So I saw all these online viral videos showing off the 3 ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies, and as a Lover of all things PB, I decided to give it a shot but add one extra ingredient to make it a Peanut Butter and Jelly cookie! I would advise against this recipe, and just add more ingredients to make it a real cookie. Watch to see why!
#cookies #baking #peanutbutter
BRUNCH BOYS is a new media company founded and operated by Jeremy Jacobowitz focused on everything BRUNCH! That means food, lifestyle, travel, events and more that Jeremy has carefully curated based on his own passions. With over 480K followers across all platforms including Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Jeremy shares his love of brunch through original videos, photography and blog posts. FOLLOW ME:
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Video Transcription
hey guys jeremy Jacobus here from brunchboys brunch boys is my social mediachannels where I bring to you my foodadventures from all over the world buttoday I’m in my kitchen and I’m in myapartment I’m going to cook for youthe viral sensation three ingredientpeanut butter cookie but I am going tomake it four ingredient because oncewhich not only are we going to use beerwe are gonna use jelly that’s right I’mgoing to make for you instead of a threeingredient a four ingredient peanutbutter and jelly cookieIRA so two three ingredient peanutbutter cookies something I’ve seen beanson a tick-tock so I wanted to make thatso I found a recipe on allrecipes.comfor it it literally called for peanutbutter sugar and egg but I was like huhhow do I sort of mix it up make more funI thought what if we just use a littlebit jelly so that’s what we are going toattempt to do so first step is Imeasured everything out already it’sequal cups peanut butter and sugar sowe’re gonna do is we’re gonna put onecup peanut butter into a bowl thosepeanut butter and then one cup of sugarone egg and we’re just gonna mix it tocombineokay so then the serving size of this issupposed to be six cookies says just aspoonful and just put it right thereonto parchment paper that I used somecoconut oil on six all right I seem tohave a little bit extra so I’m justgonna make them a bit bigger here justadd a little bit on all right so numberI’m gonna do is I’m gonna take a spoonI’m gonna make a little bit of an indentand then put the jelly right on top okayso and then Darcy says to bake for sixto eight minutes at an oven at 350degrees so that’s what we are gonna dookay so here’s an issue we asked me callfour six eight minutes I checked at sixminutes and then it’ll have done at allcheck rate minutes in internal checkedin ten minutes Dylan’s at all so I waslike it I’m just gonna cook themand see what happens I cook them foranother ten minutes twenty minutes intotal and they honestly still didn’tseem done at all like even the edgesdidn’t seem to come together but youknow sometimes they have to come out andfinish out of the oven so I took themout and I’m just gonna let them sit forlike fifteen minutes and hopefully theycome together we’ll see what happens allright so the cookies have sat for about10 minutes and honestly they’re lookingmuch better they seem to have completelyfirmed up or pretty much burns up and Isee enough got a little bit golden onthe bottom which is sort of what I wastrying to achieve and I mean I couldn’tpick them up at the camera oven nowthey’re sort of pretty much together soit’s not a tastethat is a blast of peanut butter andsugar it’s not like not shocking theonly ingredients were peanut buttersugar jelly in an egg it’s actually it’snot badum this one holds up well enoughspeaking I do think though I do thinkit’s too sweetI just against too much I wish thatthere were other things in there tobalance out that cookie the jellyespecially because the jellies prettysweet too you’re not really getting likethe natural sweetness naturally maybeoh I mean maybe even just some likevanilla extract maybe some maybe likesome coffee flavor maybe like a darkchocolate maybe just something bitter tobalance out that cookie and give it alittle bit maybe especially maybe if youdon’t use like dark chocolate chunks orsomething yeah but I call this a failureno I mean listen it’s tasty I lovepeanut butter there’s nothing wrong withthese I understand the point of likeit’s super easy to make this is only afew ingredients so it’s exciting but Ithink you added a few extra ingredientsin with take your cookie that’s here andbring it here and that’s probably worthit so three four ingredient peanutbutter cookies peanut butter jellycookies that’s okay thank you so muchfor watching if you like this video likethe video comment below and let me knowwhat you think of these cookies wouldyou try them have you tried them whatimprovements would you make if you thinkthere could be any shared a video andyeah I’ll see you guys soon guys I’llsee you guys soon guys I’ll see you guyssoon guysby