Join the Library as we learn how to bake mint chocolate caramel chip cookies! To help in this endeavor, we’ll be joined by the Head Baker at Hathaway Brown School, Theresa Bell.
1/2 cup (1 Stick) of Butter
3/4 cup of Brown Sugar
1/2 cup of Sugar
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
2 Eggs – Beaten
1 1/2 cup Flour
1/2 Cup Cocoa (Ovaltine)
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1 2/3 cup Salted Carmel Chips
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello this is Sam from the twins theirpublic library and today we’re gonna beworking through a small opening tutorialfor you all and it’s gonna do with aspecial guesthi so this is Theresa Bell she is thehead Baker at halfway Brown it’s aprivate school up and Shaker Heights andif you happen to know my last name she’salso my mom yeah can you tellso she graciously agreed to do this forus and so we’re she’s be teaching me andmy sons and you guys how to bake cookiescookies yeah chocolate we’re going to doa shallot mint chocolate chip caramelcookie I know it’s a mouthful that’s whyI forgot yeah so that’s what we’re gonnabe doing today so what I hope you allenjoy it and then we’re gonna get to itready all right all rightso since I’m going to teach Sam how tomake the cookies I’m going to give himthe instructions so his hands are doingthe manual labor eyes it always shouldbe alright so first thing we’re going todo is you’re going to cream your butterand your sugars together okay what Iwant and I already have everythingmeasured out so get your butter and yoursugars and we and it’s also includingour vanilla so go ahead and put that inhow much of this is it now I’m going totell you okay go ahead so we are adding1/2 cup of butter which is also 1 stickthen we’re going to have 3/4 a cup ofbrown sugar 1/2 cup of regular sugar andin the recipe we were going to doteaspoon of vanilla however I gotcreative and instead we’re doing 3/4 ofa teaspoon of mint extract along with1/4 teaspoon of vanilla to give us thatminty flavor so go ahead and put that inthe mixer already good job all rightlock it in place lock it and then nowwe’re gonna hear a lot and always bringcreaminess we’re going to go ahead andcream this until it gets nice and fluffyso let’s go ahead and keep it going nowyou’ll see how the sugars areincorporated and working with thatbutter and as it’s going in a second I’mgoing to stop it and we’re gonna blendit I’m gonna knock it down or Sam isactually so it’s cuz I know Pickett ohyou see the butter how it’s still kindof stuck to the paddle in there yeahyeah you don’t want that eventually itwill come together but in a few secondsand we’re going to tell them hey he felloff all by himself we go oh my do itwe’re going we’re splattering that’sokay as long as it doesn’t get on thecameraso there’s a little tidbit while we’rewatching this for those of you who didnot know Sam and I have often workedtogether lots of it in food industry Samand I work together at almost Karen’snot gonna be fluffy this one’s gonna bemore Pancholi Sam and I work together atthe thread store where I met we’ll useone of our mixers or powder person inour mixer and we’re stopping all rightall right now see market yeah when yousee the dough mm-hmm all right sobeautiful new beautiful lift it up goahead and take this and you why well Igot it yeah all rightno no okay now what you going to do islet’s go ahead and incorporate our twoeggs that have been lightly beatenalready so it’s two eggs lightly beatenand add that in it’s great crop themiddle yeah make sure you get all theegg yeah that’s you know it’s importantit is importantyouokay so we’re gonna write down andnotice we’re going to go ahead andincorporate itsee how it’s blending in hmm beautifulyou just want enough in there to mix itin all right greatall right now on to our flower okay yepall right so go ahead and knock thatdown but just because you know youwanted going and while you’re knockingthat off there we’re going to add in ourdry ingredients to our batter we’regoing to have one and a half cups offlour 1/2 cup of cocoa or in my case Iused Ovaltine I’ll have cocoa fairenough and you know you kind of grew upwith over teen anyways a little bit youknow healthier and then we’re gonna havea 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda 1/4teaspoon of salt and we’re going to mixall that in to our cookie doughgo ahead okay you can beat up TV tup alittle bit yeahI’m starting off low because if you gotoo fast what’s gonna happen I can