Cookies Recipes

Making Cookie Dough and Reading Marx

Come listen to the soothing analysis of Capital while I make cookies 🙂

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hello you’re alivewelcome to the corn stream aftertechnical difficulties and computerrestarts and bringing around how to usezoom as a microphoneI’m gonna make bas toffee cookies exceptwe don’t really have chocolate I mean wehave some Hershey’s maybe we can usesome Hershey’s Hershey’stoffee got on my dry ingredientsmeasured out we’re only doing a halfbatch cuz it’s out on the house gonnaturn out hey Laura something helloyes sriracha I don’t know what that’sfor I don’t need thatevery day more interesting news people’schecks of stimulus checks are being heldup for spurious reasons and actuallypeople’s creditors can just straight-uptake their checks before anyone evengets them so you got debt you might notsee you twelve hundred or maybe it’sjust – trick – bills anyway and I thinkwe had with 5 million 6 million morepeople claiming joblessness we have like222 million unemployed this month that’sfun so in light of all this we’re gonnaread some knowledge from Big Daddy KarlMarx I’ll probably get through like aparagraph honestly because multitaskingis going to be a lot of fun right nowI’m browning my butter it’s just a stickof butter now Marx mostly because it’smore me me to say that you’re makingcookies and reading Marx because he’snotoriously dry and nobody says to startwith Marx in terms of theory but it’smore fun to say you’re gonna readhallmarks and make cookies so that’swhat we’re gonna doyeah you want to tell me if the butterslike ready well I do this yeah we gotour dry ingredients cup of all-purpose1/2 teaspoon baking soda 3 tsp salt andthen we’d have vanilla extract so I’musing cinnamon 4 teaspoons that wasbabish said it was a good idea so it’sgonna melt and then once it’s completelymelted and it starts to foam a littlebit but yeah what’s the sort of foam Icould start a chapter 1 but I’m gonna goahead and jump over to chapter 7 so thisis the was the 87 translation yeah notlike a literal translation of the firstedition but like an adaptation one ofthe adaptations that angles did courtesyof marks historic thank you Marxist allright chapter 7 the Labour process andthe process of producing surplus valuesection 1 the Labour process or theproduction of use-valuesthe capitalist buys labor powder powerin order to you there’s no labor powderin my cookies the capitalist buys labourpower in order to use it and labor powerand uses labour itself the purchaser oflabour power consumes it by setting theseller of it to work by working thelatter becomes actually what before hewas on he only was potentially labourpower in action a labor in order thathis labour may reappear in a commodityhe must before all things expended onsomething useful on something capable ofsatisfying a want of some sortsorry to pause you wanted to be wrong mylower heat I see some butter actionlet’s seeyou see it probably can’t see it heyyeah it’s brown in its buttery this isnot a setup for a cooking show that’sfine um what was i capable hence whatthe capitalists sets the laborer toproduce is a particular use value canyou make sure it doesn’t burn what thecapitalist it’s the laborer to produceis a particularly useful you a specifiedarticle the fact that the production ofuse-values or goods is carried on underthe control of a capitalist and on hisbehalfdoes not alter the general character ofthat production we shall therefore inthe first place have to consider thelabor process independently of theparticular form it assumes under givensocial conditions labor is in the firstplace a process in which both man andnature participate and in which man ofhis own accord starts regulates andcontrols the material reactions betweenhimself and naturenot rounding it but he wanted to be thetoasty smell to reactions betweenhimself and nature he opposes himself tonature as one of her own forces settingin motion arms and legs heads and handsthe natural forces of his body in orderto appropriate nature’s productions in aform adapted to his own wants by thusacting on the external world andchanging it he at the same time changeshis own nature he develops hisslumbering powers and compels them toact in obedience to sway we are not nowdealing with those primitive instinctsinstinctive we’re not now dealing withthose primitive instinctive forms oflabor that remind us of the mere animalan immeasurable interval of timeseparates the state of things in which aman brings his labor power to market forsale as a commodity from that state inwhich human labor was still in its firstinstinctive stage we presuppose labor ina form that stamps it as exclusivelyhuman a spider conducts operations thatresemble those of a weaver and Abby putsto shame many an architect in theconstruction of ourselves but whatdistinguishes the worst architect fromthe best of bees is this that thearchitect raises his structure inimagination before he reacts it inreality at the end of every laborprocess we get a result that alreadyexisted in the imagination of thelaborer at its commencementyou put it awayyes I never cooked like in that small ofa space but it like super foams upusually usually found I just want tomake sure doesn’t try if