In this video learn how to make Bread Roll at home. This recipe is so easy & requires only few indgredients which are easily available in home. It’s very tasty, quick & easy snack recipe.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]okay Oliver today I lost and I’m achampion and it greatgo Tommy made Sheila’s Ronaldo Gothamwhere it’s my first colony today heywhat happened here but I tell Carla letme show you is there topology barekgetting curve play at a pan tomate deSala Marie Kyra[Music]unless unity paste[Music]however I do add that I’m just[Music]and I bought it over something at thebody can anybody[Music]the Reno’s automated item[Music]Gudivada carpenter very calendar[Music]upon our controlthat’s happened by phone and waffle dyz[Music]a cappella bread roll karna sakejarasandha one decided upon dementedElizondo audio animal Poochie processfor budget and Azaria hey at upon breadSakura[Music]a Shiprock record carotid chakra[Music][Music][Music]read some of the watsuhita and he playedpoker[Music]Attica remedy telegram delay at a saladbar top and roll the Knesset image atall[Music][Music]yes madam asteroid I pull my character[Music]Jack photo on our EDD cpi-e and it’s awe love and Cooper shamrock take the acappella Sunday patch available clockthat there is but one with the he recipeleftover put my lover[Music]as a felony apprentice a fella a sampleof an appendage[Music]at a plural for not alone sorry I eat atomato melodica Tabarrok ATT speedilythe hours our own Assam Arunachal in theegg carton decoding[Music]Mahayana this piane Adam modality ofchamber crap Kyla[Music]that putana imaginisce epitomize ourlesson the life Cara circle are an Imagitunnel was expected than ever[Music][Music][Music][Music]