Tanner gets challenged by his grade 1 teacher to try something that he’s never done before. Baking is something new to him, so he gives it a bash and teaches us how to do it in the process.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
survey my hands tell me I’m gonna bakecookies during lockdown so I think anyto do something I’ve never done beforeI’m only seven the server to stuff Ihaven’t done before so I decided to makecookies and a buck to HP it has all theingredients you need to make computersdon’t need half a cup of margarine 1 cupof sugar 5 mili liters of five months ofvanilla essence and check out the selfraising flour and big bowlput the sugar and the water is instableand mix it[Music]cause I’m doing this all by myselfnext you’re gonna add your vanilla isn’tAndroidand then just keep storysir until it’s pale yellow color onestep stun can sip your flour into thebowl we said it to make sure there’s nolumps in the flour once you’re done withthat admixture to the flower pot break alittle piece off the door and roll alittle ball a little ball in the bed andstart againgrown-up not stop preheat the otherpretty to 190 degreeswhat people that the Train you’re gonnaswitch the ball good support networktime to put these bad boys in the ovenand now we wait 14 to 15 minutesdon’t learn more when you don’t waitingit’s time to take the cookies out theovenBudhan it’s not so goodspin it and pull out for it don’t thrownow telling you to draw something youhaven’t done beforewhy don’t you tell me if you do dosomething that’s it I finish out enjoyedthis video like subscribe it smallvideo become your friends