it starts toturn brown and take off the key okay butif it’s the blonde it’s fine okaycookingwhere was I in Vegas he not only affectsa change of form in the material onwhich he works but he also realizes apurpose of his own that gives the law tohis modus operandi and to which she mustsubordinate as well and thissubordination is no mere monetary Actbesides the exertion of the bodilyorgans the process demands that duringthe whole operation the workman’s willbe steadily in consonance with hispurposethis means close attention I mean no nothat’s that’s that’s like right beforeit’s ready to go okay so you’re grindingbutter I mean some people say like onceit starts turning blonde and it meltsand it foams a little bit and like someonce it foams and it subsides usuallygood usually say not to take it all theway to brown in the pot because it’sgonna carry on cooking cause it’s gonnastay hot yeah I think it’s a touch brownto me that’s fine for these cookies butit really needs to foam up it needs tolook like you’re like in a bubble bathand then the foam will it’ll take a longtime for the foam to subside you mightwant to use like use you can use arubber spatula too but yeah like a bowlback and don’t get scaredbut maybe try if it happens too fastmaybe turn out to eat no it’s fine rightnowworkman’s will be steadily in consonancewith his purposethis means close attention the less hewas attracted by the nature of the workand the mode in which it is carried onand the less therefore he enjoys it assomething which gives play to his bodilyand mental powers the more close hisattention is forced to be the elementaryfactors of the labour process are onethe personal activity of man ie workitself to the subject of that work andthree its instruments so person browningbutter and a pots and a stovealright let’s see I mean mm-hmmlike it’s basically clear so it’s likeessentially round yeah you can see thesolids at the bottom did a little burntthat’s fine see it you can see italright at this point once you brown thebutter pour it off into the containerthat you’re going to mix everything inand you gotta let it cool before you addyou said before you start creaming yoursugar and butter and I have my dryingredients already out like I showedoff to the side those will be in at theend but brown butter in let it coolslightly because we’re gonna cream sugarand then at some point we’re gonna addegg we don’t want the egg to instantlyscramble creaming the sugar and thebutter creaming butter and sugar justbasically means mixing it together untilit’s fully incorporatedbut at that process I wish we had anelectric mixer because it takes arms yesgood forks yeah improvement yeah you’resupposed to the recipe calls for aroom-temperature egg but forgot to takethe egg out so it’s cold ishalright let’s see what’s next the soiland this economically speaking includeswater in the virgin state in which itsupplies one man with necessaries or themeans of subsistence ready to hand existindependently of him and is theuniversal subject of human labour allthose things which labor merelyseparates from immediate connection withtheir environment our subjects of labourspontaneously provided by naturespontaneously spontaneously such a fishwhich we catch and take from theirelement water timber which we fell inthe virgin forests and ores which weextract from their veinsif on the other hand the subject oflabor has so to say been filteredthrough previous labor we call it rawmaterial such as or already extractedand ready for washing all raw materialis a subject of labor but not everysubject of labor is raw material it canonly become so after it has undergonesome alteration by means of labor aninstrument of labor is a thing for acomplex of things which the laborerinterposes between himself and thesubject of his labor and which serves asa conductor of his activity he makes useof the mechanical physical and chemicalproperties of some substances in orderto make other substances subservient tohis aims leaving out of considerationsuch ready-made means of subsistence asfruits in gathering which a man’s ownlimbs serve as instruments of his labourthe first thing of which the laborerpossesses himself is not the subject oflabour but its instrument thus naturebecomes one of the organs of hisactivity one that he annexes to his ownbodily organs adding stature to himselfin spite of the Bible I don’t alwaystalk about the Bible as the earth in hisoriginal larder so – it is his originaltool house it supplies him for instancewith stones for throwing grindingpressing cutting etc the earth itself isan instrument of labour labor but whenused as such in agriculture implies awhole series of other instruments and acomparatively high development of labourcomparatively high development of labourno sooner does labour undergo the leastdevelopment that it requires speciallyprepared instruments thus in the oldestcaves we find stone implements andweapons in the earliest period of humanhistory domesticated animals ie animalswhich had been bred for the purpose andhave undergone modifications by means oflabour play the chief part asinstruments of labour along withspecially prepared stones wood bones andshells the use and fabrication ofinstruments of labour although existingin the germ among certain species