In this episode I’ll show you how to easily cook delicious Green Onion Pancakes with very little ingredients. Hope you enjoy it!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
before be making any food we tank theprovider because God is given us all thefaultso we thank God and then we thank Godand prepare the food and it will give usin good health to you and me I rely onyou to take another God said in acorrection so I will speaking too heavyso those who cannot understand Malayalamthey can understand so it is in thepudding I’ll come on a saliva korechiflora purchased Romanian it is terribleto bacteria today with is associativeconcept it women and energy it couldhold it wasn’t even in whatever rightand he told I had to cut it into smallpieces and this is the floor and hate itnow we will see how to make that and letit try to imagineto meet detected then put this in earlyyes but he doesn’t know any land at thenationaland anything to just do all of thisjust make it a shakeonly donated little initiation okayactually all let alone 30 videos 10money she’ll eat it another way andAssociationand a gym bag you can make ityou[Music][Music][Music]and they let you rememberwait a minute so then I told it get thatmemo cuz it looks it I won’t feed backto you but okay