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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everybody why I’ve been home I’vebeen trying to learn how to cook too cuzoh so I did know how to ride a bike Ididn’t know my rent arrived and I didn’tknow how to cook before before thisbefore these last few months so I knowhow to ride a bike now and I’m learninghow to cook so today I’m gonna take youthrough my pancake making morningalright so you get some flour somepancake mix today we are using pancakeand waffle mix that in their cup of milka cup of vegetable oil vegetable oil youput a whole egg in there this is what itlooks like then you are right before youput it by the skill just eat up you justdo a little dancecooking inspiration because you knowchefs sometimes need muses we’ve gotHarry Potter in the background I suggestthat you do the same while making yourpancakes it’ll make them taste 15%better scientifically proven alright putthe pancake mix in pancakes are actuallyI hope that this turns out good butpancakes are actually pretty easy tomakeeverything looks a lot a lot harder thanit actually isI mean this is gonna look like butit’s gonna taste great update we have toput a little bit more milk because whenyou see that that batter looks a littlebit too solid it has to be nice andliquidy for it to pour in here so wehave good cake you know when the pancakeis ready to flip I didn’t show you thatbefore but you put the batter in it onceyou see the edges start to get a littlebit round and you see the bubbles startto pop that’s when you take it and youjust you just you just flip like youknow what you’re doing you fake it tillyou make itwith pancakes because the pan can alwaystell when you’re scared so if you flipscared it’s gone back mine only lookslike because I was only a little bitscared this one make with it withoutsoundokay oh are you putting it hey this isour secondhand cake by the way last timewe watch this movie called onward socute strongly recommend guys so bitchI’m showing you right before I flip thisis when you know it’s ready to flipalright alright we’re flipping live yeahyeah you have the final product yes nicesack pancakes we’ve got a little buffethere and we’ve got Harry Potter mom okayhere we have good final result for alittle buffet table here okay like thisgot dressed up to go nowhere really