ofanimals is specifically characteristicof the human labour process and Franklintherefore defines man as acool making animal relics of bygoneinstruments of labour possess the sameimportance for the investigation ofextinct economic forms of society as dofossil bones for the determination ofextinct species of animals it is not thearticles made but how they are made andby what inch by what instruments thatenables us to distinguish differenteconomic epochs padlocks instruments oflabour not only supply a standard of thedegree of development to which humanlabour has attained but they are alsoindicators of the social conditionsunder which that labor is carried onamong the instruments of labour those ofa mechanical nature which taken as awhole we may call the bone and musclesof production offer more decidedcharacteristics of a given epoch ofproduction than those which like pipestubes baskets jars etc serve only tohold the materials for labour whichlatter class we may in a general waycall the vascular system of productionthe latter first begins to play animportant part in the chemicalindustries riveting you got a lovepolitical theory oh I see shows in thechat is he still in there hello show areyou sneaking over there you’re listeninghiding away shows in the chat I think heis anyway so the electric mixer is aninstrument labor that was fabricated bythe working class in order extract uponthe soil now you’re getting it mm-hmmsee Marxist theory has everything to dowith cooking and baking any time youmake a mealremember the Labour theory of value andproduction of use value and surplusvalueyou can I think you can actually watchthe chat on your computer or your phoneif you want what is this on it’s on myyoutube yeah you’re working right now Ohnaughtyhe’s multitasking yeah multitasking justlike me so at this point I’m gonnameasure out sugar and begin cleaning thebutter and sugar they think the butteris actually it’s really hotno the butter is still really hot I meanit’s in a metal bowl but it’s stillcrazy hot I don’t know if you can see itany better in this bowl it’s fine don’tworry about it don’t worry about itwe’ll get to that it’s in a laterparagraph by the way uh Richard Wolfehas like an amazingly simple likesummary basically those in his lecturesor classes or whatever of basically thiswhole principle in a much clearer andsimpler way but it’s you know you get amain line that marks this theory whereare we at in a wider sense we mayinclude among the instruments of labourin addition to those things that areused for directly transferring labour toa subject in which therefore in one wayor another serve as conductors ofactivity all such objects are as arenecessary for carrying on the labourprocess these do not enter directly intothe process but without them it iseither impossible for it to take placeat all or possible only to a partialextent once more we find the earth to bea universal instrument of the sort or itfurnishes a locus standi locus standilocus standi to the labor and a feel ofemployment for his activity amonginstruments that are a result ofprevious labour and also belong to thisclass we find workshops canals roads andso forth infrastructure basically yeahin the labor process therefore man’sactivity with the help of theinstruments of labour affects analteration designed from thecommencement and the material workerworked upon the process disappears inthe product the latter is a use-valuenature’s material adapted by a change ofform to the wants of man labour hasincorporated itself with its subjectthe former is materialized the lattertransformed that which in labourappeared is movement now appears in theproduct as a fixed quality withoutmotion the blacksmith forges and theproduct is a forging if we examine thewhole process from the point of view ofits result the product it is plain thatboth the instruments and the subject oflabour our means of production and thatthe labor itself is a productive laborthough a use value in the form of aproduct issues from the labour processyet other use values products ofprevious labor enter into it as means ofproduction the same use value is both aproduct of a previous process and ameans of production in a later processproducts are therefore not only resultsbut also essential conditions of labourso turn the brown the butter of theround butter and now the butter brownbutter is the means of production withwhich we’re going to make cookies andeveryone who eats like my cookies is acapitalist I think that’s how it worksanyway I think I’m ready to startcreaming butter and sugaranyone else’s read capital with amanifesto or anything else there’s a lotof very relevant contemporary analysisand theoryobviously history and theory should gohand in hand but you got time read somecapitallet’s see half a cup tightly packedbrown sugar I’ve got a whole cup righthere because I don’t want to use half acup measure although is that a littlebit of raw flour on it which is not agood idea but you know what it is makingcookies the sugar is not just for tasteI’ve had situation where it’s like Ohlike I can’t remember but I’ve like hadlike a little extra sugar in my doughand it actually changes the texture it’slike more grainy almost so I think it’spretty if you’re trying to be particularabout the texture of