Today I am making fluffy soft soufflé pancakes. This is a cross between a soufflé and fluffy pancakes popularized in Japan. Thanks to social media, the Japanese style soufflé pancakes are everywhere. This is a great treat for breakfast or a fun dessert with coffee.
Welcome to Simply Mamá Cooks YouTube Channel! I am a Mom to a blended Korean / Mexican American family that loves to share what I cook in my home. I am still learning and enjoy the process of making home cooked food.
#soufflepancakes #simplymamacooks #easyrecipes
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📌 NOTE: The cook time will vary. The smaller pancakes took 3 to 4 minutes.The double scooped took 6 to 8 minutes to cook through
INGREDIENTS (Makes 6 to 8 pancakes)
4 egg yolks (from large eggs)
5 chilled egg whites (from large eggs)
1/2 cup (65 g) cake flour (or all purpose flour)
1 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
2 Tbsp (30 ml) whole milk
4 1/2 Tbsp (45 g) sugar (I mistakenly said 4 Tbsp in the video.)
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
**Be sure to cook on a low heat
**If pancake is hard to flip or sticks, allow it to cook longer before flipping
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Places by Ulas Pakkan, Courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
welcome back everybody today I’m makingsouffle pancakesthese are pancakes taken to the nextlevelthey are Airy light fluffy and delicious[Music]okay so the first part of this batterI’m going to be working with fourroom-temperature yolks of four largeeggs so these are from large eggs and Ijust separated the yolks from the whiteswe’ll get to the whites later right intomy bowl and you’ll want to start now I’mgoing to add one teaspoon of vanillaextract I’m also going to be adding twotablespoons of whole milk there you gonow you’ll just want to combine and mixthis well okay so here I’ve combinedroughly a half cup of cake flour youcould use all-purpose and I actuallyweighed this so it’s 65 grams of cakeflour but it’s a loosely packed 1/2 cupof flour one teaspoon of baking powderand 1/8 of a teaspoon of salt and I’mjust going to sift that into my mixtureand just kind of start whisking as youdo that get some of that up there okayso this is completely combined so I usedthe four egg whites from the four largeeggs but I also added one extra eggwhite and I added it to this measuringcup so for those of you that have likeliquid egg whites or in the carton Ihave about three let’s see it’s 3/4 of acup of egg whites but basically it’s 5large egg whites from you know Clarke Xso it’s going into a very clean Bowlthat’s another thing to give thesewhipped up nice and fluffy to stiffpeaks you want to work preferably with avery clean glass bowl even a chilledglass bowlworks better I didn’t have time to dothat but if you’re working with aplastic mixing bowl that’s greasy youmight have a hard time doing this andyou could do this by hand but I’m gonnause my electric mixer to save some youknow elbow grease so I’m gonna add mywhites right into my bowl so I’m goingto start mixing these and right beforethey hit soft peaks I want to get thempale yellow then I’m going to add fourtablespoons of sugar and a quarterteaspoon of cream of tartarok so it’s not quite soft peak stage yetbut I’m going to add my sugar I’ll mixit in I’ll do like half and then Miknow the cream of tartarokay yeah so those are creating Peaks soI’m going to take just a little bit ofmy batter and kind of work it in therefold it basically you could do this inthirds if you like but the key here isnot to vigorously mix it because thenyou’ll delete everything you want tofold just kind of scrape and fold thisdoes take time it’s not a quick processas well it’s not as quick as just youknow mixing like you would regularpancake batter so there’s a lot ofthings if you’re making this at home andyou’ve tried a recipe and it failed itcould be a lot of there could be a lotof variables it could be the type ofbowls you’re using if you’re usingplastic if it’s kind of slick and greasyyou know those are all key things togetting a good fluff you know to youregg whites or to your pancakes and alsoworking with a chilled Bowl and chilledegg whites that definitely helps withthe fluffiness so I’m just going tocontinue folding this in sorry I’mlong-winded I just really want you guysto succeed when you make these becausethey’re so goodokay so here is my fluffy batter look atthat you can actually put this in apiping bag to make more uniform pancakesbut I’m gonna just I’ll show you how Ido it and I’ve been preheating my my panon a very low heat I’m going to crank upthe heat slightly and add some oil soI’ve it’s well oiled I wiped out anyresidual oil so now I’m going to use thelargest scoop that I have this is theice cream scoop cookie dough scoop andwhat I’m going to do is scoop out thedough right there and if you want theseextra high just kind of give it anotherlittle half scoop on top okay so it’sbeen a minute and if you have to adjustyour feet if you feel like it’s cookingtoo fast okay so what I’m going to do isjust basically dip my fingers in somecold water and on the parts that don’thave a pancake on it just kind ofsprinkle it now we’re going to cover itokay and I’m gonna continue cooking iton that side on a low heat for anotherthirty to forty-five seconds thenfingers crossed I’m gonna hope it’sready to flip okay now the key here isnot to flip it too soon so honestly it’sbeen about two minutesgently on a low heat okay that came offeasily good sign oh yeah that’sbeautiful so I’m gonna do the other oneboom there we go yes okay so it looksgreat on the outside but the key is toalso cook the inside so again I’m gonnago with just a little I’m gonna do it onone little part here and then now I’mgonna cover it and again on a low heatI’m gonna let that cook for another 2minutes so I wanted to show you Iactually did double scoops for each ofthese pancakes and I’m going to show youthe comparison here here’s the first onethat I made it’s still fluffy and lightbut look how much rise I get when youactually you know so I would say if youreally want that dramatic fluffy soufflépancake give it you know to give it moreheight add more batter like on top pileit on okay don’t stick on me okay thatworksoh yeah love it okay so I live I don’tcare if I’m double dipping sorry[Music]I hope you give this recipe a try I hopeyou like it and thanks for watching[Music][Music]