Mrs. Claudia is teaching you on how to make waffles in a few simple steps.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello we are back how is everybody doingwith a quiche I hope you tried it andyou love that we are back with fun daytoday our cameraman requested to make arecipe and he wanted waffles so we’regonna make waffles because we have thisvery tiny little waffle maker that we’regonna use and we’re gonna make someoffers today so we’re gonna start mixingup okay so we are ready to make ouroffice we hit it on waffle maker sowe’re just gonna melt we’re gonna melt alittle bit of butter in there and nowit’s like you need to be careful not puttoo much of the batter in there becauseit’s gonna it’s gonna overflow overflowyes because we had that many times wehad that many time has it happenedbefore correct and now we’re justwaitingwe had our station prepare so ourcameraman he likes his Nutella or thepeople who know him they know thatso here is the Nutella waffle this isfor our cameraman he’s doing a great jobhe’s working really hard to make sure wehave those videos out there for you sowe gave him a very nice Nutella waffleare you happy yes I love it I loveNutella so what do you think Robert wechangeyou get your first chance to see thecameraman eating here we have anotherwaffle this is syrup butter andblueberries so like I said you can ifyou want to have banana another bananathey are really really yummy and untilnext time enjoy the waffles bye