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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to my channel yeswe’re gonna make pancakes not so muchokayI think everybody loves pancakes and herlife’s okay I think that’s enough yeah Ithink that’s enough okay now we’re gonnamake now we’re gonna put some milk gobring the chair Carrie’s going crazy orelse it’s gonna turn like dough not fastbut luckily sour mix it be childmake sure to watch my truth and then goput your Mickey Mouse I’d better watchinto the end okay so thanks like alittle bit of steps okay okay yeah somix mix mix mix mix okay don’t even makepancakes at your child yes make sure youguys have parents we’ll be right backokay yes don’t even touch the pins usesit’s very hot cuz he’s gonna want some Iwant some you eat too maybe yeahyou maybe should my let me see let mesee that’s we didn’t want more milk makesure to LIKE this video and subscribeand comment comment how much magic mywater ten homehow much do I look comment down belowand then like that their enemiesokay make sure you have all thoseingredients to make pink yeah so you’regonna need the batter some milk and thebutter the butter – butters or three wehave three butterssome people hate butter so yeah we’renot gonna put it inside the pancakeyou’re not eat it we have some syrup[Music][Music]butter night he needs pancakes are donethe mixing is donehe needs that guys don’t have coz thenthat was like don’t touch that it’s hotdon’t touch that as a kid so it’s on forbecause my little brother he likes to Ihelp me cook them all these stuff comepancakesyes that’s what I’m for oh yeah I usedto cook breakfast yes last time I cookpancakes with bacon and that’s okaywe’re gonna make the bacon yeah itdepends how much powder you want I thinkwe’re good it looks like sugar I knowokay Jerry man eating sugar okay waitlet me seeokay we cannot see very low okay I willbe right back okay so go back back thisis very hard to make our armmake sure to reverse them yeah he hasthat had a C so it looks as you can seelike it’s kind of yoki slang yes it doeswait so don’t touch it I mean you can’ttouch it though bull but you cannottouch my hand hurts it’s on five look atthe butters kind of melting it’s nothingyou need a lot of butter yes you canmake Nightwing won’t I’ll mix this thing[Music]make sure to mix really slow the bull mydropper if you like that wait wait y’allknow you’re not buildable see it’s notthat nice build a ball a little bit whatis thisand you just want it to taste like veryplain you can just add water but sincewe want art to be like a little morelike like different you can add milk orwater or your choice yeah I want to putthe milk backthe bridge we’re not gonna show thefridge okay okay make sure you’re donethe butter might be like thisyes and make sure you don’t have it toohigh because then it can jump see thisis limb it’s oh yeah make sure if youwant us to play piggy yeah on row wahmake sure to LIKE and subscribe can canwe reach into 50 likes that way we canmake piggy videos 100 likesyes make sure to not put a lot of poweryes no more important a lot of powderthan the more you’re gonna lose powerokay your problem oh my gosh you’ll haveto mix fast make sure too long Jerry gowash your kind of fast like this but notlike I’m crazy yeah cuz you might dropthe bullet then am I still everywherearound here yes well that looks like apancake that looks like it is perfectnow why would I am what I do you can usea big spoon vanilla ice Jerry picked itup there’s a little bit on the flooryeah make sure this is why you don’tworry we have bigger space okay so nowwe’re gonna yeah Peters foods are overhere I’m just like so worried he justwants everything to be so clean okay nowwe can mix it with this thing now we’regonna make this is the same it’s readymake sure to look like Skylander Oh OhStar Wars oh yeah I mean our awardsthat’s a giant piston don’t worrythere’s gonna be more where that camefrom literally so tired of holding thisokay gonna place the camera right[Applause]oh yeah two more minutes four minutesokay guys now we’re back and look thefun games are going very wellyes been like a minute or so so justkeep an eye on you probably bring yourhouse and yes you guys are wondering howold is that little girl they think thatthey’re like eight or try to get soldlike through one to eight yeah cuz he’snot older than eight so so you can’ttouch so now that one to ten and youguess the Rhino er see if you get theright number only whoever guesses whatkind of probably gonna make some morebetter okay I think that’s enough cuzit’s gonna stick it’s okay thank youjust perfectno more batter and we’ll be right youcould make it like a mouth of fat cakesoh right back[Music]yeah it’s back it’s okay and look at thepancake it’s going very well the otherbenefits so make sure today I’ll seemore ports help like how to level ourI’ll do plan to whateveryeah you’ll basically see like a lot ofthings oh oh yeah like our secret ofscary secret thing yeah that long wedon’t know what happensyeah okay kind of crazy yeah okay wellsee you in the next video[Music]