Making pancakes and keeping it light. Self-isolation with food is fun. 😂
The recipes I’m using are listed for you below so you can make these anytime.
I’ll also be posting these Live Classes, Recipes, Home Workouts, and Special Offers on my Online Programs on a special Resource Page called Tosca at Home
My hope is that these resources and special offers will help you to stay connected to your wellness during unprecedented times.
Now for the recipes!
⭐Protein Pancakes Recipe⭐
From Eat Clean Diet®
4 whole eggs
1.5 c almond flour (J.K or Bob’s Red Mill)
1/2 c coconut, banana or chickpea flour
2 scoops protein powder of your choosing (use the scoop measure given in your powder)*
2 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
Dash of sea salt
2 Tbsp coconut oil (for griddle/pan)
*If you don’t have protein powder you can use these instead:
*1 pint blueberries
*2-4 large scoops of baked Pumpkin, Butternut Squash, or Sweet Potato
*2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1. *Bake pumpkin, squash or sweet potato in 475 degree oven until soft (30minutes – 1 hour)
2. *In a saucepan add blueberries and a dash of water. Cook the blueberries over medium heat until the burst. Then stir until they are syrupy. Set aside.
2. Preheat your griddle or pan with coconut oil.
3. Combine all ingredients until smooth, but not over-blended.
4. You may need to add a dash more milk or flour based on the consistency.
5. Use a 1/4 c measuring cup to measure out each cake on the griddle or pan.
6. Flip when you see bubbles forming around the edges of the cake. Cook for 2 more minutes.
7. *Top with blueberry syrup.
Serves: ~12
⭐Cottage Cheese Pancakes⭐
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 9 minutes
Servings: 1 large pancake per recipe
½ cup cottage cheese
½ cup rolled oats (no pre-cooking necessary)
3 eggs
1. Use a medium mixing bowl, food processor or blender.
Place all ingredients in whatever preparation vessel you are using and process until smooth.
2. Heat griddle or frying pan to medium-high heat. Add coconut or avocado oil.
3. Pour batter into a hot pan.
4. Cook until bubbles start to appear. Cook until both sides are golden brown.
Double or triple recipe for more guests.
Toppings Options:
Frozen berries
Natural nut butter
Unsweetened applesauce
Maple syrup
Then Enjoy!!!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey everyone how are you doing take offmy sunglasses hello one Thursdayafternoon how’s everybody doing it isThursday right and started losing trackof timeI’m gonna give you a monsterit’s quiet time in your day where we canspendthank you so much thank youit’s your job I’m gonna ask you justgive me a thumbs up or give me a heartyou know how this goes right as long asI know somebody’s there I can keep onyapping at you but I’m excited to behere because I’ve been thinking aboutpancakes actually woke up thinking aboutpancakes in the middle of my sleepat 4:00 a.m. and I was thinking that dopeople really need to learn how to cookpancakes I don’t know probably it’spretty straightforward but it’ll be funbecause I think right about nowself-isolation is feeling long in thetooth right it’s feeling like I don’tknow how long I can handle this and Iwas seriousbut still nutritious would be kind offun and I think pancakes are the answerso for those who don’t know I am Tosk Imean I am the eat clean lady and I amcoming to you my little cabin with myold fashioned wooden stove and my veryold fashioned cook stove here and todaywe’re going to be making cakes and it’ssure to be here it’s alwaysthere are something and showing you howto make many little twists and changesin the way that you eat thesespectacularly fun foods so pancakes formany people are joy and I can’t say thatI love super cakey pancakes but what Ireally like are the nutritious ones andwhere do you see the spread I have linedup here so what you can do for me isgive me a thumbs up can you hear me okayhow’s the sound I’ve been working on myinternet living in the country it’spretty hard so just give me a you knowyes I can hear you I can see yourcomments was here let’s see who isjoining in hey someone named CarmenDouglas said Tosca you changed my lifewith your eat clean diet recharged bookback in 2011 thanks so lovelyAnne Teresa’s here I spoke with Theresathis morning and audre I know she waswriting a little bit about pancakesthank you so much this is greatthe other day we had people from Swedenfrom Finland from Italy so we have aglobal community it is so nice it’s somuch fun and you can hear me yeah I’mjust gonna check all my sound up Iwouldn’t want to missyou’re cute all right so todayhis way of introducing you to the ideaof soaking your brain so the firstrecipe were gonna make is my oatmealbanana pancakes and what I have done isyou see this is a sort of a gloppymixture but it’s because I soaked myoats overnight oatmeal is the criticalpart of this recipeand I’ve also soaked but flax so whenyou can see the little brown bits in thepancake mix looks can you see thatyep and can you see that over there I’mdoing thisyou gotta soak those seeds otherwisethey just don’t do a good job for youbut lays I have a little tip ELISA knowit’s good for men too but ladies flaxseed flax seed is exceptionally good forall kinds of menopausal symptoms and ifyou can get yourself up to threetablespoons a day of the gold and notbrown you will help yourself quite a bitwith those hormonal hot flashes andthings that happen as our lives changefrom being fertile to not so so let’snot be scared about that let’s justhandle it with flax seed and lots ofother fun stuff okay so the first partof the recipe is I have to mash twobananas now I have some super ripebananas so I pushed it all up mush mushmush it’s pretty liquidy and I