justliterally has to be straight up pureepumpkinnext you want either sweetened orunsweetened condensed milk i gotsweetened because i actually am notgoing to addany sugar in to this pie if you want toadd sugar you can but itry to stay away from sugar because itis the devili try to go with stuff that’s purethat’s that’sstraight from the earth this is maplesyrup100 so in addition to the maple syrupi’m going to add a dash of vanillaextracti put a scoop of this in my coffee everymorningthis is collagen hydrosylate it’s greatfor your bonescartilage and skin and i figure ifyou’re going to eat pumpkin pie why notget a little benefit of some protein sowe’re going to add 1 4 cupof protein powder you got your proteinyour vanillainto your pie off you go two to threeeggs i’m gonna add two eggsand then our shells and this is just fordecoration littlecinnamon sticks so this is a gluten-freepie shell pre-made so of course you’regonna need some cinnamonsome nutmeg and some ground cloveswe’re gonna bake some pack some pie somepumpkinsome pumpkin pie um oh yeah okay[Music]i’m the type of baker that doesn’t quitemeasure thingsjust kind of comes out i use a lot of myintuitionwhen i’m baking but because of myviewers at home i’m gonna do a littlemeasuring for youall so this is a tablespoon of vanillathat and a tablespoonof maple syrup i always seem to forgetthe salt you don’t need to put a lot ofsalt we’re just gonna do a little dash[Music]oh yeah[Music]okay so you can see the shell isslightly cookedit was in for about eight minutes at3.75now we’re going to pour in the pumpkinpieso now you’re going to wait about 15minutes the ovenis at 375 so you want to cook it alittle higher first for 15 minutesthen take it out lower the temperatureto 350and bake it for another 35 minutes andthen justdrink your wine in the meantimeoh it smells so good pumpkin pie is donebakingso i actually took this out of the ovenat about 23 minutesmake sure you let it cool for about 15to 20 minutesand then it’s ready to be devouredsmells good so thanks for tuning infor baking with dawn my first videowas my mini turkey meatball so if youhaven’t watched that yet you might wantto goback and check that out the link will bein the description belowand enjoy your pie we’ll see you nexttimebye

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