Yummy No Bake cookies for you guys to try out in your free time! Make some for your parents, I’m sure they will love them.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello chefs and chefs today we’re goingto be making gooey gooey chocolatecookies and you already got theingredients which are the jiff to gocups some oats and some chocolatemorsels or you deed now or a couple ofspoons a microwave-safe Bowl and a piperwave and then we’ll get startedgood to see y’all again into amicrowave-safe Oh pop and melt them tillthey’re nice and gooey and gooey andalmost bubbly but I don’t want to scorchit so I’m gonna start it cook it for 30seconds and then look at it cook it foranother 30 seconds probably I’m guessingabout a minute for thisokay here we go firststir in the peanut butter I really don’tthink it matters in which order you dothings but there goes the peanut butterI can’t tell you how much self-restraintI’m exhibiting by not licking the spoonfor this peanut butter now we’re gonnaput in the oats use my little scraper toscrape off the last remnants and I’mgonna stir it up until it makes awonderfully we gooey mess I mean if noone’s watching you you can certainlylike take a taste of this okay thatlooks pretty good so I don’t goes younow just take I put a cookie pan on thisyou could just do anything cuz they’restuck away in the oven it’s going in thefridgeand you’re going to drop it by justabout teaspoons full onto your sheepwe’ll drop them onto our sheet roomtemperature or fridge and then