your dough youshould keep an eye on how you’remeasuring your ingredients there’scertain things like if you add like anextra like eighth of a teaspoon of saltlike I don’t know if if that’s gonna bethat big of a deal but like an extralike eighth of a cup of sugar orsomething like thatthat’ll you’ll be able to tell um sohere we go with half a cup of brownsugar and 1/6 of a cup of granulatedsugar probably you actually break out adifferentthird cup granulated sugar toady half ofone six because we’re only doing half ofthe recipe this is again B A’s brownbutter toffee we don’t have fouralthough I haven’t clumps and brownsugar you definitely can’t see insidethe bowl but you know fun for everybodythe milk solids got a little extratoasty butsince he just shattered mine so now Ihave to get a new cutting boards and I’mlooking at the sugar just is a brownsugar has molasses in it so it andyou’re already know I’m not even thatmolasses really blackstrap molassesI’m using my labor I mean you knowprobably sell a gallon of brown butteror something I don’t know how long youcould hold on to butter once you’vebrowned it although I don’t know howthey make he like clarified butter ifthey do the same process to the solidsand liquids separate we’re talking aboutyou know the butter has a certain amountof value and I as a laborer my skillsand effort are gonna turn all thesethings in the cookie dough which wouldostensibly increase this value in amarket although this section alone doesnot relate to capital couple of them ofthe means of production because justmaking things and selling them otherpeople is not capitalism there’s arelationship between a worker and thecapitalist that makes it capitalism youguys already knew that this solid chunkof butter not can I use that sugar it’slike a rock I’m gonna eyeball how muchthat was I’m gonna say that was likethis much this tiny getting parentreally matteredOhmix mix for a little further away sorryI forget I I’m not watching the chat Ijust I just realized that the mixingbowl is right next to the microphone soI’m gonna my bad thanks for the heads upso that was just the word that was likethree five minutes of unwatchablecontent that’s fineso my labor as a worker actually devaluethe product so that disproves everythingabout Marx and capitalism is actuallygood so sorry guys cool so now I’m gonnacrack my egg and mix that in and that isgoing to yolk for richness and white forstructure it’s gonna kind of like fluffeverything up you don’t want your doughto be like runny or anythingyou want good a decent chew on yourcookie some technical part you don’twant to overmix is oh sorry am i rightnext the next microphone again the partyou don’t want to overmix is the flowerbecause you start to develop pollutantand then I’ll make her cook you toughbut once you have the egg in you cankind of go to town this is actuallytaking that pretty quickly which is nicefor my arm see that we cameraI’m not reading during this park takesmore focus if I have like a hand-mixerhere why don’t I read a few sentenceswhile I do this that’s okay okay withthe exception of the extractiveindustries in which the material forlabour is provided immediately by naturesuch as mining hunting fishing andagriculture so far as the ladders canfind the breaking on Persian soil allbranches of Industry manipulate rawmaterial objects already filteredthrough labor already products of labouractually this actually makes a littlemore such is seeped in agricultureanimals and plants which we areaccustomed to consider as products ofnature are in the present form not onlyproducts of say last year’s labor forthe result of a gradual transformationcontinue through many generations underman’s superintendent’s and by means ofhis labor but in the great majority ofcases instruments of labour show eventhe most superficial observer traces ofthe traces of the labour of past ages sogenerations building the means ofproductionyeah that looks okay so when you addyour egg into your butter and sugar youshould beat it until it gets reasonablythick and lightens up and color I’veonly done this with a fork before sothis is easier with actual whisk so Idon’t know if it’s the right thicknessyetit’s definitely thick enough thoughraw material may either form theprinciple substance of a product or mayenter in its formation only as anaccessory an accessory may be consumedby the instruments of labour as coalunder a boiler oil by a wheel hay bydraft horses or may be mixed with theraw material in order to produce somemodification thereof as chlorine intounbleached linen call with iron dyestuff with wool or again it might helpto carry on the work itself as in thecase of the materials used for heatingand lighting workshops distinctionbetween principle substance andaccessory vanishes in the true chemicalindustries because there are none of theraw material because there the rawmaterial reappears in its originalcomposition in the substance of theproduct it’s not getting any thicker soI’m going to call that done there areflecks of toasted milk solids in herethat I’m sure are gonna be great allright I’m sorry for slamming the boltsdown right in front of the microphone sonow at this point I’ll have the dryingroom I would not recommend adding it allin at once people say to do that I thinkit