How To Make Reeses Peanut Butter Cookies | Wax Melt | Melted Yummies
#peanutbuttercookies #eastercookies #happyeaster
Its Easter monday and I decided why not make peanut butter cookie wax melts for easter. I make the peanut butter cups in my previous video and will link it below. This is the perfect DIY projects for an at home projects. Happy easter and I hope you enjoy the tutorial.
**Reeses Peanut butter cups Video**
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Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
[Music]hey guys welcome back to melt Idi Amin’smy name is crystal this is miss Matt andtoday is the second part of a two-partvideo series on how I use Reese’s peanutbutter cups and pieces in my inventionsall last video if you haven’t seen thatyet I’ll put the link up here in the Iif you haven’t seen that you can go andwatch that how made them this video i’llbe making peanut butter cookies with buReese’s peanut butter cups and theReese’s Pieces inside the cookies youdon’t want if you don’t if you want tosee this and figure out how I did itkeep watchingso the first thing you want to do ischop up your Reese’s peanut butter cupsor just your peanut butter cups whateveryou want to call them you want to chopthose up in bite-sized pieces becausethey’re gonna be chunks inside yourcookie you’re gonna chop those up andthen we’re going to move on to the nextstep here I just have some melted waxthat I kind of died a little bit of apeanut butter color so we’re just gonnamix this wax up until you get a nicewhip consistency and I’ve done a lot ofwhipped packs on my channel I will lookat video of me making whipped frostingfor my watermelon cupcakes right here ifyou want to see how I did that oncethat’s done we’re gonna transfer ourmixture to a piping bag and this issuper simple guys it’s gonna be so easyto make these cookiesbut before I actually make them guesswhat hit the subscribe button and anotification valve so you never miss avideo she doesn’t want you to miss thevideo either once your mixture is in thepiping bag you just want to pipe updollops now you have to be very carefulbecause you want your cookies to looklike cookies so type a dollop and thenonce you’ve inserted your peanutbuttercups while you’re chunks you want topush lightly on it to give it a flatsurface on the bottom so it’s not likejust a clump a ball then we can add ourresist pieces and you have your cookiesI ended up making six of these justbecause I was enduring it[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]if you guys want to see me melt these orjust random clips that don’t normallymake it into the video you can alwayshead to my instagram at melted yummiesand check out my melting compilationsand little tidbits that didn’t make itin the video each week so I posted atthe same time I post my videos at 6 p.m.Pacific Standard Time so if you want tosee it head over to app melted yummiesand you can catch all the little tidbitsthat never made it on youtube so guys ifyou enjoyed the video hit the subscribebutton if you heart already have italready hit it and a notification belland if you want to see more videos of memaking cookies or chocolate relatedthings there will be a playlist righthere or two and if you want a convenientspot to subscribe subscribe button willbe over here and I’ll see you guys in mynext video thanks for watching bye