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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello so today I will be teaching youhow to make pancakes by destiny Marshallso first we’re going to start off with alittle bit of history pancakes have beenaround for a very long timethey started first developed around 330thousand years ago and the human remainsof oxy the Iceman about five thousandthree hundred years ago pancakes havedeveloped around the world to manydifferent places such as France wherethey call them crepes japan where theycall them souffle pancakes in Indiawhere they call them dosa so the firststep to making pancakes is you want toguide your ingredients so first you’regonna have your wet ingredients such aseggs milk butter and vanilla in One Bowland then you’re gonna have your dryingredients such as flour salt sugar andbaking powder in another Bowlstep two is to make your batter soyou’re going to start off by having yourwet and dry ingredients combined intoone bowl next you’re gonna have youryou’re gonna mix your two ingredientsuntil they are smooth and there are nolonger any lumps step three is to cookyour pancakes so you’re going to want tostart off by pouring your batter intoyour greased pan or griddle such as yousee next you’re going to want to makesure to keep an eye on your pancake andwhen you see you start to bubble thenthat means that it’s time to flip as youcan seenext you flip it to the other side andyou wait a couple minutes until it’sgolden-brown and it’s ready to eatnow there are many benefits to pancakesalthough many believe that pancakes is abunch of car because there’s actually alot of benefits to it such ascarbohydrates which help your body stayenergized throughout the day and thereis also iron and calcium which providewhich promotes strong bonesin conclusion pancakes are a great mealthey have a remarkable history that hastraveled around the world they are easyto makethey provide they’re so good for yourbody and I challenge you to go out thereand make some pancakes thank younow I’m going to teach you how to makepancakesso like the instructions said you’regoing to start off with your wetingredients and your dry ingredients andyou’re going to put them togetherand you want to make sure that whenyou’re combining them together to getaround the sidesokay make sure to scrape off the sidesand now as you can see it’s nice andsmooth and it’s ready to pour onto ourgriddle just now we were spraying ourriddlesso we were going to pour our batter ontothe griddlegoodas you can see our batter is now cookingon the griddle and even to make thecooking process faster you can alsospeed up the temperatureduring this process it is now at thispoint you can add anything that you wantto your pancakes such as blueberriesnuts chocolate which is what I’m gonnado a little bitokay now that you see there’s a bubblestarting up here is now time to flip ourpancake during this process you want tomake sure to gather the edges and boomflip now you’re gonna let this side cookfor a couple of minutesand you can also do this process on apan if you don’t have a brutalas you can see our pancakes is now readyand what you gonna do is just scoop itup and place it onto your platenow at this point you can add anytoppings or syrup and your pancake isready to go thank you