In this video you will be guided on how to make the most perfect looking and most delicious sourdough bread, which takes several hours to prepare, and keep in mind the dough needs to proof overnight!
Bread baking is as much art as it is a science, and the technique you’ll see in this video, is a tried-and-true method I have used over and over again with great results. I trust you’ll have the same success with it as well.
The sourdough starter ( wild yeast ) is a very important ingredient needed and I will post a separate video on how to create that.
But with a few basic ingredients, time and patience and I guarantee you will want to bake bread on a regular basis.
Stay with this process, learn to work with the ingredients, and enjoy the adventure.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
have you ever wondered how artisanalbreads are made well on today’s video weare going to cover the step-by-stepprocess to create your own beautifuldelicious sourdough bread[Music]the first step that we’re going to do iscombine the flour and the water which iscalled the a little ease phase of makingbread Otto Lee’s spelt a uto ly se it’sbasically a process where the flour andthe water combined it sits for aboutthree hours and it sort of developschemically the characteristics that youwant and bread I’m going to type somemeasurements the grams for those of youthat have a digital scale and then Iconvert it into cups for those of youwho don’t we start off with 800 grams offlour so 800 grams or five and a halfcups and next ingredient is water andyou’re gonna use room temperature towarm water I don’t like using cold waterI think it’s it reacts differently ifyou use warmer water so I have warmwater 460 grams if you don’t have adigital scale it actually measures theconversion is two cups of water so youhave five gonna have cups of flour twocups of water and continue to mix youmay ask how long do I need to mix it forit’s really until it’s all combined andthat you have this like elastic stickykind of doughy type of texture at thispoint your flour and water mixtureshould have been sitting for about threehours covered with plastic wrap you canremove the plastic wrap and you couldwith your fingers touch it and it shouldhave a very dough-like consistencysomewhat sticky but definitely thefeeling of deck stemis called that we’re gonna be doing iscalled the lemon stem that spelled le VAi N it’s a French one agent that you addto the dough at this point which iswhich helps the dough rise our agent isgoing to be our starter that we’ve beenworking on for the past week take a lookat it it should be has a vinegary smellit should be bubbly it should be thickand this particular one I’ve had sort ofhanging out by the oven had the otherDon and the warmth of the oven hasallowed it to rise so I’m going to benow we’re going to be adding this to ourdough which is basically a water and ourflour will can be adding our starter howmuch starter if you’re using a digitalscale it’s about 320 grams if you don’thave a digital scale it’s gonna be oneand a half cups so I’m just gonnameasure one and a half cups of thestarter so you might ask now what am Igoing to do with the rest of my storetour well if you’re planning on bakingmore bread and you probably will want toafter this project is completed you canadd continue adding flour and water tothis and it will continue programmingyour starter so I would not necessarilydiscard this at least wait till youfinish your finished product and you’regonna want to use more okay so now youhave your self your starter yoursourdough starter on top of your flourwater mixture and with your hand you’regoing to use it to just kind of blend itI like to wet my hand because and we’regonna just and it’s going to be veryit’s gonna have a very strange feelingbut the way I’m wetting it I’m kind ofgoing around the sides and with myfinger fingers I’m combining the starterinto the dough I’m using one hand to dothat and the other hand to hold the bowlwhat I’m gonna do now is that it’s alittle too sticky I’m just going to kindof wet my handmore and continue doing that you wannamix your starter in the dough folks wellcombined for about two to three minutesthis part is very important because it’sgood swimming it’s going to be whatactually makes the dough rise once yoursourdough starter is combined into yourdough you are going to that’s going tocover it and you’re going to let it sitfor another thirty minutes at this pointyou have allowed your selfs sourdoughstarter and your dough mixture to haverested for about thirty minutes the nextstep we’re going to do is beat we’regonna be adding our salt I like using nogive you a close up sea salt fine seasalt if you don’t have fine sea salt youcan use any type of salt table salt thisfarm between ten to while I would say 15to 20 grams of salt if you don’t have adigital scale we’re going to measure itin a tablespoon it’s one tablespoon ofsalt so we’re going to just pour in thesalt measure it and we’re going to sortof evenly sprinkle it on top of thedough surfaceokay and what we’re gonna do is we’regonna create like a dimpling effectwe’re going to just poke into the doughwith our fingers it’s kind of get thesalt inside it and if you could reallystart feeling this texture of the doughit really starts feeling like Joe atthis point and you’ll see it’s startingto pull away from the ball less stickiera little more still like and itdefinitely definitely smells like breaddough you probably have to do this forabout five minutes to mix it up makesure that the salts combined but you’renot really kneading the dough you justsort of gently using your fingers in thebowl to mix it then cover it and let itrest for anotherthirty minutes okay the next step thatwe’re gonna do is the folding step soyour starter your dough and your salthave been resting in the bowl for thepast thirty minutes we’re going to beturning out your dough onto the tablebut before we do that we’re going tolightly mist the surface of the tablenotice that we’re not using any