Hi loves! In today’s video I teach you how to cook pancakes the right way and how to make your pancakes come out amazing every time. I had a great time filming this video and I hope one day you guys can learn to cook as good as me!
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi guys I’m back again today I’m goingto teach you how to cook because I am achef I’m good at making masterpieces andlet’s just say I’m really good so I’mgonna teach you how to make some goodass pancake so today we’re going to beworking like our queen on Jemima and notthe instant because we’re not an instantbitch over here so I have all myingredients here I got my my eggs mythingy my milk my milk is over here ohokayso the first step of making Aunt Jemimais to put a cup of the mixi in yourthing so we’re going to go ahead and dothat because there’s gonna beat my assso yeah we still haven’t filled it up toa cup so we’d have to do that now yesveryvery toxic to breathe it so that letsyou cuts but it’s fine you never knowyou just you just wing it so then youput it in the bowl and then after youput it in the bowl you crack your eyesnow I’ve never been good at cocky eggsbecause like I’ve never been good atcracking eggs because I’m bad at it soI’m gonna try my best I don’t reallyknow how to do itoh so when you when you’re cracking eggsyou might get a little bit of shells inthe in the mix like this a little bit ofsalt I got it and you throw it in yourthing so after youI drew eggs in look I was just mixing itbecause you you should just mix it soyou’re supposed to add the reef or itscup of milk and a tablespoon of oil butI don’t really know how much that is soI’m just gonna add it in like yes likeyou kind of know what what a tablespoonof oil is so you just add it in perfectperfect and then you mix it up and youwant to be like a runny consistency inthere let me just tell you it is okay ifyou get some eggshells in there it’sokay because you most likely won’t bethe one that bites into the eggshell inthere panting so I’m breathing in thefumes so just remember that other peoplewill be writing into the eggshellnot you so this is what it looks like sofar mmm delicious I I don’t necessarilyknow why it’s like chunky I did atablespoon of oil maybe more nothing wedefinitely need more go so you just kindof winging and you guess like I had alittle bit more and then you match andyou always talk about it because thebatter is the best part this is what Ihave so far my brother just texted me soyou will get a little messy but that isjust fine you just keep goingyou take your mixture and you pour it inthe cup okay so while you have yourgriddle you got to make sure you spraydown I don’t really have that so I’mgonna put some oil on it but I’m justgonna spread that way I like throwing itaround with my spatula just so that wemake sure our pancakes aren’t stickingand they’re coming out nice and good nowif your pan is if your griddle smellslike it’s burning and it’s valid on firethat’s because it’s very hot and youdon’t want to touch it and you pour iton just a little bit at a time just sothat it cooks you could do one over hereyou can even do shapes like I’ll do I’lldo Mickey cherries in the middle so youdo and then so while you wait you cancook your pancakes Alexabeautiful golden-brown pancakes you putthe other one over and you can flip theother one over so you can put those tothe sidelook at those golden-brown pancakesthey’ll be delicious and everyone willlove them look at thatthat looks amazing the pancake looksgreat then we can serve unto my momlater we’re gonna do the Mickey Mousebut we’re gonna do it right this timewe’re not gonna break itthat looks amazingwe can also start another we’ll do likea little um we’ll do a zigzag on thisside delicious bitch alright bitch shutthe fuck up did you take a while to cookjust know that that’s the longest partthen you put them ooh scraggily you canall just wash them down help them cook alittle bit faster it might not dingslook at that beautiful underlayerperfect then you just throw them righton your pan you just pick it up that wasa damn devil now look at this fatty ohlook how good then you want to be verycareful not to break it when you’reflipping it so you just put that oh yeahlook at that painting the fieldah nice and toasty don’t breathe in thefumes your pancake elements if it’ssmoking like this it’s fine it might notbe the best Mickey Mouse pancakes everbut it definitely will taste good inyourmmm so let me just show you some of mybeautiful creations we have a frenchtoast looking pancake we have the iconiccircular looking pancake so yes they arelooking amazing I know I’m a chef andyou just throw it right on your plateknow it bro that was sad you’re left offwith your beautiful pancakes so guys Iactually just took a shower I look likeI’m a mess my hair soaking wet um I wasbreathing in so many fumes from the likethe flower and like all that other shitthat was coming off the pan key I triedto get my family to eat them but they’renot but as you can see they kind of arebeautiful pancakes like look at thatsexy delicious and honestly I would eatthem but they sting they smelldisgusting in their way so I’m not gonnaeat that but you know what I will eat asandwich so I’m gonna go do that so I’mso very sorry that you had to sitthrough that video of me it was kind ofattrocious but if you liked it and Ihope you did give this video a thumbs upand subscribe um subscribe and like thisvideo please thank you yeah I will seeyou next time bye