Bread Recipes

Brown Sugar Banana Bread | Best Banana Bread Recipe

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hey thank y’all for stopping by campingwhoo it is a glorious day we arebreaking out an old classic button and abread but folks I’m gonna give you sometips and tricks on how to keep thisthing moist there on the inside and thenwe’re gonna top it with our brown sugarcrumble that’s gonna be so good hurryI’ll get the letter I’ll climb up andget to nanners for us[Music]you know you go to the store and youthink I’m gonna give me a whole bundleof them bananas I’m gonna take them homeand then you get busy and things happenand you look around later and what is itoh you’re nanners have done gotdiscolored and a lot of folks think Idon’t know what I’m gonna do with themnow folks that is when it’s time to makesome Nana bread and this is so goodShanna’s change this up a little and sheputs the cream cheese in there with themixture to keep it moist and to give itsome creaminess and who it is so goodtop it off with a brown sugar crumbleyeah breakfast dinner and supper happymeal you got it all and it started withsome bananas it did but folks as alwayseverything that we use in this video andthe recipe will be down there in thelittle description below some of youhaving a little trouble finding that itwhen you comment back to me I don’t knowwhere it’s atwell on a mobile there’s a little arrowdown there and it’ll point you in theright direction if you’re on your laptopor your big computer just go down therewhere it says show more click click takeyou down there printable recipe go tothe blog nice Gillian’s of them thereyou can cook everything in the worldeven and her bread so we’re gonna keepthis traditional also and cook it in aloaf pan I’m gonna use a Dutch oven ohand we’re gonna show you some littletrips and tricks to get that done andit’ll be just as good if not better asdoing it in the house well let’s getthis process underway and a lot of yoube thinking where’d you get that fancydish Bob left y’all be thinking this isfor a soap dish container really it isnot is to hold your cream cheese that’swhy I’m gonna use it today and we’restarting with a half a block of creamcheese and hey did y’all know that thisrecipe was in this book I don’t know theexact page number but I have seenthere’s a lot of stuff marked look herebrown sugar banana bread maybe I canreplicate that today I hope sohey if y’all ain’t got one of themChannel have you a place down therewhere you can find it because it is agreat book it is so let’s get thissoftened cream cheese out of there youneed let it come to room temperature atleast and then tune inners is all ittakes and we’re going to incorporatethem manners and the cream cheesetogether and then we are gonna beat iton high but guess what folks y’all haveseen me use it metimes but it ain’t here today that’s theD Walt mixer you folks at home can useit on one of them fancy mixers if yougot it me I’m gonna use a fork and awhisk today so bear with me it may takea little time and there might even besome arthritis incorporated in it beforewe get through well I think we got thatmashed up best we can with that forkso I think the recipe in the book saysbeat well so hang on with me folks I gotto mix your own hi dude time out myshoulder hurts[Music]cup of white sugar and beat again soafter you get that cream together reallywell everything is mixed up smooth onestick of melted butter who the butterpeople are gonna be happy we’re gonnamix that again till we get that butterincorporated in there well we got thatmixed up really well in a separate Bowlin this little mixing bowl I’ll have mea cup and 3/4 of flour I’m gonna add mesome baking powder yeah that was justthe right amount and I’m gonna add somesalt which is that much I’m gonna mix itall together and we have windage dooperyou getting some of that over everybodyhe’s just getting foggy so we got thatmixed together well let me bring thisone back over here we’re gonnaincorporate that in there slowly and mixit together so turn your beater on lowokay and then just sift you some inthere at a timeand if it’s windy in your kitchen and ahouse shut the window when you get it tothat stage folks and you get that flowerincorporated in there well I need you toadd some vanilla at this time which isexactly that much a cat food start themixer one more time let me pull a ropegive it a better libitum here we go wellI think y’all can see that consistencyis just right and look here we don’t gotour loaf pan we do need you to give it agood reason do not use wd-40 or Troparctic this stuff here is pretty goodit’s called butter flavor now we justgot to get all this into that littlecontainer some of y’all be telling me Ineeded one of these so I got one wellwonder where culinary is I need adishwasher oh there he isdo you do dishes he says I’ll work onthat dad for you I need you to smooththis out in this little loaf pan Dukeyou can clean the spatula in a minutebuddywell let’s mix up this little crumblingfolks it is simple and it is easy I’mtalking some light brown sugar here twoheaping tablespoons and I want you tonotice when you you get that brown sugarand it’s got them doesn’t youautomatically you want to mash it don’tyou do not mash it this time we needthem in there I like them crumbles likethat so we’ve got our two tablespoons ofbrown sugar in there heaping and just alittle dab of cinnamon now this is hardto do in the wind Shan see it over hereyou need to take