Bread Recipes


So Today we are going to make Bread Pizza during Lockdown Hope you guys ENJOY it!!

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Video Transcription

Hey and today we are going to make myugly yard so without further ado let’sget straight on to the videoso guys the ingredients that we aregoing to use are some cheese somecapsicums some onions then spring onionstomatoes some bread Pisa sauce or chilisauce and some salt and ice as required[Music]don’t let her make bread linger you are[Music]required to Jessica single vesselmaybe better because what nice you cansee swatches explained here[Music]let’s give up a bikini top in closet alittle my onions down in life I’m socase to be recorded for example there’sactually a lot of shapes canyonscapsicum add some Tomatoes now I’ll addsome green onionsI really hate body green now I’ll addsome cheese cuz everybody loves cheesebut I love green onions whatever love alittle salami with the cheesywhy not put out sucked this is salt Ilove[Music][Music]so guys this is my bread pizza and itlooks amazingand this is some routine bread pizza andthis also looks amazing like oh wow weare gonna bake it so guys oh my Peasalready which you can head on up happyno mati help link it is scope bakedcuttle here microwave me all the octopusmicrowave nahi head office it’ll bebecause of pain management phalanges yetbut allah the album giant yet or is itis now Humpty Mamaki help Lingam on mysander of dingy there’ll be a big cornershe will get some good cutting it upturkey Baker aye[Music]so guys all of my pieces don’t you getit a mom American Hispanic argument soguys have my mother pieces ready watchokay hey Mira Pisa or your heck Uticaso uh how me sick are cutting a myground akitaka spinner is taking it tocalculate think a’somethin I have ordersto you sorry guys hope you like thisvideo if you do it makes you likenotifications[Applause]

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