How to make healthy wheat bread at home
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Video Transcription
[Music]never come wanna come making a moralthis understand no recipe now a KosalaPurim wheat bread my weekly a pre-bakedpandro Dylan on Katherine othercannelloni now in the Kabbalah moonkappa t kappa e na nanika in the cupgoes mama will work up my dominarimportant can I get can avail east whenthey’re the Hollywood Reporter birthercan Easter sugar warm water LaPortarather than Allah mother laid upon eheare they in the pan along with Al andMarvel then I’m an alum expanding heaterand the my tomorrow goes mom ourinternal Loveland dagger a mariachicover now love mix Bonita are the lakeon the sugar lighter sugar column thecolumn up sugar pour touching songcalled under potency put an alum expando’clock mix predictor and the yeast whatRevati row[Music]when konjac at ear canal on my planewater code adelaide panel infinitenumbers now Roomba tighter probablychapati memory and the Maricopa data arethe car data consistency like oh no andalipin are the blender of a chicken’sanima the panicky with the mauve andthen a lock on your sticky as I getappointed the laser now oil put thecolumn of cooking oil the border no painon a butter coddle a circle on the clawnow Stanley Callum the mother yearninglaser falcata column the column for thelana pastelon east water in favillawater column Mela ring around enough onjamilka prasad friendly of the a blendfor nicola if i the water level wonderif she in my either on the condo near analuminum over two hours Malayalam ivaravariably Nam upon gamma 2 hours calichenow elekid I applied to the Natasha I’min the mall with by Allah upon you andthey’re gonna battle on[Music]Veronica alibis Aprilokay yeah Lokhande near anotherpassenger an evil person didn’t conjureor a crispy ax or a flavor Kahanaor sue a long column dr. kravaal a otherneither pada puja McCallum the kuru kuruflavor cover and pie in a kebab thePorta Potty cure Aden Alice our innerear accordin up could enjoy the color inthe crappy person Scylla or Tom Morellocard it shared its heritage here thePacific Tierra corner I love what arethe 130 Ramu uncle ma who when therhombus Tiki I’m learning a mouth acondommama already dust bunny bunny bunny theycheated you’ve been a little Kevin ta daEthan a mama we’re at Akita battery it’sin a portion of boredom or poor devildidn’t uh moon portion on Akira KarimovAppetit chatter Quranother than they’re in a mountain I’m abaking tin ‘la on the editor by Q&A atall yet gonna be another grease burneven Sakura hilarity watcher life maysoil which email a greased pan you won’t[Music]ask Melania con john de la ports and anerdy laser to be a dynamic on generalmotivic sur la danza de mal mirror bythe war economy the motivator that myfaith or in the park lion de la vela beunder can pop upoh Allah Karim Allah will be on thecooler side in me they wind up being amovin love etcetera and aha Ivan my aircan evade 180 degree Celsius if he’dpreheat tranny with Sarah in Amman onMonday the oven later of 40 minutes butour character Co but still no matter ifhe led a wonderful park[Music]you