was like so you don’t like end upoverworking you’re trying to hydrate allthe flour and get a getting mixedtogether but you can either do 1/3 orjust you have for this small amount offlour I’m just going to add half atfirst and then I’ll add the rest afterthat’s been incorporated now at thispoint you’re not really trying tovigorously mix it in you’re going to dowhat they say folding in which just kindof means like gently making sure thateverything is mixed togetherincorporated whatever verbiage you wantto usebut yeah I mean I guess we sing aboutnature I mean like a field of wheat youknow agriculture that’s been built upover generations stuff like that hmmso when you first add the flour evenjust half of it it’s gonna look like aton you’re like oh no I had a too muchflour it takes a second for it toactually mix in you want to get makesure you’re getting all the flour likeoff the sides of the bowl into the mixand again once it’s pretty muchincorporated I’ll add the rest I don’twant to over mix this at this point so Idon’t want my cookies to suck put mymarkup higher so it’s not likeimmediately where I’m slammingeverything down thank you show thank youfor tuning in uh continue doing yourgood work anyone out there who’s stillworking stay safe this is too much flourthis actually is too much flour I thinkyes too much flouryeah anyone who’s actually still workingor out there I mean with theconstruction guys next door you know youcan of stay safe and everyone shouldkeep these people and their thoughts aswe move forward as a society and thinkabout what work is actually essential tokeep a society functioning and how weshould treat the workers you do thatthat’s Marx okay the one thing thatsucks about the whisk is now that thereis this ungodly amount of dough justtrapped in here it’s like half of themixture I don’t I’m gonna do with thatthis is why I just use a fork no realreason I just use a fork is cuz I neverlived anywhere where anyone had a decentwhiskthey were always jacked up of this makesure to get a good Instagram pic I’lllet Laura do that we’re just making thedough today I like to let my dough sitat least overnight allows the flour tohydrate let it set up in the fridgeflavors get to know each other a littlebetter and you kind of just have abetter dough pretty much all I don’t Idon’t do a lot of baking or anythinglike that I’ve made pizza dough and I’meat cookie dough it’s about it but themost part let it sit overnight or acouple nights and you’ll generally likeyour product better at the endthat’s the nature part of the meterprotection the motive productionJesus Christ is so much left in here andI did have to dump out a little bit offlour because it was just a little extrathat’s what the let’s put the recipe inhalf and sometimes that doesn’t alwayswork out exactly and this of course wasalways like you know are they measuringby weight or by volume that’ll changethings I’m gonna taste this dough verysweet this salmon actually comes towhich that’s not really what’s there forbut I’m into it yeah right now theflavor is not very complex you let’s itout you look kind of deep in and thenobviously once you bake itit’ll take on a different character umso at this point your dough’s cometogether now you had your fillingtopping today I have coffeeKeith coffee and we got some Hershey’sKisses from Easter so I’m gonna I’mgonna break those up though manand then we’ll pop some saran wrap overthe top of this bowl and don’t get inthe fridge and then tomorrow we’ll havecookies probably because I have to leavehere on Saturday so I mean these cookiescan’t leave them here all right so onthe website they specify an amounts ofcoffee and chocolate but I alwayshighball it this is the part where Imean it helps the measure but I’m gonnasay it’s like Oh a cup I don’t knowquarter cup listen a little lesson ofPortico toffee the brown butter is artit’s just kind of I mean they talk toyou is just kind of I don’t know you cansay that the toffee is enhancing thebrown butter flavor or the brown butteris enhancing the toffee flavoreither way it’s sort you’re sorting thesame nutty you know sweetness from bothof those things and the little toffeebits in the the VA recipe they call forthose like score like chocolate toffeebars and you’ll get bigger chunks thatway the Heath toffee bits that I’veended up using they kind of almost likemelt away into the dough cuz they’rejust so small so you can kind of addjust a little bit more than you thinkyou kind of remind me of like chopped uppeanuts fit-out penis this but I’m notgoing toI don’t feel like it all right how am Igonna add this chocolateI guess I’ll chop it up I didn’t breakbig knife and Hershey’s chocolate isnasty and awful and I’m basically makingthese cookies worse but the extrasweetness will help because there’sgonna be a lot of like dark somebitterness and stuff with toffee in thebrown butter and then I’m probably goingto try to top it with some salt and oncethey’re out of the oven so they’ll likehorrifyingly sweet Hershey’s kiss mightactually be nice but I much prefersemi-sweet chocolate when it comes tothese cookies we’ll start with one twothree four five and once i unwrap thislast one i’ll start chopping and allread another paragraph because eventhough making cookies is the first partof the live