Waffles Recipes

Teens Let’s Cook Waffles

If you would like the recipe, please click this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m5w3CIjboIL1Q31AGNEyfHJx56R0I0WJEVg2IxQwuEo/edit

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[Music]hi there and today we’re gonna makewafflesso before we start make sure that youasked your parent or guardian can youcook in the kitchen once they say yesthen you can cook in the kitchen solet’s first start by washing our hands[Music]okay for today’s recipe for the waffleswe will need 1 and 3/4 cups flour 3teaspoons of baking powder 1/4 of ateaspoon of salt 2 tablespoons of whitesugar 2 eggs 1 and 3/4 cups milk 1/2 acup of oil and 2 teaspoons of vanillafor our tools we will also need a butterknife in whisk 2 bowls like a small oneand a medium-sized one a waffle maker insome cooking spray okay we’re ready tostart we’re going to start by our dryingredients we have two bowls so we havea small bowl and this is going to be forour liquids or our wet ingredients andthen we have another bowl it has a pourspout and we’re gonna put the dryingredients in here so first let’s startby putting in our flour we’re gonna needa cup and in 3/4 of a cup so I’m gonnasmooth into my flour I don’t have myhandy-dandy scoop but that’s okay and weuse the flat side of 8/9 and I’m justgonna push the extra and that’s Clubleveling it off and then I’m gonna putin my bowls and then I also need 3/4because I don’t have a 3/4 cup I’m gonnause this 1/4 cup three times so I missthree times-three okay that is done on the nextwe’re going to need baking powder andmake sure it says baking powder and notbaking soda cuz they’re chemicallydifferent and then your waffles mightnot taste right nor will they puff upcorrectly okay so three teaspoons so Ihave my teaspoon here on the containeris the top part called the lip and youcan just get more than what you need tokeeping them out I’m gonna gently dragit across the top and I’m gonna shake iton top of my coders there’s one again -and here’s to my third onethree next we will need 1/4 of ateaspoon salt sold my soul is right herehere is my handy dandy chest pan so I amgonna fill this up I’m not gonna pourover my mixing bowl because you cannotget out extra salt so I’m gonna pourthis you here on the extra miss shakeits salts even and then I’m gonna shakethis around in my own the last thing Ineed is two tablespoons of white shirtwhich I put in this a little glass dishand white sugar just regular standardtable sugar so I’m gonna level this orshake it so here’s one and two okaythe dry ingredients are done so I cantake a mixing spoon or whisk but I’musing the list and I’m just going tostir this up and so this is wellcombined takes like tenhamton okay next we’re gonna make ourwet bowl this is my down and dirtyrecipe right here so ignore that okay sowe’re gonna start with two eggs and I’mgonna break it on the side of my bowl ohmy gosh I almost made a mess but thoseshells okayI’m gonna put this in my garbage can youknow what I forgot to grab my littletiny damp towel put under my bowl so mygoal doesn’t move around or shift aroundeven though there’s a silicone ring onthe bottom I’m still gonna do it sohere’s my next egg in my last day thisis number two there’s no shells in therehooray okay next I will need a cup in3/4 one cup in 3/4 cup of milk so I’mgonna take my liquid measuring cup I’mgonna find the one cup line I’m gonnapour up to that line when you think youhave enough you’re going to bend downsquat down yes and you will pour in yourmilk and then I also need 3/4 of a cupas well so I’m going to find the 3/4line and fill mine up to there when Iopen my milk I always smell it just tomake sure you know the expiration dateis on there I was I smell it to makesure that excellent that that milk isnot spoiled or sour which it wasn’t Ismelled earlier ok I will need 1/2 a cupof oil so I’m gonna use this glassmeasuring cup or liquid measuring cupand I’m gonna find a 1/2 line eventhough there’s milk in here that’s okaybecause we’re combining it all togetherthe liquid ingredient bowl so I’m gonnago to the 1/2 line I’m gonna make sureit’s like exercise okay I got a half acup I’m gonna pour this in and you’llnotice the oil rises to the topmy last ingredient is my specialingredient like vanilla and we’re gonnado 2 tablespoons oh that’s my habitteaspoon so I want 2 teaspoons nottablespoons my dad I’m two teaspoons soI’m gonna fill this up once or it in andtwice there we go oh it smells so goodokay now I’m gonna take my list I’m justgonna stir this around I’m trying tobeat up the egg yolks okay okay now I’mgonna pour the wet ingredients into thedry ingredientsokay and now I’m going to gently stirthis together your batter is gonna be alittle bit lumpy and that’s okay youdon’t want to see large lumps but youwant to make sure all your white flouris an extent you also want to press downto the bottom and go around the entirebottom to make sure you don’t have anywhite powder ready okay can you guys seethe batter see it looks still kind oflumpy but that’s okay they will melt inthe waffle iron so I’m gonna put thishere and now we’re ready to cook yeahokay so now we’re going to go into thewaffle iron I’ve been preheating it forfive minutes so it’s nice and hot and wecan pop a waffle out okay we’re ready tomake our waffle sorry about the strangecamera angle I tried but it’s notworking that well okay so my waffle ironis on I haven’t plugged in you’ll noticethat the light is on and that means itis hot so I’m gonna open this up firstyou want to spray it with some cookingspray you want to spray the bottom in acircular motion at the top so nothingsticks okay next you’re gonna pour yourbatter in I am oh I’m gonna start in themiddle I’m gonna pour slowly and I’mgonna stop about one inch before it hitsthe sides because it’s gonna continue tospread out so I’m gonna close this andwe’re gonna wait for it to get doneit takes about a couple of minutesokay I’m gonna check out my waffle thelight is still on and there’s still atiny bit of steam coming from the sidesI don’t know if you can see it or notcan you see that looks like smokeum but I’m gonna open it up and see isart waffle done oh yeah okay so youdon’t stick your hand in there and tryto pick it up because you’re gonna burnyourself I would also not use a fork ora knife or something metal or sharpbecause it’ll scrape the coating off thenon-stick coating and then all yoursubsequent waffles will stick so I’mgoing to use this cute little woodenspoon because I don’t have any woodentongs and I’m gonna take my plate okay[Music]that’s okay it looks great though okay Isee ityay it is my first waffle so what youcan do next is you can continue to useit the batteryou can probably spray every otherwaffle and then you can serve this withbutteroops can you see this okay you can servewith butter put a sugar berries syrup ofcourse Nutella chocolate syrup or any ofthose other ingredients so when I comeback we’ll finish up okay you guys I’mstill making waffles but it makes aboutsix to eight waffles now I have thewaffle maker that’s called the Belgianstyle so it’s a really huge large waffleand it doesn’t make those little dividerlines for you if you’re a family or ifyou don’t eat them all which you can dois put them on a zipper bag throw themin the freezer and then when you want awaffle you can just take it out of thefreezer and pop it in the toaster andyou’re ready to go and these two is somuch better than the ones that come inthe box from the store no shade but justsaying it tastes better so thank you somuch for watching today this I’m cookinglesson with mama beardon’t forget stay in look why you cook[Music]

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