flourwe’re using water only okay if you don’thave a mister or a spray bottle youcould just use your hand with some waterthe idea is that you want to have a verylight sort of wet surface that you canput the dough onto and that you can thatwould prevent it from sticking so I’mjust gonna lightly mist the surface ofthe table and I’m also using a benchscraper and I’m going to lightly missthat and that’s again the waters gonnaprevent everything from sticking andthen I’m just gonna turn the dough ontothe table and I’m gonna just let it sortof stretch and release itself maybe I’llhelp it a little bit with my hand fromthe bowl onto the tableand it’s gonna be pretty sticky at thispoint but it’s fineand if you your hands seem to get alittle sticky you can also let yourhands the bed so what we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna fold the dough and it’sgonna be this sticky sort of mass thatyou’re gonna just stretch out on thetable like so and you’re gonna use thescraper and we’re going to just kind ofcreate like a rectangular shape so I’mjust like pizza very very wet pizzadough but it’s all in the process andmaking this so that makes it sodelicious and in the texture so so goodokay so you stretch it out and if itsticks again you’re gonna use water ifyou don’t have a spray bottle you canhave a bowl of water next you side andwe’re gonna just fold in half and thenyou’re gonna pick up the other side andfold it in half again and it kind ofjust blobs and moves into its own shapeand we’re going to pick it up stretch itand fold it again it’s basically itwe’re gonna pick it up again if you havea bench scraper and very handy helpfulyou’re gonna pick it up and you’re gonnaput it back into the bowl and that’s itand that will sit now for another 30 to45 minutes and so we move on to the nextstep okay next step from laminating ourdough what we’re gonna do this is we’regoing to get a very little bit of flourand we’re going to just put a little bitof flour on the edge of the bowl thereason for that is that when we turn thedough the flour is going to hopefullyhelp release the dough onto the tablewe’re also going to take a little bit ofdepth of flour a handful and sprinkle itnot too much you don’t want to add a lotof flour into this notice we haven’tadded any flour up until this point andwe’re gonna roll the dough out onto thetable and it’s just going to releaseitself from the bowl okay now we’regonna just use a tiny bit of flour if wehave to have the bench scraper we’regonna kind of run some flour around intothe dough and again this is the onlytime we’re adding flour but you need toadd just a very very little because mostof the the dough is really very hydratedthere’s a lot of water and you want tokeep it that waybut this little bit of flour will helpit from stick okay and we’re gonna belaminating the dome and if that reallyif that means is just stretching it outas far as possible somewhat this is thestep we did prior to this but if itsticksuse your scraper add just a little bitof flour just stretch it think of pizzamaking some kind of pizza but stretchingit right on to the right onto the tablesurface you’re gonna stretch it as faras you can you can and it’s prettyflexible the stove you’ll notice it’snot really tearing it’s not rippingthat’s what you want but you want tostretch it from pulling it from themiddle underneath and really stretchingit out as far out as you can possiblystretch it without tearing it save alittle hole there that’s fine[Music]okay and it may stick to the surface ofthe table it because my big dealyou could use a spatula very per torelease it just like I’m very I’m notputting flour onto the dough I’m puttingit around it you know okayso now what we’re gonna do is just foldit in half I should fold it in halfyou’re gonna Pat it down gently youmight notice the little air bubblesthose you want to sort of pop and thenyou’re folding it in half see there’s anair bubble there and then you’re gonnafold it upwards just like that so it’salmost like a roll and you’re gonna packit down so now what we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna fold it this way to the sideusing your scraper just to get itstarted you’re gonna fold it in halfwe’re gonna fold the other side justlike that and then we’re gonna fold itonce more now you have this loaf andwe’re gonna sort of tuck in the sides alittle bit you can see that there’s alot of air in this that’s exactly whatyou want so now what we’re going to dowe’re going to transfer this to a cleanBowl cover it and let it rest foranother 30 minutes okay 30 minutes ispassedthe dough has been resting and now we’regoing to go into the next step which isthe folding and stretching step I’mgoing to put my dough out on the tableand before I go further I’m going todivide this into half try to beat try toget to even somewhat even lows I’m goingto transfer each lobe into these glasspirates container you can do it into abowl it doesn’t really matterI just find working in these squareglass containers it’s a lot easier soI’m going to just kind of put it in here[Music]so we have two containers with yourdough and that’s gonna rest okay stretchand fold what we’re gonna do is keep ityou don’t you keep the dough in the bowland you basically go from the sides andI like using my spray bottle and I’mgoing to pick up from the side I’m justgonna let the dough stretch onto itselfI’m gonna turn it stretch onto itselfand stretch it onto itself so they’relike half folds you just do that fourtimes so you notice that as I pull thedough up its folding onto itself and Ido that on each for the four sides ofthe container that will then rest for 45minutes I do this three times so it’sstretch and fold rest for 45 minutesstretch and fold rest for 45 minutesanother stretch and fold and rest for 45minutes okay the next step is shapingthe dough this process happens before wego into the proof stage which have theproofing happens overnight so just tokind of recap what we’ve been doing ispulling and folding stretching andfolding three