stream title reading marksis the rest of it okay so I’m just gonnaroughly chop this chocolate and while Ido that raw material may either form theprinciple substance of a product or itmay enter into its formation I alreadyread that didn’t Iyeah I didstuff about chemical properties andevery object possesses variousproperties and is thus capable of beingapplied to different uses one of thesame product may therefore serve as rawmaterial in very different processescorn for example is a raw material fromstarch manufacturers distillers andcattle breeders it also enters as rawmaterial into its own production in theshape of seed coal seed coal – is at thesame time the product of and a means ofproduction in coal mining just make surenot chop my hands off because I can’t goto the hospital again a particularproduct may be used in one and the sameprocesses both there’s an instrument oflabour and it’s raw material take forinstance the fattening of cattle wherethe animal is a raw material and at thesame time an instrument for theproduction of manure a product thoughready for immediate consumption may itserve as raw material for a furtherproduct as grapes when they become theraw material for wine on the other handlabor may give its product in such aform that we can use it only as rawmaterial as is the case with cottonthread and yarn such a raw materialthough itself a product may have to gothrough a whole series of differentprocesses in each of these in each ofthese in turn it serves with constantlyvarying form as raw material into thelast process of the series leaves it asa perfect product ready for individualconsumption or for use as an instrumentof labour hence we see that whether ause-value is to be regarded as rawmaterial as instrument of labour oursproduct this is determined entirely byits function in a labour process by theposition if they’re occupied as thisvaries so does its characterand really nitty-gritty just tell me howto build the guillotines man whetherthey’re for a product enters as a meansof production into a new labor processif thereby loses its character ofproduct and becomes a mere factor in theprocess a spin retreat spindles only asinstruments for spinning and flanks onlyas a material that he spins of course itis impossible to spin without materialand spindles and therefore the existenceof these things as products at thecommencement of the spinning operationmust be presumed but in the processitself the fact that they are productsof previous labor is a matter of utterindifference just just as in thedigestive process it is in no importancewhatever that bread is the produce ofthe previous labor of the farmer theMiller and the Baker on the contrary itis generally by their imperfections asproducts that the means of production inany process assert themselves in theircharacter of products a blunt knife likethis one or we thread forcibly remind usof mr. a that Cutler or mr. B thespinner when the finished product thelaborer by means of which it hasacquired its useful qualities is notpalpable has apparently vanished amachine which does not serve thepurposes of labor is useless in additionit falls a prey to the destructiveinfluence of natural forces iron rustsand wood rots yarn with which we neitherwe’ve nor knit his cotton wasted livinglabor must seize upon these things androuse them from their death sleep changethem from mere possible use values intoreal and effective ones bathes in thefire of Labor appropriated as part andparcel of Labor’s organism and as itwere made alive for the performance oftheir functions in the process they arein truth consumed but consumed with apurpose as elementary constituents ofnew use values of new products everready as a means of subsistence forindividual consumption or as the meansof productionchar’s aim or as means a production forsome new labor process if then on theone hand finished products are not onlyresults but also necessary conditions ofthe labour process on the other handtheir assumption into that process theircontact with living labour is the solemeans by which that can be made toretain their character of use-values andbe utilized labour uses up its materialfactors its subject and its instrumentsconsumes them and is therefore a processof consumption such productiveconsumption is distinguished fromindividual consumption by this that thelatter uses up products as means ofsubsistence for the living individualthe former protectors consumption asmeans whereby alone labor the laborpower of a living individual is enabledto act the product therefore ofindividual consumption is the consumerhimself the result of productiveconsumption is a product distinct fromthe consumer all right I’ve got mychocolate chopped up I’m just gonna goahead and sprinkle that in the dough Ileft it in decent sized chunks so youcan have you know and see the bite youwant it to melt a little bit you don’twant to just to like disintegrate allthe way into the chocolate you want tocut into the cookie you want to knowyou’re eating chocolate and if thechocolate sucks you can avoid a bitethat has a big old chunk of chocolate soit’s a win-winso again folding the chocolate into thedough avoiding overworking it because Idon’t want tough cookies we don’t wanttoo much gluten development we’re notmaking bread