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How To Make Money Doing Quarantine ( reviews on cookie wash & lulus holistic)

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Hopefully this video inspire you to start making your own money during this quarantine and after

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you don’t want to make money and onenext what’s up guys welcome back to mychannel it’s your girl Queen Lauri andfor today as you can see from from thetitle down below I am going to betelling you guys how to make money doingquarantine okay it’s really easy it’sabout product that I use myself so Iknow they work so it’s the best way topromote from first I’m gonna start withthese product here my hair bro these twois like savior for meokay these are what I use in my hairthis is what my family use are always onput my family on I had the shampoo I hadthe on door this other oil that I usealso it’s very good I started my innerjourney I think was six months ago andas you guys can see in my quarantine umRoad run you guys can see if you haven’twatched that video you guys can go aheadand watch that video and again if yourwhat if you’re new to my channel welcometo my channel you’re going to love thisvideo and how to make money okay oh okayalright so let’s start off with rapidgrowth so with the rapid growth with therapid growth what did what I do I usethis three times out of the week and youopen it why am i struggling to open thisthing there you goso it’s like a suction so you squeeze itput it down pull it up and then you likedrop it in your hair drop it on yourscalp it have this minty smell and feelinto it and when it’s on your scalp it’samazing with this I all my scalp withthis two times out of the weekI start using I start my hair girljourney I don’t know if I said thatbefore because I just sometimes I feellike I mean like repeating myselfoh I started my hair journey six monthsago start going back my hair and it’sbeen really good so far I am also abrand ambassador for that company I makemoney when I’m telling you I make moneywith that company you started youstarted off as an affiliate and now I aman alpha baby girl I’m an alpha okaylisten man alpha you get 15% of anypurchase any customer make with yourlink or your discount code I’m going toalso be putting that code down so if youwant to become a brand ambassador forthis company and make money while you’requarantine in your house you can makemoney by laying down chillingafter you set up yourself you promoteyourself you let your friends sign upyou let your co-workers sign up anyonethat you know you let them sign up youcan just be laying nine children andthey promote whatever money they makeyou also making money off whateverpromotion of whatever sales they’regetting out of their link again with myface and it’s all natural producthandmade all natural you cannot missthis if they have product for men’s theyhave product for kids okay all naturalyou cannot lose when you try theseproduct you cannot lose when you’retrying to promote these products becausemothers are always looking for the bestproducts to use and make kids men’s Istruggle with razor bump what you maycall it facial here like all of thisproud all of this problems that men bestruggling with they have the productthat can help them okay again femalethey also have they have product thatcan clean up your vagina clean up yourvagina if you trouble with dark spotsrazor bumps yes get it sign up I’m goingto put the link down below in mydescription and you can click and signup it’s a money maker you don’t have toleave your house okay you can you canmake money by just sleeping your fingersnapping your finger like this and youcan make money with this that is goingon we don’t even know when it’s gonna beover so why not find other ways to makemoney to make income because I know alot of people are is very hard to getthrough an unemployment so some peoplestill not even getting money for thatand then you also have a lot of people Ididn’t even have a joba lot of people that was living paycheckto paycheck this is what I’m talkingabout you can make money with thiscompany again I also I I’m gonna beshowing you these two products cookiewash you see this good k wash and thisis a cookie restored so let me tell youabout these two products now this isall-natural product hope you watchinstant it’s a feminine wash instead ofusing those other company with chemicalto wash your vagina get this cookie washit’s all-natural and I have this I havesome more products coming in that Iordered I can’t wait for them to come soI have this that I’m using right now wasmy little travel in fact whenever I wasa boost traveling but right now I ain’tgoing nowhere they shut down the airportokay so I ain’t going nowhere I’m gonnabe my house promoting making money soget this cookie wash this cookie restoreand still see you I have not used it butI have not used this particular one itstill feel but this cookie restore guysyou pop one up in your vagina if youhave if you have East infection and youknow you can get easy infectionby anything by the simplest thing as ifyou have on a pants and it’s too tightthat can give you a nice infection ifyou have on if you use in certain bodywash that can give you a nice infectionso be careful what you put on yourvagina they have to be washer sensitivethey have feminine wash for sensitivevaginas and they also have a lavenderwhich is amazing that’s the one I can’twait to get here and they also havepeppermint but it’s minty feeling onyour vagina oh yeah they have a lot ofproducts as I said my other this I’malso a brand ambassador for this companyso if you’re not signing up won’t finishwatching my video you don’t want to makemoney I am going to be putting the linkalso for to for you to sign up to be abrand ambassador for cookie wash ok andif you I know a lot of people probablyknow sweet cookie wash I know a lot ofpeople know about Lulu a listing so ifyou don’t want to sign up for thiscompany what are you doing with yourselfwhy you don’t want to make money and onenext thing why you haven’t hit thatsubscription button why you did not likethis cuz I know you’re gonna sign up andI know you’re gonna be making your moneyso why didn’t you hit it comment downbelow if you’re very interested and youwant to know more I can also tie canalso assist you on my Instagram and howto go about making moneyif this video didn’t fully help you howI make my money and out I promote thiscompany this company I put the link inmy bio on my Instagram so I was like Iwill promote it soon as I wake up Istart promoting I always start justpromoting sending my friends my familyis pulling new customers in just I’lljust be surfing the web on peopletalking about like products that theyuse and it affect them I’ll just goahead and be like okay I have thisproduct that I’m trying to end that I’mgoing to be introducing to you that I ama brand ambassador for and you can tryit you don’t have to get the big sizeone time cuz you’re gonna try it outget the travel size get it and try itout and tell me if you don’t love ityou’re going to love it so always makesure you sell you you use what youselling people so you know more aboutthe products that you actually put inout there if you don’t know about theproducts you can’t tell a customer youcan tell a customer get this it’s goodfor this how do you know it’s good forthis or it’s good for that use theproduct read up about the producteducate yourself about the product soyou can be a better seller and a betterpicture so to clients there you gonext thing I know a lot of people betalking about CBD CBD I want to try itout but I’m still actually doing myreviews I’m talking to this girl thatwant me to want me on her team I’mtalking to her about it because I feellike it is really it so far theinformation that I have about it I feellike it’s really good and if you want totry that out CBD it’s a it’s an arm it’ssome product that deal with a lot ofdifferent things weight gain weight lossum do a depression they have things fordepression they have vitamins they haveall of that and more if you want to trythem out you can also try them out CBDbecause I feel like you um for theinformation that I got you get twentydollars of each purchase wait oh I didnot even tell you guys you saved twentytwo percent twenty two yes you heard itright twenty two percent of eachpurchase from cookie washyeah you making money you make yourmoney all right so I’m gonna put thisover here and oh look at that glow goodnow this baby that me right I had to youknow all right guys so thank you so somuch for watching my video I hope myvideo is short and interested in fullinformation that can help you out tomake money doing this lockdown keepscontinue to keeping you stay in yourhouse if you don’t have to leave yourhouse please do not leave your housewhere your mastering your gloves don’ttouch your face if you’re outside haveyour sanitizer on day sanitize up thathand okay do not touch your face thatmath supposed to be on your face gloveson your hands

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