Pancakes Recipes

Why its Important to eat healthy – Let’s make protein pancakes!

Hi Guys!
Welcome to my YouTube Channel and my FIRST YouTube video (please be nice haha!)

In today’s video I’ll be speaking about why its important to eat healthy and I’ll be making some protein pancakes to show you how easy it is to make healthy meals! I hope you enjoy the video, if you’d like me to expand on some topics please like the video, comment below and SUBSCRIBE!

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi guysand welcome to my first ever youtubevideoso today i’m going to be talking to youabout whyeating healthy is important and so justkind of a standardvideo at the moment and just graduallygoing to get into stuff and if there’scertain things that you’d like me toexpand on and talk about in the futureand then drop a comment below and i cando that for youso eating healthy is basically going tohelp you to sleep betterand you can have more energy you’ll havebetter concentrationand all of these obviously lead tohealthierand happier lives so obviously there’sessential nutrients for growth anddevelopment that your body needsum which includes what you’re eatingwhen you’re eating healthy um so youwant to obviously feel good aboutyourselfyou want to have stronger muscles andbones andimprove your physical and your mentalhealth ummental health i think uh will besomething that i’ll i’ll go intoa bit deeper um maybe in another youtubevideoif that’s what you guys want to see umbecause obviouslyit’s a very important and big factor inphysical activityeating healthy um it’s not about cuttingout foodsum certain foods and it’s about eatinga wide variety of foods and alsothe right amount so you needcertain foods to you know give your bodythe nutrients it needs the energy thatit needsso that you can have all of thesebenefits like you know more energybetter concentration and sleeping betterone of my healthy go-to meals is proteinpancakes and it’s super simple to makeall you need is flour eggs milkand protein and your choice of toppingsas you can seei’ve gone for some strawberriesraspberries and bananato top this off i have some zerocalories skinny syrupall you need to do is add the flour milkprotein and eggs togetherand whisk[Music]basically there aren’t any single foodsor any menus that youyou need to be eating to eat healthyit’s more about finding the rightbalance of foodso you don’t want to deny yourself ofcertain foods or drinksum because you know that’s just going tomake things worse you know if one dayyou’re really craving a chinesetakeaway then have that chinese takeawayjust you know when you’re having thattakeaway just be thoughtful of whatyou’re ordering don’t overorder and don’t overeat so you knowmaybe if you get like a full packet ofnoodles um one of my favoritesthen you you just have half the packetor you’dleave a little bit left over you knowjust be mindful about the portions thatyou’re havingand also what you’re putting into yourbody umbut it’s good to not deny yourself ofthose foods because otherwiseit’s just going to keep building andbuilding and you’re just going tocave one day and you’ll eat way too muchand probably just you know you’ll thenjust go into a full-on streak for thewhole week orweekend of just eating rubbish foods andyou’ll feel rubbish about yourself[Music][Applause][Music]a person’s body can’t actually produceeverything that it needsto function um healthfully so you knowthings like waterprotein carbs fats um they’re allnutrients that our body needs tomaintain like optimalhealth basically um so some reallyimportant things to make sure thatyou’re consumingum into your body is like vitamins whichare going toboost your immune system minerals soimproving your bone health umprotein as well so protein will ensuregrowthand development in your muscles yourbonesyour skin and your hairum so things like fats as wellare just as important so healthy fatsare what you want to be going forum but that’s going to provide you withenergy as wellso you still need to have fats in yourdiets just controlledand healthy um again i can go a littlebit moreinto fats um in another videoum maybe i’ll i’ll do something on whyfats and carbs are important as well ifyou guys fanciergoing on from fats um carbs are reallyimportant as well so this is somethingthatyou know being in the fitness industryi’ve come across quite a lot thata lot of people kind of stay clear fromcarbs orthey think that carbs are like reallybad for you umsorry that’s my uh puppy just kind ofplaying with his toy down thereokay anyway so umcarbs are essential for providing energyumthey’re one of the main sources that weneed for energy as well as fats butobviously carbs youyou’ll have a lot more of carbs in yourdiet umgoing on from that you would have wateras wellwhich i think you know is a no-brainerwater you know we can only survive a fewdays without having waterum if you minimize your amount of wateryou probably will experience things likeminor headachesand dehydration so you know allreally important things that we need tobe having in our dietyou know it’s really important tomaintain your healthand obviously that will let you provideyou to live longer aswell so who doesn’t want that[Music]so that’s gonna um conclude my video fortoday guysum obviously it’s just the first onejust the basics umjust to kind of give a little bit ofextra information out there for peoplewhodon’t know it or just want a refreshum but yeah as i said i can dive alittle bit deeperinto any of those umany of those things mentioned so youknow carbs protein things like thatum if you just want a little bit moreadvice okayhere’s my finished product easy to makequick to cookhealthy to eat and really tasty okaythanks for watching guys obviously ifyou liked the video please hit a thumbsupand also if you’d like to see morecontent then hit the subscribe buttonthank you very much for watching[Music]you

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