Pancakes Recipes

Making pancakes 🥞

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I’m making a pancake I know it’s kind oflate in the afternoon but this is myattempt of a heart and yes at first whenI started loving I had way too hot sothat’s why it kind of looks birthdayokay yeah so yeah I don’t want that tolike um I don’t want that to put theplate on the this because then it willjust melt so let’sI can’t even make that sound I can washno okay let’s attempt to make a heartno let’s make a startperfect it’s a perfect school we can westart really fightingokay I wonder what how like it looksbetter than nothing I guessDavid oh no I turned him down but Iguess don’t wanna let you have adultsupervision like say you’re like eightor something or maybe your parentsalready taught you and then they trusthim now don’t break that trust okaylet’s check on this horrible squigglybecause my hands were shaking and youhave to have an electric like griddledthing that usually people usually usenot even close to me okay let’s try thatwhy does this happenokay now and I’m coloring this and I’mkind of trying to do this straightbecause every time they draw like thisthing it like this one is so weirdI think this pipe is too small thoughor I’m squeezing it too much becauseevery time I try to draw something theheart was good but then it’s like yousee this it just misses you know I don’tknow why it does thatyes oh my god did you guys see that lookit’s like so weirdit keeps doing that so I’m doing italready waynow I’m just filling it inhave to be quick because I need to flipthe beating tape above it but I won this- okay that’s kindest don’t fail guysthis isn’t actually progress becausethis actually looks kind of like a starI’m not saying it’s the best simple likepeople usually notice I said kind of[Music]oh my goodness I had a great start butthey’re not ended up like thisoh gosh cuz they start like kind offarty[Music]video park do come you soon I’m gonnatell you guys obviously how I think ittastes obviously i’m looks I think it’shorriblethis is the closest I come to Austinbecause they’re so sweet w I thinkopposites squeezing it so Mitchell’squickly but that’s okay I’m going totomorrow hopefully make some morepancakes hopefully they’re betterbecause I got some experience and I’mgonna make a part two so I think guys soyou guys can see me I’m either with aNutellahopefully the Nutella gives it likebetter taste if it tastes horribleitself or what I’m still I’m not gonnataste syrup in your Nutella tickets feellike that might be gross or you guystell me have you ever tastedum pancake syrup and then I hope youguys have enjoyed this video don’tforget to Like share comment I don’tthink you can do that but make sure youguys do subscribe[Music]

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