Zach decides to give it a try at making pancakes with his mummy.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hello everyone welcome to that – luckilytoys players today I will show you howto make pancake flour vanilla essenceessence and what’s this one here oh yeahI mix all the dry ingredients so so somama is dry so creditsagain start sugar Shanta what is thatnow you see any other dry ingredientsare we done with all the dry ingredientswe done what so why don’t you give thedriver a little mix up with your spoonwhat song does Rienzi add okay oncewe’re done with the dry ingredients whatare we gonna do next the writing wetingredients okay oh that’s right the oilwhat are you gonnaArtie Artie I think before we get anylumps we need to add a little bit ofmilk so why don’t you do some more anddo a little bit a little bit at a time[Music][Music]don’t get fun so it’s so you must cookwith a parent right yeah you’re notallowed to cook alone rightwhat stove is very hot right yeah okayso the first thing we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna put some spray and cook andlet’s wait onto the pan okay so justturn the nozzle away from you we haven’twave it around move it around move itaround a bit[Music]Auggieso so you’re gonna put it a boy littlepancake mix one to you you must alwaysto put the butter in the pan to my moneyput the birthday mommy do thatmommy does that probably don’t do thatmommy does that might be contacted[Music]in my party now what is that[Music][Music]now[Music][Music]avenges pancake I think it’s over now[Music][Music]