broughtall these ingredients to roomtemperature let me make sure my pan isbehaving too that’s kind of fun kids canmake that now I love adding bananabecause there’s sweetness but also tonsof fiber so the kitchen witch will getthe dirty dishes that’s melater okay next thing is we’re gonna putin this two and a half cups of oatmealsoaked overnight just in water and thenI drained it a bit and I’ve got in herealso so I’m just gonna go plop I’ll showyou that mixture in just a minuteit’s pretty mushy this whole thing therewe go good and now we have to add nowdiscussion about eggs okay we’re goingto add whole eggs I know a lot of youand there was a day where I did to useonly[Music]I use whole eggs because you actuallycan’t absorb the protein from the eggwhite without the fat so let me justcrack this egg without making a messno there so I have I might just there sothere’s a really good lovely yellowyellow organic I don’t want to drop thaton my computer that’s on my computer fory’all so yes we want the whole thing inthere there’s a lot of nutrientsparticularly vitamin D in there andvitamin D by the way for any of youinterested in helping out your immunesystem a little bit helps make everyillness they’re all cause symptoms andall cause disease less intense if youtake lovely drops of vitamin D every dayokay what do we want in here we’re gonnaadd some flaxseedno I already do vaccine I lied a littlevanilla I think a little vanilla and Iam organic kind tastes better doesn’thave that awful I was a little bit jamtight there I just throw it in thereand I’m gonna add a little bit of almondmeal so about 3/4 of a cup of almondmeal I use so much almond meal I justput it in a container like because thisis the basis also for my paleo breadright oh shoot questions that you mayhave and this is what’s happening in thebowl okay so it’s getting a good alittle stir and you’re getting a niceand it’s kind of sick and you can’treally somehow you know for me pancakesyou can’t really know because you’rejust kinda like throwing a bunch ofmushy stuff together and then as long asyour pan is good and hot we always knowthe first panic is always a bit of athrow away now I’m using a bit of myfavorite cooking oil in the pan becauseit has a very high smoke point oh youcan’t see that can you therelet me see there that better okay I’musing that kind of coconut oil any kindof coconut oil would be good preferablynot in plastic notice that’s the glassyou don’t want to absorb all the BPA’sfrom plastic okay so my pan is not quitehot enough get your pan good and hot andwhile they’re waiting for it tocooperatebecause I had a really scary dayyesterday true confessions trueconfessions of the quarantine AMA so Iwas all set to do my live workout withkettlebells I’m really lovingkettlebells and having a good time withthose and I was all set to do it and Ichecked in on my mother who’s 84 and shewas sick very sick like when I heard hervoice and then she started talking shewas actually delirious she was confusedand it did not look good and I asked herwhat her symptoms were she was chattingaway with me oh the pans hot you canhear the sizzle and was was losingconsciousness as we were speaking sothankfully I have my lovely wonderfulamazing daughter Rachel who I calledquickly in on the phone because we did athree-way I’m so technical and yeahthere was a real scare that one hadcoded the virus she doesn’t she doesn’tbut I will tell you it highlight for methe reality of this virus and the thingswe can do to keep us healthy to keep thepeople happy and for memuch of this much of this it’s in thekitchen with food like this and takingthe extra steps to soak the grains soakthe flax seedaudience get-get the kinds ofingredients like this coconut oil thathelp fight its antiviral it’s one of thefew fats that’s antiviral do your ownsaying to hear what its antiviral so youcan use that as a moisturizer you canuse it as a makeup remover but you canuse it in your diet as I’m using inespada pay attention hereoh it’s smelling good you know but it’sthe basis of I’m gonna show you thepancakes in a minute my certainty rightnow they’re gonna slide over the panthat’s it um but anyway if you have thisarsenal of healthy foods that you’rejust whistle and they’re already in yourdiet they’re already in your body thisis the part where you’re not going toput a lot of pressure on the healthcaresystem with a broken immune system wehave to do everything we can to keep ourin systems in tact and that means weneed to give them super fuels and ourimmune systems can get damaged bysomething called the pitsyou know the pizza I tell you it’s courtactionstop lack of sleep and those are thethings that can really I wrote a blogabout that you might find it interestingthose are the things that really damageour immune system and when we can’t whenwe have all those things in place allthat stress to our body all thatbrokenness how are we ever gonna fightthese right right sugar is just one ofthose things that really knocks yourimmune system up you’ve heard me saythis before okay yes I think it’s gonnabe for dinner they’re cooking now I’mgonna make one more pancake recipe thesepancakes are just having a little simmerhere but in the meantime what I’m doingis I am i noticed when i talked aboutpancakes earlier there was a bigdiscussion about what kind of syrup toput on and all that jazz first of all idon’t put syrup on pancakesunless it’s maple syrup and ocularfavorite but it needs to be a reallygood quality oh my god i always get thiswrong here we go that needs to be areally can you see that kinship but itneeds to be a really good dark coloredgrade a maple syrup so i do that butwhat i really prefer is to make a berrysauce with frozen berries and why i’mgonna just turn the heat