times with 45-minute restsin between and now we’re ready to shapeour lows so just with it using a littlebit of flour I’m just gonna sprinklevery little flour on top have it comeoutside of the pan by itself it justreleases by itself I’m gonna add alittle more flour to this just to run itfrom sticking and we’re going to shapeokay that’s fine so what you’re gonna dois you’re gonna sort of pull it undertrying to create tension on the topsurface it may be a little sticky okayjust to kind of shape it into a loaftype of shape and we’re going to use aglass bowl with a clean kitchen towelyou can also use what’s called a mittenit’s a bamboo bowl these are madespecifically for proofing and shapingloaves of bread if you don’t have one ofthese a glass bowl is fine as long asit’s lined with the dish dish towelthat’s clean so we’re going to put ourtowel inside the bowl and this worksjust as well that way and we’re going tomake sure that we flour the towelbecause we don’t want the dough to stickliberally flour the towel then we’regoing to try our doughand we’re gonna cover it and then thisgoes into the refrigerator and it willproof overnight between 12 and 16 hoursokay so it’s been about 12 to 16 hourssince our dough has been in therefrigerator proofing overnight I’mgoing to unwrap it take a look at it andit’s become a little stiffer as you cansee so then this step is going to bebasically baking in itso I’m using a cookie tray lined withparchment paper if you don’t haveparchment paper that’s fine you couldjust use flour or if you have cornmealnetworks also this is actually somecornmealI think it’s cornmeal or semolina flourand you can just sprinkle it lightlyonto your trayjust so that it doesn’t stick or youcould just use the portrait paper butthe same with a little a little quarternail or flower what I’m going to dofirst is before I turn this over onto mycookie tray I’m going to sprinkle italso with the little horn Yale okay andthen with the towel I’m just going toturn it onto this sheet hopefully itdidn’t stick oh honey it has some of theimpression of the of the towel okaystill cold what we’re going to do nextand this is really important is we’regoing to slice the bread so you can usea very sharp knife I’m using actually arazor this is a cleaning razor bladeshort nice work also and we’re going tocut into the dough you can make your owndesign I like just keeping it simple andwhat this does it allows the moisture torelease if you don’t cut the dough Louwhat’ll happen is the error is going totry to escape it’ll just form the loafso this creates some interesting designswhen you you see when the bed of breadis baked to create like an interestingpattern okayin the meantime I should add the ovenhas been preheating 550 for an hour it’sreally important that you keep the ovensuper super hot so it’s 550 550 degreesfor one hour so that’s one move I’mgoing to try the next loaf this one I’mgoing to do on the parchment paper thisis the second look that I have proofingin the vanity and I’m going to just turnthis out hopefully it sticks a littleyou could just kind of gently help itrelease from the side but if it’sfloured enough it shouldn’t stick okayand I’m going to spray with water whatI’m gonna do is add some sesame seedsthese are just regular store-boughtsesame seeds not toast it and I’m goingto sprinkle the sesame seed and thenthen I take my razor and I cut in twoso it’s best if you have somethingreally sharp where you don’t have toactually dig too much into it but okayso now it’s ready to be put to the otherso the oven has been preheated for likeone hour at 550 degrees notices a bakinghand on a cake pan on the bottom shelftop shelf of the row and before I closethe oven I’m going to pour some waterinto the pan door and it bakes for 20minutes on 550 degrees okay the breadhas been baking in the oven and 550degrees for about 20 minutes and thenlowered the temperature to 450 degreesand baked it for another 20 minutes thattime has ended and now I’m going tocompletely shut off the oven allowingthe oven to cool along with the breadinside while doing so I’m going to openthe door blew up and slightly and propit open either with a wooden spoon or ametal bat just to let the air escape andI’m gonna let that sit for about an hourthe moment of truth the oven has cooledthe bread has cooled it’s been about anhour[Music]but if you can see this is the finalproduct the way you know that it’scookedif you thump the bottom of it use yourlike a hollow sound to it I would let itcool for several hours further beforecutting into it I don’t care a bityou’re gonna be able to wait that longokay we are now going to cut into ourbread using a serrated knife make sureit’s serrated it’s a bread knife it hasthese jagged teeth they’re pretty sharpyou don’t want to use a regular knifeuse it’s gonna like sort of crush thebread this is sort of like more of a sawtype of effect and it’s the right brightnight to use cutting bread so we’regoing to cut into this just gonna coverit down the center and here the crust isvery very crispy just open it up andlook how beautiful that isokay flour water and salt that’sbasically it could still see it’s warmit’s smoky it’s a little on the moistside this is what I was referring toearlier these holes known as the opencrumb perfect loaf of bread let’s checkout please this one with the sesame seedand to this beautiful absolutelyincredible which I have I guarantee youyour family is going to thank you let’smake more this bread I’m going to giveit a shotit’s great with butter it’s great witholive oil salt pepper or just great onits own it’s still warmit’s amazing it’s amazing that thesourdough starter is a little bit of atart sour taste but it’s incredible sothere you have it the long tediousstep-by-step process of making sourdoughbread but it’s definitely worth theeffort so I hope you enjoyed this videoI hope you learned something and I hopeyou’ll subscribe to this channel if youhaven’t done so already and don’t forgetto click the like button and I’ll seeyou next time[Music]