cookies it just says in theprevious paragraph we only make note ofthe cookies if they suck or I guess inthis case I’m complaining about thechocolate so I only think of its purposeas chocolate because it sucks appreciatethat’s what he means but at this pointthe dough was come together mixed all myingredients in you see that look at thatit’s dough cookie this will probablymake I did a half batch I said couldmake a dozen I forgot because on my headI was doing the numbers and I made adouble batch last year in Thanksgivingwhich made like 30-something cookies andso I was like yeah half bath should makelike a dozen but no it’s gonna make likemaybe six maybe six cookies five or sixsmaller ones these ones I prefer to makebigger because I get more texturedifference between the outside and theinside like a crunchy exterior and likea nice nice pillowy Guzzi chocolateinterior but I might have to make thesea little smaller just because I did ahalf batch but that’s about that let’ssee is anyone actually watching wee-beyin the chat I have two concurrentviewers I don’t know who you are buthow’s it gonemaybe I’ll finish I can finish out thesection while I’m cleaning up yeah it’sa very very sweet though hopefully thesearen’t crazy sweet but I’ll be adding alittle more salt on top of the finalhook you want it bakes mmm hmm let’s seein so far then as instruments andsubjects are themselves products labourconsumes products in order to createproducts or in other words consumes oneset of products by turning them intomeans of production for another set butjust as in the beginning the onlyparticipate is in the labour process forman and the earth which the latterexists independently of man so even nowwe so now we still employ in the processmany means of production provideddirectly by nature that do not resentany combination of natural substanceswith human labour saran wrap over thebowl there are distinctions betweencertain things where you have to pressyour wrap over the top of it so theydon’t form skin cookie dough is not oneof those things freaking to eat yesright ice are bad for you actually rawflourI mean cookie dough I’ve been fine butyou know Stacywe’re all trying to do our best stickingto it taking seriously and not beinglike those jag-offs who are you know manit’s crazy what people what will andwon’t get people out in the streets Iwill say that getting out in the streetsand doing big demonstrations and stufflike that like they are invigorating andthey can be inspiring to a group ormovement but you know rallying in thestreets is not necessarily action in andof itself depending on there’s a certainefficacy you know I think the right youknow people talk about anti feh and youknow literal social justice warriors andthe dangers of those things a lot oftimes like I mean there’s no like BlackPanthers or Weather Underground oranything like that like all the radicalmilitant leftist groups have been youknow they’ve been defeated by the deepstate but the right is genuinely scaryand they genuinely commit acts of terrorif you willfar more regularly than any reportedgroups on the left in America so whenyou know people get on the streets inprotest of I don’t know the immigrationpolicy in the country it’s kind of likeokay that’s cuteI mean not to belittle that but from theperspective of power yeah but a bunch oflike bearded people in megawhattswith their bikes and their ar-fifteensand stuff like that you know that’s alittle more no-no makes me a littlenervous but these people are literallykilling themselves by gathering of massgroups to say open it up we wanted to Iyou know sacrifice us on the altar ofcapital the market breeze as we bleed orwhatever my lifeblood for the market sobut hopefully everyone else is you knowif you have to work or you know you haveto get out there you’re looking aftersomebody or you know fending for yourown and things like that trying to keepyour insurance keep your job keep peoplealive stuff like that do what you can ifyou can avoid contact with people whocan stay inside continue to do so pleasebut I don’t remember what I was ramblingabout thatI don’t know but let’s seelet’s read a couple more paragraphsbefore we close out hope you enjoyedseeing me lick dough off my fingers forlike three minutes a laborer processedresolved is above and it’s simpleelementary factors is human action witha view to the production of use-valuesappropriation of natural substances tohuman requirements it is a necessarycondition for affecting exchange ofmatter between man and nature it is theeverlasting and nature imposed conditionof human existence and therefore isindependent of every social phase ofthat existence or rather is common toevery such phase it was therefore notnecessary to represent our laborer inconnection with other laborers man andhis labor on one side nature and itsmaterials on the other sufficed as ataste of the porridge did not tell youwho grew the oats no more does thissimple process tell you of itself whatare the social conditions under which itis taking place whether under the slaveowners brutal lash or the anxious eye ofthe capitalists where thereCincinnatus carries it on in is tillingwhether Cincinnatus carries it on intilling his modest farm or a savage andkilling wild animals with his stonestrying to clean