Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey guys welcome back or welcome to mychanneltoday I’m going to be showing you how tomake chocolate chip cookies and beforewe do anything we need to wash our handsreally well with soap and wateronce you’ve washed your hands you needto preheat the oven to 180 fan oven or200 if you have a non-fan oven these arethe ingredients that you need to makethese cookies first of all you need 100grams of butter then you’ll need ahundred grams of sugar and you can usebrown sugar or white sugar and you needone egg and you need 175 grams of flourof plain flour and last of all you needsome chocolate bits or chocolate chips Iuse some chocolate bits from bit bits ofwhispers but you can use whicheverchocolate bits or chocolate chips thatyou want so let’s get started you need abowl first of all and then in the bowlyou can add your sugar and your butterthen you just mix them both togetheruntil they’re nice and creamyand you mix till it’s nice and creamylike this after that you can get aseparate bowl and you crack your egginto the bowl and then you can addvanilla essence or extract if you wantto and once you’ve got your egg in yourbowl and you get a fork and you beat itlike I’m doing in the video until it’sall mixed together and after that youcan add your egg mixture to the bowl andmix it all together like this until it’ssmooth and creamy and once your mixtureis creamy you can sieve the flour intothe bowl and once you’ve sisters yourflour in you just mix it all togetherand now it’s time to add the chocolatechips or whatever chocolate you’re usingand you just pour it into the bowl andyou can mix it all together and onceit’s all mixed together it’s time to putit on a baking tray and you can just getany baking tray and put a sheet ofgreaseproof paper on top and now it’sready to spoon your cookie dough intoand you can spoon a small to mediumsized dollop of cookie dough onto yourbaking sheet and I ended up using twotrays but this is what mine looks likebefore I put it in the oven and now youcan put your cookies into the oven for10 to 15 minutes and after 15 minutesthey’re ready mine are slightly burn onthe bottom just because I accidentallyleft them in for a bit longer than Ishould have but yeah here they are andonce they’ve cooled down slightly on atray you can transfer them to a coolingrack so they can cool down beforethey’re ready to enjoyand now to try them sorry I did this atnight but I completely forgot abouttrying them so I had to do it at nightbut they were really really good thankyou so much for watching remember toLike share and subscribe this video andI’ll see you in the next one bye[Music]