Pancakes Recipes

How to make Pancakes and Crispy Fried Chicken | Fluffiest Pancake | Crispy Fried Chicken

This pancake recipe makes the fluffiest pancake by just following the few steps.

Flour 2.5 cups
Sugar 3 Tbsp (Table Spoon)
Baking Powder 1 Tsp (Tea Spoon)
Baking Soda 1Tsp
Butter/ Oil 1 Tbsp
Milk 2 cups
Eggs 2

The recipe for the Crispy Chicken gives you a tender but crunchy chicken, perfect for the Pancake or Waffles.

Flour/ Corn flour
Bread crumbs

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Location: Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa

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[Music]hi my name is ether and welcome to mychannel today we are going to be makingtofu pancakes on crispy chicken staytuned[Music]here you need flour sugar baking powderbaking sodamilk butter 2 eggs and basically that’sit so this is 20 half cups of flouralready measured it 20 1/2 cup of flourthis is 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1teaspoon of baking powder let’s justcombine that this is 3 tablespoons ofsugar that’s why you just need a stickif you don’t have water if you have anunsalted butter then used a a pinch ofsalt added to the mixture but this issalsa to some of its add any salt soit’s if you don’t have this kind ofbutter you can use oil I will leave themeasurements down below so you can takea stick of butter and put this back inthe freezer so it’s what each one thatwas making to meetso with something else all rightso I always put that into the microwaveand I like to just assume it’s a levelbut ice melting that’s just my brand allour wet ingredients now this is milkthis is two cups of milk you don’t haveto use all two days but I just want toread you rich and you knowdelicious so if you have regular maildelivery unused used ilandia but if youhave regular milk you can use for if youcan use powdered milk and just mix upsome if you don’t have this liquids headand so next separate your eggs egg yolkand egg white egg we’re going to firstof all at dealto the milkand just next we’re going to rememberwhat some that we’ve melted I went toget to tell right now yeah that’s why Isaid you can use oil so this is it’s onemeltedit’s a Big Apple in case he puts in thewet ingredients is in speak enough solet’s put this in here yes andwhat is seen remember the egg whiteisn’t here just the air use and pointsin and just go to overmix justnicelyhey see you don’t need water in thismake sure because we already have youpulled a lot of milk and poured fluffypancakesyou don’t make you watching like theregular pancakes that’s we just know isreally it needs to be thicker you canadd a little water if it is too thickwe’re going to add the egg whites werenot ready yet to the egg whitesfix it Oh in civil and the famiiycooking is funI mean for instance I wasis really think soso yeahwe have a rich thick mixture I’m goingto set this out to decide and then dealwith our chicken I’ll be right backso we’ve done the fluffy pancake mix nowCity crispy chicken so for the crispychicken I’ve tried various methods buttoday we are going to learn one of themethods just to have our crispy chickenon the fluffy packet so you guys get toit this is chicken my chicken a sochicken because I don’t have to beworried that all we get don’t believe sothis is my chicken – let’s begin littlespice and chickens[Music]I guess I’m gonna know everyone we wantto put this minus sign here so when Isaid I tried various metal I tried withI’ve tried to be milk I’ve tried pleasewhat is it go through but today I wantto use Miami good as mine too it givesit this soft and tendencies inside cometo mixes that it does give me thiscooking is funny or just meant to keepmix and I keep trying and trying newstuffhow are you guys the link send mepictures when you try stuff I’ll tryjust allow your imagination to run wellnot to artists and so men to mix allthis togetherthanks for breaking our eggs you can usepop over everybody and just crackI just opened this office a path becomesI can use regular flour but every box abeautiful bar todayalright so we have and this isn’t shelooking as you can see the black pepperfancy all those just lookingnow so for the buggy I’m going to usesomething called fish fried fish friesand this is how it comes in we job thisweek but you can improvise and use sameonly when I go right soon let’s be ableto be quiet is good so then come outequality see you can use the mostpopular one breadcrumbs you can buy inthe supermarket or you can make yours Iusually make my but for today we’regoing to use fish fry so[Music]so you guys please remember to subscribelike so what’s your giblets she justlike let’s help each other let’s learnif you have recipes you’ve tried and youfeel like it’s we bring better result isto share just to share this is basicallycommunity and it’s learn and grow andyou know tension ourselves it’s goodfood[Music]yeah[Music][Music]all right so let’s get funRafaela pancake this is a pancake butterI’m just going to take kind of less freeoil from King brown you can use butterif you like free so it doesn’t stick tothe pan so you should use a nonstick frypan my she’s a nonstick so it doesn’tstick to the family she’s an elastic myplan is dark inside I just put it Iguess scope just you can make it biggerif you want that’s fine and the trick isjust covered cut my top and you canreuse the fire so it doesn’t burn underI just come right up and leave for abouttwo minutes okay so I guess just to seethe bubble up I don’t know if you cansee I can see the bubble and you knowit’s ready to turn you have to becareful so he doesn’t and that’s it justtake a look at that I’m so excitedso since it’s already cook through hereso you just have to leave you for aboutone more minute so 1 to 2 minutesdepending you can come right backyou don’t have to but you can cover itback and then you repeat till final onesee the layersI’m here you have a three waves of thefilthiest pancakes and so just top itoff with chicken can have it like thisoh the way to the top so you can eitherup you could have this for breakfastwell since we’re in isolation right nowI’m going to be having this for lunchI’ll just take a look that bad see whywe don’t put so much for that becauseyou see that to top it up with um answerthat’s it for today thank you for makingme this far up to the end of the videoplease don’t forget to Like share andsubscribe don’t forget to subscribe guyscomment down below and tell me whatmakes you what you like to learn nextand so that’s it for todayyou

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