Hey everyone!
In today’s video my daughter takes us through the steps in how to make her take on chocolate chip mini waffles with a blueberry compote. If you liked this video then please give it a thumbs up and please subscribe to my channel for more recipes! I’m also open to cooking suggestions and would love to hear what recipes you’d love to see! Follow me on my other social media outlets:
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
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Video Transcription
hey everyone welcome to inspired foodiestoday’s recipe will be a breakfastrelated item so a little backstorybefore I get into it a few nights ago Iwas craving something sweet sweet so Idecided to do breakfast for dinner Iended up eating some waffles but Idecided get really creative with it so Idid some chocolate chip mini waffleswith the blueberry compote I made abatch for my mother and she ended upliking it so much that she asked me tomake a video on it so this is whattoday’s video will be about so I’m gonnabreak it down into three parts for theingredients the first part is the wafflemix so I’ll be using some chocolate chipwhole-grain waffle mix by kotya cakesthis one the next ingredient is I’musing milk now a lot of mixes say usewater but you can substitute milkbecause it adds a little bit moreprotein and it gives me a little bitmore sweetness so I and I prefer milkover water when I make my mixes andlastly the key ingredient thatdifferentiates pancakes from waffles isactually some oil I have a stick ofbutter here this is for my griddlebasically I’m just gonna grease it alittle bit so that it’s a little bitmore of a crisp on the out outer edgesof the waffle now part two is of theblueberry compote you’re gonna need ahandful of blueberries you can have usefrozen or fresh berries I’ll be usingsome frozen berries that are starting tothawyou’re gonna need some lemon yeah theyneed some sugar and lastly you’re gonnaneed about a quarter cup of water whichI’ve already started boiling in a potfor the compote now lastly now lastlypart three as I said it’s optionalbecause it’s presentation related I’mgonna be using whipped cream and I havesome powdered sugar now if you don’thave powdered sugar but you want to useit it’s very simple to make at home youjust take some regular sugar and you’regonna put in a blender and finally blendit for five minutesa lot of recipes online say addcornstarch the only reason you addcornstarch is it prevents the sugar frombeing from trapping any moisture so thatit clumps so it just keeps this sugarnice and dry you don’t have to if youdon’t want to though so let’s getstarted the first thing I’m doing is I’mgonna work on my compote since I’vealready started boiling my water this isactually on medium but I’m gonna turn itup because you actually want to put iton full heat I’m gonna add myblueberries to the waternext I’m gonna add a spoon of sugar cuzyou want your blueberries you want thecompote to be nice and sweet and lastlyI’m gonna add a teaspoon of lemon sothis is where you have to be reallycareful with the lemon itself it’s sosour that you could actually end upmaking your compote a bit more sour thanyou expect it to but in order tocompensate for that you just add alittle bit more sugar which I’m doing inthis case cuz I had it a little bit toomuch and basically you’re just gonna letthis boil for like five minutes and younotice the colors already startedchanging that’s what we want so withthis compote you can add some moreberries ice I might add a few more butI’m gonna actually try to make it alittle bit thick this time you can makea thicker thin however you want and I’mgonna go for the thick one because itkind of it acts really it tastes reallygood as a jelly-like so in the meantimewhile this is actually boiling up I’mgoing to be doing the waffle mix I’mgonna plug in my waffle maker cuz I wantit to warm up a bit so I’m gonna takeI’m just gonna add enough to make twomini waffles not too much I’m gonna adda little bit of water oil I don’t wantmy office to be too oily but you wanthim to have some oil and I’m gonna addmilk and I’m just gonna whisk thesetogether nicely you don’t want to overbeat it too much but you got that nicetexture right there and I’m just gonnalet it sit for about 30 seconds similarto how I like pancakes it so while myaweful makes it sitting for a little bitI wanted to show you this plate thecompote says you can see I’ve loweredthe heat a little bit cuz I don’t wantit to burn too much but you still wantit to boil because you can see that theflavors are nicely mixing now the colorof the water has changed because nowit’s boiling the blueberries and youhave the lemon and the sugar the lemonjuice already is in it but the sugar hasdissolved nicely so now you have theseblueberries and which will turn into acompote it’ll be nice and thick when youcool it so my waffle iron should be niceand hot now so I’m just going to take astick of butter and I’m gonna go aheadand just release it a little bitso can’t remember you don’t want yourwaffle mixture to be too thin becausethen it will not hold together wellit’ll actually leak out of the wafflemakerso it’s gonna take about two minuteswith my waffle maker I’m gonna go aheadand make another batch real quick so Ijust turned off the heat of the stove Iturn off my stoop and I wanted to showyou guys the compoteyou can see it’s nice and dark now allthe blueberries the color of the liquidmatches the blueberries and I did alittle taste test and it’s perfectlybalanced it’s got a little bit of thatsourness from the leaven and it’s niceand sweet from the sugar and theblueberries itself so I’m just gonna letthis sit and cool for a little bit itmight not be as thick as I want it to bebut it will still it tastes great andthat’s what I wanted so I’m gonna take alook at my waffle look at that goldenbrown perfect I’m going to actually takeit out and put it aside on the plate I’mgonna take my last mixture it’s nice andthick but it’s also still a B you canstill pour it actually before I do thatI just need to grease it a little bitmore so that it’s nonstick this is veryhot I gotta be careful I’m just gonnapour it down in the center you also wantto make sure that you never fill thewaffle iron because it can overflow soyou always go for 3/4 for another minuteso now I’m gonna take a little bit underin terms of the quantity but looks morelike a Belgian waffle but that’s finethat’s still a good looking golden-brownwaffle my compote you can see it’sbecome a little bit thick now this isnot too much I know that but you canalways add more berries if you want tomake more compote of course it’s niceand thick like exactly like I wantedalong with the fact thatit is sweet and particularly sweet and alittle bit sour lastly some whippedcream on topfinal touches I’m gonna add somepowdered sugarand there you have it folks your veryown waffles with blueberry compote thankyou so much for watching this video Ihope you enjoyed it if you did pleasegive it a thumbs up and don’t forget tosubscribe to this channel you can alsoview all the recipes made by my motherhere on this very youtube channel or youcan always follow her on snapchatFacebook Twitter and Instagram for moreupdates thanks again for watching seeyou next time