goeverywhere huhexactly well that is hilarious and TVshows and cartoons not so much moneyit’s in your life it’s happened to meit’s happened to me a few times I’veused the mixer yeah face it now as youcan see ya off T is giving it abeautiful car and I don’t know I wish wehad smell-o-vision race do you smell themint coming up I do it’s probably maybethe mint from Nigeria a Babel synonym toit from the black sugar no no Simon yeahI know cinnamon vanilla vanilla that’sitdon’t listen to me I don’t know what Idon’t know what I’m doing herejust cuz I’m on that side all right wethink are you happy with that and youlook mixed in looks mixed in to mebeautiful alright and now we’re going tostop and knock it off you know what Icould do it this timealright actually cuz I’m gonna take itthe whole thing off anyways so you’redone okay we’re done with the mixingthen we are done with the mixing now younoticed I’m sure you can still maybe seewe did not add the chips yet did weno we do know the reason why you don’twant to add the chips in with yourbetter is because one you’re gonna breakthem and smash them and then mix andthey have a tendency to travel down tothe bottom mmm okay you mix them in thatway and that’s really no good so it’sbest just to go ahead and mix them in byhand and that is close enough all rightI’m okaymy handy-dandy assistance and it’s alsogoing to wash off there pedal it huhokayokay son so mix it in by hand dump thewhole thing in again that is the we’readding on our chips which is 1 and 2/3cups of chips it’s a mix of sin by handnowyou can also do this video like achocolate chip cookieyou can just do omit the cocoa and justdo everything with just regular flourokay so if you look back in the recipewe need a half cup so increase yourflour – 2 cups of flour mmm all rightthen just to regular chips like TollHouse chocolate chips and then you havea chocolate chip cookie all right okaymixed in mixed in I do not have myscooters here all my scoopers are stillup at the school yeahso it work still at work and since I’mnot going in for a little bit so um youcan also do spoons so okay tablespoontablespoon and then just get one scoopof tablespoon around it scoop let’s tryit okay and then you’re gonna use theback of that back of this to get it offthe put it down put it okay oh that’seasy you know yeah kind of kinda it’skind of like so the next one do one morethe next one what you want to do isspend keep it in a molded rounded cookieshape so when it thanks it’s gonna kindof spread it out once the heat goesprobably also kind of mold it up withthe spoon yes exactlyif you’re like me and not very dexterousand just suck at getting things out ofthe bowl in the correct way all righthow’s that look beautiful you might keepcookies about two inches apart you Mundaspread the love when they bakelady perfect there you go that’s muchbetteroh yeah all right and we’re gonna setthis here and by the magic of cameraswhen we come back it’ll be done ha sonow we’re ready to bake our cookies yayso what you wanna do is bake them at 350degrees for about 810 minutes on therenow with this recipe our cookies got alittle big but normally you’re gonna getI would say with these size cookiesabout 20 cookies depending on the sideyou get it could go anywhere from 16 tomaybe two dozen three dozen if you go insmaller but we should get about 20cookies out of there okay yeah and it’llbake for about 10 minutes you want tocool them off once they come in outyou’re gonna want them to cool off on arack huhwe’ll check them periodically we willthey’re smelling cooking you want themto be starting to cook on the bottom youstart seeing them turn color you’llbetter watch him and they’ll startspreading okay once it starts getting alittle color on the bottom yeah that’swhen you know they’re starting to go youdon’t wanna overcook them coz it wouldbe hard cookies like yeah I like minebit softer yeah yeah chewy but not tooright yeah not too chewy just correctand not you want me to dunk it yeah allright so the Goldilocks zone I’m gonnalet that go glasses yes go to the Ox thecookies just straight zone yeah exactlyokay so all right we will come back whenthey are done all right let’s try ityeah okay good cureoh it’s really good wow that’s wonderfulthere you go I mean yeah mint chocolatesalted caramel cookies in thedescription below we’re gonna have therecipe for all this so you don’t think Ikeep going back and forth through thevideo so um yeah thank you for joiningus on this fun little adventure thankyou