the bowl out you underto the north side of the barn take toyour fork and just give it a littlestirring and then folks I just want youto sprinkle it as evenly as you canacross this nanner breadthe wind is blowing my crumble awaythere you have it it is a done deal nowwe just need to cook it so I’m gonna goover I’ll meet y’all at the fire in aDutch oven we’ll get this thing to go inwell folks let’s talk about cooking thisand now I got me a tall trivet there onthe ground as you can see and I love tocook bread on a tall tribute especiallywhen the wind blowing 25 mile an hoursort of slows thing down a little sowe’re gonna leave our towel trivet thereI am cooking and I want you to see thisa deep Dutch oven and I’m talking deepby sidewall ways that way when youcooking breads stuff like that cakesthat are gonna rise a lot your heatsource is not as close to the top ofyour finished product so let’s go aheadand set him on there if he’ll fit andwhen you’re cooking something and you’reusing sort of like an insert but justeven this little old pan and you’resending in a dry oven like that it’shard on cast-iron folks I like to giveit a little greasing before we everstart and it don’t take much that waythat just sitting there metal againstmetal just dry so just give you a littlesnort of any of your favorite oil I’musing some grapeseed today and then justsort of wiper around there what happensnext will the loaf pan fit will a squarepeg going around hole I don’t know it’sgonna be close oh my gosh look thereit’s bulletproof it’ll fit we’ll get thelid on it get us some cold top andbottom we good to go well you see me onthe tall trivet get me some coals out ofbirth of their shake a – out of thebottom air we’ve got them holes in thatshovel remember lay a heavy line ofcoals right there around the outsideagent that dopin and heavy on top nowremember folks we’re sitting in thatDutch oven in a loaf pan so we got alittle barrier there to help us out nowthe wind is blowing we will have torotate pretty often today but being aswe’re on a tall trivet and we got thatloaf pan is a little barrier in there wecan cook this pretty well with thatremaining constant hot Heat[Music][Music]well it is a done deal and folks we’vegot to get that thing out there and letit cool don’t be grabbing it with yourbare fingers I guarantee you it’ll takethe height off of will or as I say whatis it you burn the hair off a frog’sbutt it will now you seen me at was wewas going through this cooking processthe wind got up to was probably 30 35miles an hour blew some stuff down incamp so we rake that heat away from it alittle further and things was gettingreally brown on top so I just did awaywith that heat because that lid hadenough there to just keep it but alsoyou’ve got so much moisture in therebeing with the bananas and the creamcheese to that you get a lot of thatthat’s hard to cook out when you have tocook it fast like that so you see mefolks at one time I needed to slow thisthing way down so I took it plumb offthe heat got it off that bottom heat setit over there I probably let it setmaybe four to five minutes just to letthat sort of cool off a little and thenwent back and that’s when I targetedthat heat in the middle because it wasstill so moist right there in the middleof it that way we’re getting some ofthat concentration just to heat in onespot to where we can get that moisturecook out of there and it sets up insertyour mesquite tree stick whatever stickyou got laying around when it comes outclean it is a done dealremember in the house you won’t havethis much trouble you’re about 350degrees for about 50 to 55 minutes andlet her cool before you even try toslice it well you see it come out ofthere after you let it cool slice youoff some of that I want you to look hereyou can see that good moisture that’s inthere when you break that rascal aparthe just smells like home to me freshbanana bread get cream cheese with thatbrown sugar crumble on top[Music]folks that is what I call good Shannonhas come up with a great deal here it isbetter than good it is what you call allright make these gonna climb a nano treeif we only had one so I’ll cut a coolain’t no nanners in camp folk cake doersso will this dude up the monkey crawlyeah I do love me some nanner bread getit some of that fine down him but thatcream cheese in there keeps it so moistbut when you get that crunch of thatbrown sugar right there on top hey don’tget no better than that come here y’allhave been here all day come on big bigleast you want to try thisyou wait big has got seniorityhere you go huh because I really like iti wag the tail well folks as always wesure thank you for this we had a goodtime we did you can do this outside orinside hey it is great to do in thebackyard we showed you how to do thatwith a little loaf pan be careful ofyour heat if it is windy as always I tipmy hat to all our servicemen and womenand veterans who have kept that flagflying above our camp we salute you wedo but also remember folks we got a lotto be thankful for in these timeseverybody that’s keeping us safe keepingus stopped everyone we need to lift themup in prayer Thank You Shannon Andy foralways making me look better than thatI’m probably a.m. we appreciate each andevery one of you[Music]but folks we gonna do it in loaf planjust loaf playing we got a loaf planbrought it out we did beak what are youdoing what do you gotthey didn’t sing yeah no calm

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