Hey Guys! Don’t toss those really Ripe Bananas and follow this recipe to achieve a MOIST AND RICH BANANA BREAD that’s literally just like cake. The added BROWN SUGAR and GREEK YOGURT gives that extra Crunch and Richness. You can simple turn this Bread into a dessert by adding toppings like raisins, Ice cream, nuts or whatever you’d prefer. Scroll down for Ingredients.
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You will need:
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/3 tsp nutmeg
2/3 cup white sugar
1/2 cup light brown sugar
2 tbsp dark brown sugar
8 tbsp | 1/2 cup butter
2 Eggs
2 tbsp Greek yogurt
3 ripe banana
1 tbsp of lemon juice
1. If you do not have ripe bananas, take your regular bananas put in 350*F oven for 10 mins or until darkened.
2. Grab your baking bowl; add flour, nutmeg, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Mix and set aside.
3. Mash your bananas with a fork and add in lemon juice.
…. At this point preheat your oven to 350*F
4. Grab another mixing bowl; put in your butter and sugar (white, light and dark brown sugar).
5. Cream butter and sugar until properly mixed. add eggs, and Greek yogurt. Whip them all together.
6. Combine your mashed bananas with your butter mixture, making sure everything is properly combined.
7. Finally. Mix wet and dry ingredient and mix well but do not OVER MIX, it will result in a dry, sad banana bread.
8. Pour your batter into a greased pan or place parchment paper to avoid sticking to the bottom of your pan.
9. Shake to distribute evenly. You can also pat on your counter to let out air bubbles
10. Send your batter to oven and bake for 60 mins.
11. I know it tempting but you have to let it cool in the pan for 20 mins before taking out to avoid baking your banana bread.
12. Now take it out to a wire rack and let cool now ENJOY!
#moistbananabread, #bananabread, #bananabreadrecipe
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Hope you enjoy your Banana Bread! Thank you.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Applause][Music]banana bread are you all excited to beme cuz I am I’m also going to be showingsome tips and tricks so stay tuned forthat don’t forget to subscribe like andcomment down below I do like thecomments I do like the comments and Iappreciate the feedback so don’t forgetto do that now let’s grab our bakingbows wash those hands and let’s get itright hey guys if you’d love to achievethis dense fluffy moist banana breadright at home keep watching andsubscribeso before we start baking I’m gonnateach you the first trick to make amoist banana bread you obviously needyour banana right not just a plain vinaylike this so what I do is I’m gonna popthis into the open for apt if its degreefor ten minutes and you’re gonna see theresults alright banana is out of theoven and take a look a hard dark andripen and look just take a look at thatso the trick here is to put this in theoven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes oruntil dark like this so I’m gonna openthis up it’s kind of hot so you gotta becareful banana bread is one of thosedesserts to me when you have like whenyou have really ripe bananas and youdon’t want to trust them out you justmake banana bread science’ bakedso before I start baking I normally liketo start with my dry ingredients so hereI have one cup and third of floor I havenothing like here to add flavorcinnamon of course you need to month foryour banana bread and baking soda 1teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ofsalt because you need the salt tobalance your flavors and baking powderthat is one teaspoon I’m gonna put thisjust like that and I’m gonna mix themall in gonna work with the wetingredients so I have butter here I’mgonna add sugar since I kept sugar butnot really and I’m gonna get brown sugari mix dark brown eye cream this butterand sugar all together I’m gonna creamthis properly done creaming this we’regonna grab it the bananas and we’regonna mash them okay I don’t have likethe actual equipment to mash the bananafor now a bananas mashed up we’re gonnacome back here to the butter and sugarso I’m gonna break two eggs Hey andwe’re gonna mix this now we’re justgonna squeeze it’s hot bit of lemon inthere just add so we’re gonna add ourbanana I don’t make chunks in my bananaso I make sure everything is all choppedand we’re gonna mix now okay make sureto scrape the bottom of your bowl whileyou’re mixing just to make sureeverything is all the butter and sugarare all mixed in that is very importantscrape the bottom of your bowl guysscripting bowls all right let’s get itso gonna make the sameand the next part I’m gonna add yogathis is Greek yogurt I’m just gonna addlike two tablespoons the Greek yogurthere adds moist flavor and richness withbanana bread this is optional so you canuse plain yogurt buttermilk or sourcream it’s optional so pour it in andmix it in so bananas we’re gonna add dryingredients when it comes to the dryingredients you don’t want to over mixwith the floor because you’re gonnaproduce too much should glue in and thatit can make your banana bread really dryyou want a voice not a bread not a dryone so make sure not to over mix at thispoint when you see that your floor isall mixed iny’all stop mixing so I’m gonna oil atthe bottom of my pan so that our breaddoesn’t speak and I’m gonna line thisfashion on paper so it would be easy forus to just grab this and put on acooling rack so just like this and we’regonna you know extra thing that wastrying to pop this at this point my openis preheated to 350 degrees so preheatyour oven to 350 degrees and we’re gonnabake this for 60 minutesnow we’ve put it into a pan we’re gonnabake this for 60 minute and just gonnalike do this make sure everything islevel we’re gonna bake this for 60minutes which for you guys is like twoseconds so stay tuned our bread isfinally out of the oven after 60 minuteswe’re gonna let it rest now in the panfor 20 minutes so it doesn’t break whenwe take it out so we’ll let it rest for20 minutes and come back look at thecool benefit for that – make papereveryday what’s in it this in a coolingrackfew minutes just take a look smells sogood in the kitchen guys you need to trythis at home and I hope you do it ofbreaking so up banana bird just take alittle visit looks so good that steamthat smell it smells really did breadcame out really crunchy moist look atthe banana right there I hope you guysenjoy baking with me today and I reallyhope you try this at home because it wasworth it it was easy was worth the 60minute wait I mean it’s an easy recipeyou could try at home any time just getthose ripe bananas and if you don’t havea ripe bananas I you know just poppingit over for 10 minutes and it’ll berightI’m just let it cool for an extra fiveminutes I want these opportunities togive a big shout-out to Lisa happybirthday Lisa i’m luciene yourhalf-birthday over here this bananabread is dedicated see I cut it in foryou I’m gonna eat it for you – I’m sorrybringing your birthday today yo happybirthday alright thanks for watching Ihope you guys subscribe like and commenthope you try to come home and enjoy[Music]-