Bread Recipes

ENGLISH MUFFIN Recipe – How to Bake BREAD Without an Oven –

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Did you know that you don’t need an oven to make English muffins? Here’s how you do it.

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English Muffins – adapted from Peter Reinhart’s
6-sided Garlic Bread:
2 1/4 C. all-purpose flour
1/2 T. sugar
3/4 t. salt
1 1/4 t. instant yeast
1 T. butter
3/4-1 C. instant buttermilk, 4 T. buttermilk powder + 1 C. water

This video IS sponsored. Thank you, BetterHelp! 🙏🏼

To find links to the tools and books I use in the kitchen visit my Emmymade Amazon shop:

The Bread Baker’s Apprentice by Peter Reinhart (Amazon affiliate link):
Beard on Bread by James Beard (Amazon affiliate link):
English Yeast Breads by Elizabeth David (Amazon affiliate link):
Zojirushi griddle (Amazon affiliate link):
SAF instant yeast (Amazon affiliate link):
Saco buttermilk powder (Amazon affiliate link):

Some of the above links are Amazon affiliate links and I receive a small commission with each sale at no extra cost to you. Thanks so much for the support.

‘Beyond the Ponds’ ‘Nordic Characters 1’ ‘Neo Two K Six’ ‘Mrs. Right’ is courtesy of and ‘Sprightly’ from iMovie. You’ve made it to the end – welcome! Did you find the hidden word? Comment: “BURP! “

