Purple Yam Bread Roll
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Video Transcription
hi this is chef Deborah and today I’mgoing to bake something so deliciousand guess what is it I know you willlike this recipe because nowadays openand sparkly yam is very popular so todaythe recipe that I will share to you ispurple yam bread raw or open bread rollI know you will like it did you bake theprevious recipe that I share to you Ihope you did it if you have any questionbut you don’t understand just let meknow you can message me and I willanswer back to youso now you know what is the secret ofthe baker and a pastry chef that youmust baking with love you must do yourjob coming from your heart so that youwill get the very nice output your bigbrother because if you are sad whilebaking all your big products 100% I willassure you will go into the garbageso let’s go and that starts baking nowfor the ingredients600 drama flour 2 eggs for the ground ofwhite sugar 370 probable way for firefor young 60 gram of butter[Music]300 ml of milk then draw of instant is 4gram of salt for the procedure footballtogether the ingredients except the obeyor fire polla mix with the wholeattachment or you can also knead thedough until it becomes a smooth texture[Music]you can paper no need for you to drawwith a pen next time it will be easy foryou to make it after 40 minutes pantsdown the door[Music]divide the dough into half now flattenthe dough with a rolling pin inrectangular shape or at least onecentimeter in thickness and now you canadd the purple yarn and spread it allover the top of the doughreally where I sold the car for youngyou know I want to eat it right now[Music]after spreading the parking up you cannow roll on the side[Music]now it’s made easily by the door justcatch it with the same sized arrays thedeforms Oh like a suitcase and put it inthe baking your egg was is ready after40 minutes this is how it goes yourdough see is very nice looking and nowit’s ready to put the egg washwe are floating egg was on top of thedoor for overall appearance of yourbreathlike drum[Music]and now it’s ready for baking[Music]180 degree for at least 30 minutes Iwant to put some glaze on the top of mybread these are the ingredients for theglaze two cups of icing sugar 50 ml ofwater and 50 grams have melted father’sjust mix all together and they’ll become[Music]and now it’s trendy and now you cantrust the place on top of the breath[Music][Music]no let’s see let’s try to take it nowlet’s try to cut it in the middle yousee the purple yum inside I can’t resistto eat this one we need salt good ifeveryday I’m baking like this kind ofbread see how’s my diet nowhe is very nice-looking and the port isvery very nice space[Music]let’s replay now again closer and slo-mo[Music][Music]like and share this video and pleasesubscribe to my youtube channel andfollow me in Instagram and in FacebookI hope you like this recipe and enjoybaking[Music][Music][Music]