up I kind of want tolike watch everything but I feel likethe audio would be that would be awfulso I’m gonna hold off on that let’s seelet us now return to what would becapitalist we left him just after he hadpurchased in the open market all thenecessary factors of the labor processits objective factors the means ofproduction as well as its subjectivefactor labor power with the keen eye ofan expert he selected the means ofproduction and the kind of labour powerbest adapted to his particular trade beit’s spinning boot making or any otherkind he then proceeds to consume thecommodity the labor power that he’s justbought by causing the laborer theimpersonation of that labor power toconsume the means of production by hislabor the general character of the laborprocess is evidently not changed by thefact that labor works for thecapitalists instead of for himself againthe general character of the laborprocess is evidently not changed by thefact the laborer works for thecapitalists instead of for himselfmoreover the particular methods andoperation is employed in boot making ourspinning are not immediately changed bythe intervention of the capitalist hemust begin by taking the labor power ashe finds it in the market andconsequently being satisfied with laborof such a kind as would be found in theperiod immediately preceding the rise ofcapitalists changes in the methods ofproduction by the subordination of laborto capital can take place only at alater period and therefore will have tobe treated in a later chaptercliffhangers man the labor processturned into the process by which thecapitalist consumes labor power exhibitstwo characteristic phenomena first thelaborer works under the control of thecapitalist to whom his labor belongs thecapitalist taking good care that thework is done in a proper manner and thatthe means of production are used withintelligence so that there’s nounnecessary waste of raw material and nowear and tear of the implements beyondwhat is necessarily caused by the worksoyou know any contract you’ve had to signwhenever you take a job you know youwill already the last paragraph and I’llsay secondly the product is the propertyof the capitalist and not that of thelabor its immediate producer supposethat a capitalist pays for a day’s laborpower at its value then the right to usethat power for a day belongs to him justas much as the right to use any othercommodity such as a horse that he ishired for the day to the purchaser of acommodity belongs its use and the sellerof labour power by giving his labor doesno more in reality than part with theuse value that he has sold from theinstant he steps into the workshop theuse value of his labor power andtherefore also its use which is laborbelongs to the capitalist but thepurchase of labour power the capitalistincorporates labor as a living livingferment with a lifeless constituents ofthe product from his point of view theLabour process is nothing more than theconsumption of the commodity purchasedie of labour power but this consumptioncannot be affected accepted by supplyingthe labour power with the means ofproduction the Labour process is aprocess between things that thecapitalist has purchased things thathave become his property the product ofthis practice belong is therefore to himjust as much as is the wine which is aproduct of a process of fermentationcompleted in a cellarso the product has a certain value in inan inherent state or whatever state youwant to call it in the chain of thingsand material plus labor equals a finalproduct and the labor basically if Ihave a piece of wood it’s worth so muchfive centsif I turn it into a shoe maybe it’sworth ten bucks if you have a shoe andyou if you have a piece of wood and youmake a shoe and you sell it to someonefor ten bucksthat’s not capitalism capitalism issomeone who owns a store that sells youknow wooden trinkets and employees youknow several wood makers that are paidsome fraction of the final value of thefinal selling price of the product thatis pocketed by the owner essentiallywhat was a fun example it’s like whydoes you know a bartender pouring adrinkwell the drink that they pour in thosefive seconds is gonna be sold for morethan they make in an hour I think thatwas a Holly thorn or something like thathe said that I realized that when Istarted reading Marx or something likethatbasically the idea of profit is themargin of profit is what you can getaway with between the value-added of theproduct and what you’re actually payingto the person who’s adding that valueaka the workers but I’ll stop therestream for an hourI made my cookie dough and now I need toclean so I’m gonna do that but um thankyou for the some people who watchedapparently I hope I’m not counted as oneof those thanks show for jumping inthanks just to Laura for helping out Idon’t know if that was washable at allbut I couldn’t think of what else to dotoday and I’m trying to stick to theschedule again Mondays and Thursdays ataround 3:45 4:00 p.m.I might change the time as things go onI just have that because that kind ofworks for this household which I’m nolonger gonna be in on Saturday so isthat but that was making cookie doughand reading marks thanks for watchingand stay safe so long

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