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[Music]greetings my beautiful lovelies it’sEmmy welcome back today’s video issponsored by better health which makesprofessional counseling accessibleaffordable and convenient particularlyduring these times of self isolation andsocial distancing we are in a pressurecooker in our homes with our familieswe’re not seeing our friends we’re notgetting much of a social outlet soparticularly during these timessomething like better help can be such agreat tool for these daily struggles inlife everything that I shared with yourcounselor remains completelyconfidentialyou can schedule help at your own timeat your own pace and there are fourmodes of communication that you canspeak with your council with you cantext you can chat you canvideoconference or you can speak byphone and if for any reason yourcounselor doesn’t feel like a good fityou can change at any time it’s veryvery flexible and if you qualifyfinancial aid is available it isimportant to note that better help isnot a crisis line so start living ahappier life get 10% off your firstmonth by visiting better help that’s Emmy and join the over 800,000 peopletaking control of their mental healththat’s better help PLP calm / any bigthanks again to better help forsponsoring this videonow today I’m going to be making yetanother bread recipe I’m going to bemaking English muffins for two reasonsnumber one being I love English muffinsnumber two you do not need an oven tomake English muffins did you know thatI’m going to be cooking this bread in askillet or a griddle in a pan if you’vegot a stove top you can make Englishmuffins well you also need flour andyeast and a couple other ingredients Iknow those are in short supply right nowbut if you have them you can make thisbread so the recipe I’m going to beusing today comes from my handy dandybread baker’s apprentice this is byPeter Reinhart I love this book I loveit because it’s never failed me everyrecipe I’ve ever tried in this book hasworked I do have a couple other breadbooks so both Elizabeth David and JamesBeard have recipes for English muffinsor crumpets azar also knownbut Peter Reinhart’s is the mostthorough so that’s the recipe that I’mgoing to be using today so let me walkyou through the steps of how to preparethe dough now you can make this in astand mixer but if you don’t have astand mixer you can certainly do this ina bowl you’ll just be kneading the doughby hand so in a bowl or in the bowl ofyour stand mixer combined two and aquarter cups of bread flour so duringthis period of lockdown we’re not makingtrips to the grocery store so I haveall-purpose flour and that’s what I’llbe using in this recipe but in theoriginal Peter requests that you usebread flour then add half a tablespoonof granulated sugar and 3/4 a teaspoonof salt one and a quarter teaspoons ofinstant yeast now instant yeast is notthe same as dry active yeast to makesure you know what kind of yeast youhave Google the conversions depending onwhat type of yeast you have so you’regonna give that a little stir to blendall the dry ingredients and then you’regonna add a 1 tablespoon of butter andthis should be at room temperature andthen you’re gonna add three quarters ofa cupto one cup of milk or buttermilk in thiscase I’m using this buttermilk productit’s a powdered buttermilk that I keepin the refrigerator and you reconstitutewith just some water I use this becauseit comes in really handy whenever have arecipe that calls for buttermilk I knowsome recipes say that you can use lemonjuice combined with milk to create yourown buttermilk but I found that kind ofhit or miss just in my experience so Iadded my buttermilk slowly to my drymixture until it formed a wet mass youwant to make sure you have enough liquidto your dough you don’t want to be toodry and stiff and then once everythingis combined switch it to a dough hook ifyou’re using a stand mixer if not turnit out onto a surface and begin kneadingin a stand mixer you’re gonna knead thisfor about 10 minutes it’s going to be alittle bit longer if you’re kneading byhand so what you’re looking for is thedough to reach a temperature about 77degrees and it should pass thewindowpane test this means when youstretch the dough it should become verystretchy thin and transparent and lightshould be able to pass through it sothis tells you that enough gluten hasformed that you’re going to have theright texture for your dough so oncethat happens you’re gonna take the doughout of the bowl wash your bowl oil itlightly and oil the top of yourdoble lightly place the dough back inthe oil bowl and cover it and nuke allowit to rise for its first rise and thiscan take anywhere from one to two hoursdepending on how warm your environmentis so once the dough ball has doubledyou’re now going to divide the doughinto six equal piecesI used to scale and it worked out to beabout 83 to 85 grand balls and thenyou’re gonna shape them by stretchingthe dough and turning it under you canmake a little bowls and then you’regonna use the sides or hands to kind ofpinch and roll to kind of tighten thesurface of the ballnow you’re gonna lightly oil these wrapthem in plastic wrap and then allow themto proof for the second time and thisshould take anywhere from 60 to 90minutes and that is what we have hereand now we are ready to cook sotraditionally these are cooked on agriddle or skillet but you can also cookthese in a 350 degree oven as well Ilove English muffins for breakfastsandwiches they make great little pizzasI just love their serving size and justslathered in butter and hot so deliciousthe biggest reason why I love this bookso much is how thorough it is forexample so cookies 5 to 8 minutes oruntil the bottom of the dough cannotcook any longer without burning so youreally really want to cook these sowhile this is toasting up I’m gonna tellyou a little bit about this shirt I’m soproud of it I designed it and all theproceeds from the sales of this shirtwill be going to charity I’m going to begiving it to give directly which is anonprofit organization that gives cashdonations directly to families and thosethat are most impacted by the outbreakso I’m so happy to be able to do thatand if you can support it then I’d be soappreciative thanks so muchand lightly place it on to the griddlethere we go and the thermostat is setfor 350 degrees can you hear thatand this griddle gets really hot[Music]turtlebaum the curdled buns okay he saidthey’ll brown really quickly okaythey’re browning okay all right so Ialso set a timer because I want to makesure I cook these for long enough wedon’t want to have raw dough in themiddle but five to eight minutes it issmelling lovely already it smells kindof like pizza dough or something it’skind of that toasted bread a lovelysmell you can see that they’re gettingnice and brown look at that so I wouldbe tempted already to turn these overbecause they’re already getting sogolden but Peter says let it godoo-doo-doo-doothey’re so cute I love rizendoughthey’re just women mushroom and punch Ithink I’m gonna turn this over now it’sbeen five minutes look see that almostlooks burnt this one yep these look socute okay you ever had English muffinsso chubby before they’ve browned as muchas they can brown without burning now istransfer them to a baking sheet we’regonna put them in a 350 degree oven forfive to eight minutes just to make surethat the middle of our muffins arecompletely cooked now if you don’t havean oven you would turn the heat down tolow and take a pot lid and place that ontop of your muscles to kind of create anoven to finish the cooking process ofEnglish muffins all righty I’m backisn’t it gorgeous I have to MIT I havenot waited the requisite 30 minutesbecause I need to eat this this is warmand beautiful so let’s use our fork popthis open get some butter on itI’m so excited about this I’m taking myfork I’m gonna go all around theperimeter this is hot and what this doesis it creates a nice little raggedsurface as opposed to if we cut thiswith a knife which will make it nice andsmooth if we use a fork we’ll get okayare you seeing this lather that withsome butterall righty the moment I have beenwaiting for let’s give the Englishmuffin it taste eat the lucky Marsgot two lovelythe warmth of English muffin completelymelted the butter it falls into allthose little holes and valleys that wecreated the bottom has a slight bit ofChristmas the crumb is chewy and softdelicious I can’t wait to see how thesewill toast up tomorrow alreadylet’s have one of my other favoritethings tap it with some honey drizzlethis on to the muffinnow this is honey from my own hivesalready give thanksthe bread has a lovely yeasty flavor butthe texture is so nice it’s very moistand the crumb is slightly chewy and justso there you have it that’s how you canmake homemade English muffins absolutelydeliciousa cinch to make can make them on askillet make them on a griddle you don’tneed an oven an oven does help to cookthem at the very end but certainly notrequired just put a lid right on top ofyour griddle set on low give them acouple flips in five to eight minutesyou have perfectly cooked Englishmuffins wait a few minutes before youeat themthanks so much for watching I hope youguys enjoyed that one I hope you guyslearned something big thanks to betterhelp for sponsoring this video if you’dlike to get 10% off your first monthvisit better help calm that’s betterhelp a GLPdot-com /ne to receive 10% off yourfirst month thanks again for watchingplease share this video with yourfriends follow me on social media likethis video subscribe and I shall see youin the next onetoodaloo take care[Music][Music]

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