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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
this is how you bake your bread at homewithout any stressthis is an ingredient I have egg buttersalt is baking flour sugarblick yes it depends how you you want todo online my flow is happening to me soI’m using 3 egg I’m using half of mybutter I’ll use this yes and this is 5spoon of sugar 5 tablespoon of sugar andthis is my 3 spoon of milk I’m going touse it this is 1/2 spoon of salt I’mgoing to use it this is such otheringredientsthis is my well water this is my ballwhat Sam I’m going to add my sugar mysoul and my eat besides I’m putting myshoe gun inside the warm water know howall my it’s inside inside the pore waternow five or ten minutes before now I’mgoing to pour and my leakI’m going to pour my milk and my salt inst. now I got at my with your flourinsightsI will know me sit out add my butter andmy egg for a mrs. yes I’ll put my bottomthis is my daughter and this is my eggas you can see this is its owner I’mgoing to miss it I miss it very wellI’ll finish missing it as you can seeyes this is my baking pot I’ve got smallor your insides I’m going to miss theoil inside the pot as you can see thisis my small water I’m going to miss itas I depart I’m going to miss itto finish arranging it now I’m going tocover it to 30 to 40 mins before babiesyes this is my final resultthank you