As we have been quarantined like most we were in the mood for some cookies so it was best to make them ourselves. Watch as we made homemade sugar cookies and biscotti. I forgot to show how the biscotti come out but that will be in the next vlog. Thanks for watching!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
don’t want a cookie each sariosexplained because I saved calories forthis[Music]my god is happy Thursday Thursday rightum we’re on a little walk here we don’tknow what that’s crazywe just know when the weekend comes butright whoops Saturday um I’ve been outof work but I’m like a month on my 320this guy’s going crazy I’m getting paidthis is good yes think like he’s goingnuts I don’t know what he’s okay you’vegot to be nice for the birds anyway thisis our second round walking just tryingto get some exercise I’ve been stolenosseous we’re not a huge appetiteyesterday was better but right now it’suh not as good but it’s okay I did havea sandwich was just good yeah I kind ofhave to shove it down but um I guess I’mjust really eating right now because I’mhungryat time stuff over hunger but not reallyan appetite and according to my scaleI’m down about five pounds which thankGod I have some wiggle room at themoment but we don’t want me to go um toolow or else then I’ll be at zero wiggleroom where I’ve been the last like threefour years so yeah we’re just enjoyingthe walk it’s good that we’re goingaround a couple of times get my legsfeeling better hopefully get a littlemore energy and feel strong or not soweak I’ve been feeling like I was gonnalike blackout and stuff so like gettingdizzy and lightheaded but um yeah justhanging in there and we’re gonnaFaceTime me so similar is every sincethe end it’s her birthday today and yeahso how are you birthday end thoughand it’s also my mom’s boyfriend’sbirthday so today so happy birthday sonot sure if you guys are gonna watch usbut the guys dinnertimeI just finished facetiming with a goodfriend of mine and we had some goodlayouts but we’re eating um steakpotatoes and peas and you’ll be reallyproud Rosario you only took so I didn’twant a whole steak cuz I haven’t beeneating too great and I’ll probably go inthe garbage so we shared a steak andRosario took like a third of it to cuthis calories down and you know come tothink of it the amount we’re probablyeating is probably the right amount ofounces of meat to have however yes Ineed calories so obviously if I felt upto eat any more I would have just had awhole state and he would have hadanother steak we’re part of it orwhateverproviding purposes but it worked outreally good and we’re gonna enjoy somedinner ever it is YUMchef Rosario over here my lipstick andhe just took a little piece because he’scalorie counted and I’m very proud ofhim he’s doing amazing he’s on like day60 most 6303 see 60 whoo congratulationsthank you and you’ve was quite a bit ofweight so far 90 pounds 90 pounds almost20 pounds I’m very proud and thankbegging faithlyn I’m being ridiculedhere like please give me think you willhave little teeth or anybody no moreokay what semanaguys we are on our walk sorry so darnsweet and it is down porting out here Igot my umbrella and missed the majorjust blow dry get it hey guys happySaturday pardon my appearance here withmy hat but it’s kind of breezy it’s like50 he never really stuck with it thismuch like he was sick for like a fewmonths lose quite a bit of weight andthen just give up and go back to eatingbut I think not even eating he’s gonnajust continue and I’m at the wheatalmost the wheat that I was at when Imet Rosario yeah trying to get back upto that week and he’s trying to get backdown for that weight so we’re gonna doour best Andrea work and Jackson 7 awardrejectshi guys its drive-thru time to get somemeds some really important ones bloodpressure and all that stuff and hubbyyearsJackson’s not a big fan of thedrive-throughs because he doesn’t likeweeding and guys like his sheep we put asheet back there baby I’m gonna we camein the middle hi baby anything alrightJack Jackson sandwich that somebody on adiet would eat you probably not no it’sgot ham turkey tomatoes mayonnaise and aslice of mozzarella cheese on a sweetbread sweet friend bed roll enjoy havesome cereal all calculated of course allof my calories so it’s a it’s within mybudget don’t judge I is proving thatwhat he’s doing is working so nojudgment needed but anyway um I think Istarted telling you guys but I didn’treally see was finished he wasn’tfinished talking he’s gonna have asandwich I’m gonna have some cereal justtook care of a low blood sugar with somejuice and a couple of pieces of candyand yeah I’m looking forward to somecereal and Jackson here is very happyhey Jax yeah he’s just chilling on thecouch he had his dinner earlier and sothat’s what’s happening in our householdI think too crazy it was nice to get outfor a longer walk than usual todaybecause it was beautiful out so see youguys in a bit Sunday everybody it’s notreally too cold out I’m just holdbecause it’s drizzling and it’s damp sobut we’re just peeking little Jacksonwho’s evening walk and then we’re gonnamake some pizza I’m looking forward tothat but I’m kinda really hungry now soI figure we’re gonna just have a saladfirst why all the young people cook sothat’ll be goodgotta stood up to Jackson here has nojacket or hood he’s just the taxi herewe need that zone babyI mean everything from scratch it’sgonna be a little rest on the couchbefore we got to read our chapters inthe Bible that we’ve been doing everynight and now you’re sitting on thecouch saying you know what we’re reallyin the wood for some cookies so we hadhomemade pizza now we’re making homemadesugar cookies from scratch we made ourown dough but of course flour and sugarand baking powder and eggs milk and somevanilla extract nice was that thoseballs are looking good I’m just gonnaokay like that I guess yeah yeah justgrab it of anyone the Baker here try oursecond treat guys we don’t think wasgonna come out to this much be caughtsoon yeah sorry you couldn’t seewe don’t think it was gonna come out tothis much because we cut it in half wedidn’t want a highway 20 cookies so ohyeah we’re ready on 15 I think yeahwe’ll probably get anybody 40 yeah butyou know 36 40 cookies don’t like thatyeah yeahhey you know what even if they deformthey’re still going to be you goingcrazy too late making now we’re makingvanilla almond biscotti and so this ishow you sheets and I think we showed youguys with yes this is one of ourfavorite cookies to make but I usuallydo itvanilla and the vanilla almond andanisette ones ended up the Scotties whatwe’re doing but I’ll rinse them so it’sinteresting because you shape it likethis where you take a DAB and milk withyour little like Walt a pink brush butit’s not with the little brush you putit on top and then sprinkle a littlesugar and that gives that nice likesmooth coating on top of a biscotti ifyou have us work for you go good jobchef thank you Thank You Baker you’re abaker different yeah being a cheftonight cookies yeah don’t misrepresentand here’s that one oh wait but here’sour sugar cookies came out yummy can’twait to taste them now they’re pullingoff we have a few more over therecooling off it’s a huge offense if youcall a baker chef that’s true justkidding all right guys here we go that’sbefore we cut it and bake it twicethat’s why it’s called biscotti becauseby obviously means twice two times andso yeah it has to be cooked babies overtimeOh split pea means overcooked okay notethat thank you for these lesson onItalian meals audio so there you gottaeat time I got one on my plate you stillhave to wait for this to cool down andthen cut them into those lights thinpieces and then we cook them but we’regonna start with a sugar cookie eachsorry as explained because I savecalories for this guy’s Wow they were sofreaking good I look at that shimmershineyeah delicious really really good he’senjoying them for sure he used hiscalories wisely today I gotta say cuzthey are definitely worth saving somecalories for they just realize that it’sa good night to you I took all my toolsand I was ready to bed but then I gotmoving cause arguably doing somescrambled eggsonce the whip them really did you grabthat amount your fluffy that way and Ilove fluffy eggs milk