up on theberries why i like that so much isbecause I like my berries with mybreakfast so that’s an opportunity atbreakfast time to go ahead and make anice berry sauce there we go getting upsmoking in here so those pancakes arejust gonna go here on a side plate andand or throw it on the counter as I justdid that’s okay we’re gonna turn I havea small kitchen what can I say and andwhat we’re gonna do now is I’m going tosqueeze a lemon into my berry sauce forcomes in super handy now I shot thatinto the other pant did here comes insuper handy at this time for pumping upour immune system so I’m going to addthat to the berry sauce berry sauce sofar only has a cup and a half of berriesand a little bit of water and some lemonjuice I’m going to let that that’s thegrape Rosemary’s isit’s who knows I mean who knows what’shappening in the next two or three weeksbut having frozen berries in stock inyour refrigerator is there in yourfreezer is awesome for your pancakesright so I keep these on hand berriesand also mango how delicious is mangoright so you can make a nice berry sauceand you can flavor it if you want towith things like lemon juice but whatyou want is to get it to a good boil onthe stove and it’ll get syrupy as itcooks so that’s pretty awesome now we’regonna make it you should see the messI’m making over here so now we’re goingto make the second pancake recipebecause you want to have choices putthat over here and the next one is gonnabe cottage cheese pancakes and thisrecipe thing couldn’t be any moreridiculously easy okay so we havecottage cheese 1 cup this is a threeingredient recipe are you ready for itso it’s cheese 1 cup of soaked oats getin there done and now I’ve got to addeggs right so the berries are boilingeverything’s going on over here it’spretty simple this you know what you canmake pancakes with your kids don’tforget to compost your eggs youreggshells I mean here we goalmost I’m putting in six eggs wholeeggs because you again you need the fatto experience you can’t an egg white itdoesn’t work if it actually it’sridiculous it’s like you’re eating theprotein and without the fat you might aswell not even bother eating the endbecause you’re just not getting any ofthe good stuff okay so I’m just gonnawipe my hands there we go for this oneI’m gonna put a little bit of vanilla inand some cinnamon just sprinkles the mancinnamon is awesome for managing bloodsugar always check to make sure that thetop is on in this case it was off Iwould have dumped the whole jarand cottage cheese is a smallish warsituationyou send me your tips for pancake-makingon a big fan of learning new things Iwant to share one other topping with youI think this might be is simply to warmup and if you’re like I brought myson-in-law you can do peanut butter witha little bit of chocolate in it and heheats that up on the stove and thatbecomes okay let’s see let’s see what’sgoing on here on this little feet oh andif you happen to know somebody that isinterested in pancakes or learning howto eat clean why don’t you tell them inthis why it’s just writing in thecomment writing the person’s nameCharmin Charmin was with me at one of myvery first four tweets in Costa Ricawhat a blast we had such fun she’s adoll and she has a fantastic – so that’sshaman Meadows who’s on the thread hereand I see Audra who is from Utah she’sdoing one of my three East programs somuch fun if you’re listening on thereplay thank you so much for listeningalso just put in hashtag replay and yourname context um what do you think mightbenefit from all of this how to handleyou know doing our business as weprogress through this let’s say throughthis pandemic and this week we decidedwe just don’t want to be out therepromoting anything doesn’t seem like theright thing to do and this week you knowwe’re still doing a nurturing I’ve had ascare with my mom and all that but yeahfor us to go back to work because ifthere was ever a time that my friendsare gonna help the public help you isright now these are the moments when weneed to learn how to fortify ourselvesagainst disease and this is not thefirst virus that we’ll see and it’scertainly not the last one there will bemany to come and if there’s anything I’dlove you to be able to do is toreally keep yourselves well-stocked inthe kitchen have these recipes handyhave these ingredients and have yourplan be handy how to eat clean whenyou’re in quarantine how to exercisewhen you’re stuck at home how to takecare of your mental emotion homelike those pictures something that Ibecome here are the berries are reallybubbling away nicely and I thank you somuch for joining me make these recipespost your own pictures post your ownrecipes I’d love to see those posterssuccess stories I’d love from any of youwho’ve had an eat clean success storyout really powerfully he had someoneshare a letter earlier this week whowent to the doctor for her physicalcheckup her annual checkup and herreport was so good the doctor was justshocked and wanted to know what she wasdoing and she just like eat clean so I’msure you all have treasures of storiesand I’d love to hear them so pleaseplease please have an open dialogue withme please put your comments down belowsend your heart send your loves andwhere you’re listening from and I willbe sure to answer to youtake the care of yourself stay strongduring the quarantine tomorrow morningI’ll be doing a rebounder workout anddon’t worry if you don’t have arebounder it’s okayyou can do it with the skipping rope ornothing at all and I’ll show you how toget through the workout so tomorrowmorning 9:30 a.m. est all right we gotsome surprises coming up for you nextweek too so thanks again for listeningsending worldwide hugs of love andwellness joy and happiness thank youthank you